In the wake of the assassination, all hell broke loose on the two radio channels used by the
Dallas Police Department. Although complicated by a technical glitch that took out Channel
One (see below), the Dallas cops swung into action to clear the president's path to Parkland
hospital, to find the killer or killers, to run down a variety of false leads and nuisances, and
finally to capture the killer of one of their own.
What follows is the transcript of the Dallas police transmissions on both channels from 12:25
p.m, November 22nd, 1963, until the capture of Lee Oswald in the Texas Theater about 1:45
pm. Selected portions of the transmissions are available for listening in Real Media format.
To hear these audio clips, you will need to have the Real Player downloaded and installed.
Tramsmissions available as downloadable audio are highlighted in light orange. You can listen to
them by clicking on the icon at the bottom of a particular segment.
Time |
Channel 1 |
Channel 2 |
Caller |
Message |
Caller |
Message |
1 (Chief Jesse
Curry) |
Crossing Lamar
Street |
12:28 |
Dispatcher |
83, out. 12:28 |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Pretty good
crowd there,
12:28 p.m. |
56 (Ptm. W.P.
Parker) |
56 |
1 |
Big crowd, yes. |
Dispatcher |
56 |
5 (Deputy Chief
of Police George
L. Lumpkin) |
Notify Captain
Souter of the
location of the
convoy now. |
56 |
... traffic, on a '56
Chevrolet. I can't
see the license
number. |
Dispatcher |
15/2, now on
Main, probably
just past Lamar. |
75 clear. |
1 |
Just crossing
Market Street. |
noise for 23
seconds on tape |
4 (Deputy Chief
of Police N.T.
Fisher) |
125, what traffic
personnel do you
have on
Mockingbird? |
78 |
125 (Captain
P.W. Lawrence) |
"On Mockingbird
at Cedar
Springs," is the
question? |
38 (Ptm. F.
Woodrow) |
38 |
4 |
10-4. It's moving
out of this lot
very slow. |
Dispatcher |
38 |
125 |
I am at the Trade
Mart now headed
out that way. |
38 |
Might tell some
of these people
involved handling
this deal out here
at Market Hall
that there are
people walking
Stemmons here,
in from of the
Marriott Hotel all
the way down
south. |
4 (Deputy Chief
of Police N.T.
Fisher) |
That is all right -
I'll check it. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 38. 1. |
1 (Chief of Police
Jesse E. Curry) |
Triple Underpass. |
38 |
10-4. |
12:30 |
Dispatcher |
12:30 p.m. KKB
364. |
noise for 3
minutes, 11
seconds on this
tape. |
1 |
Go to the hospital
- Parkland
Hospital. Have
them stand by. |
603 (ambulance) |
603 out. |
1 |
Get a man on top
of that triple
underpass and see
what happened up
there. |
noise for 34
seconds on this
tape. |
1 |
stand by. |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and Ptm.
J.W. Courson) |
91 clear. |
Dallas 1 (Sheriff
J.E. "Bill"
Decker) |
I am sure it's
going to take
some time to get
your man in
there. Pull every
one of my men in
there. |
Dispatcher |
531, testing: 1 2 3
4. |
Dispatcher |
Dallas 1, repeat, I
didn't get all of it.
I didn't quite
understand all of
it. |
Loud and clear. |
Dallas 1 |
Have my office
move all
available men out
of my office into
the railroad yard
to try to
determine what
happened in there
and hold
everything secure
until Homicide
and other
should get there. |
48 (Ptm. A.D.
Duncan) |
48, loud and
clear. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Dallas 1
-Station 5 will
be notified. |
Dispatcher |
56. |
Dispatcher |
1, any
whatsoever? |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and Ptm.
J.W. Courson) |
91 clear. |
1 (Chief of Police
Jesse E. Curry) |
Looks like the
President has
been hit. Have
Parkland stand
by. |
Dispatcher |
55. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. They
have been
notified. |
10-4 |
4 (Deputy Chief
of Police N.T.
Fisher) |
We have those
canine units in
that vicinity, don't
we? |
Dispatcher |
Anyone know
where 56 is? |
1 (Chief of Police
Jesse E. Curry) |
Headed to
wrong with
Channel 1. |
noise, including
sirens, for 1
minute, 5 seconds
on this tape. |
5 (Deputy Chief
of Police George
L. Lumpkin) |
1, what do you
want with these
men out here with
me? |
75 (Ptm. E.G.
Sabastian) |
75, signal 5. |
1 |
Just go on to
Hospital [with me]. |
103 (Ptm. C.F.
Goodson) |
103 clear. |
83 (Patrolman
R.L. Gross) |
Dispatcher on
Channel 1 seems
to have his mike
stuck. |
1 |
Get these
trucks out of
the way. Hold
everything. Get
out of the way. |
12:34 |
Dispatcher |
103 clear. 12:34 |
Dispatcher |
motorcycle -
up on Stemmons
with his mike
stuck open on
Channel 1. Could
you send
someone up there
to tell him to shut
it off? (12:34
p.m.) |
76 (Ptm. H.H.
Horn) |
76 clear. |
190 (Sergeant
S.Q. Beliah) |
Do you still want
me to hold this
traffic on
Stemmons until
we find out
something? |
Dispatcher |
76 clear. |
1 (Chief of Police
Jesse E. Curry) |
Keep everything
out of this
entrance. |
75 (Ptm. E.G.
Sabastian) |
75. |
Dispatcher |
Did you get all
that information,
136? |
Dispatcher |
24. |
136 (Patrolman
B.W. Hargis) |
10-4. |
24 (Ptm. D.L.
Pate) |
24. |
142 (Patrolman
C.A. Haygood) |
I just talked to a
guy up here who
was standing
close to it and the
best he could tell
it came from the
Texas School
Book Depository
Building here
with that Hertz
Renting sign on
top. |
Dispatcher |
Report to Inwood
and Stemmons
and cut all traffic
for the ambulance
going to
Parkland. Code 3. |
24 |
Inwood and
Stemmons. |
Dispatcher |
Inwood and
Stemmons, where
they come off
Stemmons, going
to Parkland. |
24 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Make your
assignment Code
3, 24. |
24 |
10-4. |
12:35 |
Dispatcher |
35, signal 9 at
Lobello's, Ames
and Northwest.
12:35. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Get his
telephone number
there - all the
information that
you can from
him. 12:35 p.m. |
35 (Ptm. J.M.
Lewis) |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
Captain advises
have all
equipment -have
283 cut the traffic
at Hines and
Industrial. Have
all emergency
units on South
Industrial. |
Dispatcher |
93. |
531 (Sergeant
G.D. Henslee) |
283, cut traffic
Hines and
Industrial. |
Dispatcher |
Disregard |
15/2 (Capt. J.M.
Souter) |
Advise all
emergency traffic
to use some other
route besides
Industrial and
have 283 cut
traffic at Hines
and Industrial. |
Dispatcher |
above) |
Dispatcher |
21. |
21 (Ptm. D.P.
Tucker and C.R.
Graham) |
21. |
Dispatcher |
Code 3,
Stemmons and
Inwood. Cut
traffic. |
21 |
10-4. |
75 (Ptm. E.G.
Sabastian) |
75. |
Dispatcher |
75. |
75 |
Signal 5. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
65 (Ptm. W.A.
Everett) |
65 clear. |
12:36 |
Dispatcher |
65 clear 12:36. 4,
did you call? |
Dispatcher |
Attention, do
not use
Industrial Blvd.
12:36 p.m. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
What's happened
to the
transmission on
1? |
260 (Sergeant
D.V. Harkness) |
I have a
witness that
says that it came
from the 5th floor
of the Texas
Book Depository
Store. |
Dispatcher |
4, we have a mike
button stuck
open. We can't
hear anything. |
Dispatcher |
220, keep all
equipment off the
entrance to
Parkland and all
of the emergency
equipment there
off of Industrial
Boulevard. |
4 |
Dispatcher |
93. |
12:36 |
Dispatcher |
Attention, all
Attention all
equipment. Do
not use Industrial
Boulevard. Do
not use Industrial
Boulevard. 12:36  |
93 (Ptm. H.M.
Ashcraft) |
93. |
Dispatcher |
Location? |
93 |
Sylvan and Fort
Worth. |
260 (Sgt. D.V.
Harkness) |
Witness says
shots came from
fifth floor, Texas
Book Depository
Store and
Houston and Elm.
I have him with
me now and we
are sealing off the
building. |
24. |
Dispatcher |
35, did you
receive? |
35 (Ptm. J.M.
Lewis) |
I got it. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
61 (Ptm. C.W.
Temple and Ptm.
R.E. Vaughn) |
61 clear. |
Dispatcher |
61 clear. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
4 to 11, 1131. |
21 (Ptm. D.P.
Tucker and C.R.
Graham) |
21. |
Dispatcher |
21. |
21 |
Continue. |
4 |
Number 4. |
93 (Ptm. H.M.
Ashcraft) |
93. |
Dispatcher |
93, Inwood and
Stemmons and
assist 24. 21, go
up there to Hines
and cut that
service road off
there where the
ambulance can go
to Parkland. |
93 |
93, 10-4 |
24 (Ptm. D.L.
Pate) |
10-4. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
Yes, go ahead. |
Dispatcher |
Did you call? |
4 |
Yes, I don't know
what happened to
the traffic officers
assigned to Cedar
Springs and
Mockingbird, but
they're not there
and the traffic is
really snafued. |
32 (Ptm. N.L.
Hackney and J.T.
Smith) |
32 clear. |
Dispatcher |
32, on mark out,
report to Cedar
Springs and
Mockingbird. |
32 |
10-4. |
(Signal) |
12:37 |
Unknown |
We have the
entrance secured.
(12:37 p.m.) |
125 (Captain
P.W. Lawrence) |
We have the
entrance to
Parkland secured. |
22 (Patrolman
L.L. Hill) |
Get some men up
here to cover this
school depository
building. It's
believed the shot
came from, as
you see it on Elm
Street, it would
be upper right
hand corner,
second window
from the end. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. How many
do you have
there? |
22 |
I have one guy
that was possibly
hit by a richochet
from the bullet
off the concrete
and another one
saw the President
slump. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
137 (Patrolman
E.D. Brewer) |
We have a man
here who says he
saw him pull the
weapon back
through the
window off of the
second floor from
the southeast
corner of that
building |
Dispatcher |
All right, do you
have the building
covered off? |
137 |
No, about 3/4 of a
block away from
there. |
Dispatcher |
All right, pull on
down there. |
137 |
10-4. I'll leave
witnesses here. |
257 (Patrolman
C.E. Whitman) |
Do you want us
to go back to
Mockingbird and
Cedar Springs? |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
290 (Sergeant
E.B. Howard) |
See if you can
contact 125. |
125 (Captain
P.W. Lawrence) |
290, I am at
Parkland. |
290 |
125, do you want
us to stay on
Industrial or
where do you
want us to go? |
125 |
At your location
right now. |
2 (Assistant Chief
of Police Charles
Batchelor) |
Can you give
us any
information as to
what happened
for these people
out here,
evidently they
had - seriousness
of it - the
involved - 1 is at
Parkland, along
with Dallas 1. We
have word it is
unknown - Texas
Depository Store,
corner of Elm and
Field - officers
are now
surrounding and
searching the
(Garbled) |
2 |
12:38 |
Dispatcher |
71, robbery of an
individual, 2205
Cockrell. 12:38 |
71 (unknown) |
2205. |
51 (Ptm. E.A.
Kelly) |
51 clear. |
Dispatcher |
51 clear. 12:38. |
80 (Sgt. H.F.
Davis) |
80 clear. |
Dispatcher |
80 clear. 12:38 |
24 (Ptm. D.L.
Pate) |
24. |
Dispatcher |
24. |
24 |
ambulances must
have done passed
Stemmons and
Inwood. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
58 (unknown) |
58. |
68 (Det. G.
Woods) |
68. |
24 |
Was there an
APB car
supposed to be
following the
ambulance? |
Dispatcher |
It's unknown, 24. |
58 |
58. (noise and
sirens) |
58 |
58. |
68 |
68. |
21 (Ptm. D.P.
Tucker and C.R.
Graham) |
21. |
Dispatcher |
21. |
21 |
What did you
want us to do
here at the service
road on Hines? |
Dispatcher |
Is the ambulance
gone through
already? |
21 |
We just arrived. |
Dispatcher |
Stand by there
until we notify
you. |
21 |
10-4. |
20 (Sgt. S.N.
Burkhart) |
20. |
Dispatcher |
20. |
20 |
I'm on Hines in
front of Parkland.
What, what is this
emergency on
this ambulance? |
Dispatcher |
20, there has been
a shooting in the
downtown area
involving the
President. |
20 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
242, call 654. |
242 (Ptm. B.E.
Thornhill) |
242 to 654. |
87 (Ptm. R.C.
Nelson) |
87 clear. |
12:40 |
Dispatcher |
87 clear. 12:40. |
Dispatcher |
269 (Ptm. L.E.
Beilharz) |
269. |
Dispatcher |
Where did this
happen - at Field
and Main? |
Dispatcher |
269. |
295 (Patrolman
William Price) |
269 |
Will you check
with my
supervisor and
see what he wants
me to (splice in
tape) go? I'm
clear my second
assignment. |
303 (Detectives
R.M. Sims and
E.L. Boyd) |
Dispatcher |
260. |
Dispatcher |
68 (Det. G.
Woods) |
68. |
Dispatcher |
Dispatcher |
68. |
303 |
68 |
Now about a
Signal 18, 900
block South
Buckner? |
300 (Captain
John Will Fritz) |
Dispatcher |
260, 260. |
Dispatcher |
242 (Ptm. B.E.
Thornhill) |
242 on phone. |
300 |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
4. |
Dispatcher |
4. |
4 |
Is 32 one man or
two man? |
Dispatcher |
Be two man. |
4 |
10-4. It's going to
take at least two. |
Dispatcher |
10-4 32, have you
arrived? |
32 (Ptm. N.L.
Hackney and J.T.
Smith) |
No. We're away
up in North
Dallas on this
call. We're about
-- Webbs Chapel
and Royal Lane
right now. |
43 (Ptm. P.R.
Wilkins) |
43. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 43. |
43 |
Clear at City
Hall. |
12:41 |
Dispatcher |
43 and 53 clear.
12:41. |
295 (Patrolman
William Price) |
222 (Ptm. V.R.
Nolan) |
222 clear. |
5 (Deputy Chief
of Police George
L. Lumpkin) |
Dispatcher |
222 clear. |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
97 (unknown) |
97, signal 4 at
and Fort Worth
Avenue. |
Dispatcher |
Dispatcher |
Are you in
service, 97? |
9 (Inspector J.H.
Sawyer) |
97 |
10-4. |
20 (Sgt. S.N.
Burkhart) |
20. |
Dispatcher |
20. |
20 |
That ambulance
hasn't arrived on
Hines yet. Do you
have a location
on it? |
Dispatcher |
601. |
Dispatcher |
101. |
101 (Ptm. B.L.
Bass) |
101. |
Dispatcher |
Elm and Houston. |
101 |
10-4. |
At Stemmons and
the Triple
Underpass -
12:40 p.m. |
Dispatcher |
160. |
Dispatcher |
Meet 260, Elm
and Houston,
101. |
Dispatcher |
2 (Batchelor)
there's a
possibility that 6
or 7 more people
may have been
hit.  |
160 (unknown) |
160. |
601 (ambulance) |
601. |
Dispatcher |
What's your
location, 601? |
295 (Ptrl.
William Price) |
I believe the
President's head
was practically
blown off. |
601 |
Here at the
market hall. |
303 (Dets. R. M.
Sims & E. L.
Boyd) |
What hospital did
the President go
to? |
Dispatcher |
Repeat. |
Dispatcher |
Hospital |
601 |
I'm here at the
market hall. |
Dispatcher |
303, where are
you? |
Dispatcher |
Disregard. |
303 (Dets. R. M.
Sims & E. L.
Boyd) |
Hospital |
... here at
Parkland. |
300 (Capt. John
Will Fritz) |
300, en route |
2 (Ast. Chief C.
Batchelor) |
2. |
Dispatcher |
300, are you en
route to Elm and
Hourson to that
store? |
113 (Ptm. C.L.
Osburn) |
113. |
300 |
En route to the
hospital. |
Dispatcher |
Attention al l
squads in the
downtown area:
Code 3 to Elm
and Houston with
caution. |
Dispatcher |
295, do you know
the extent of the
injury? |
12:41 |
43 (Ptm. P.R.
Wilkins) |
43 en route. |
295 |
It's not for me
to say. I can't
say. |
102 (Ptm. B.L.
Jones and Ptm.
M.D. Noll) |
102 en route. |
233 (Ptm. J.T.
Fortsen) |
233. |
Dispatcher |
233. |
233 |
I'm sitting here at
Elm and Houston. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
61 (Ptm. C.W.
Temple and R.E.
Vaughn) |
61 en route. |
Dispatcher |
61. (noise) |
How many
numbers do we
have? |
77 (Ptm. W.E.
Smith) |
77. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 77. |
77 |
Do you want me
to go? |
Dispatcher |
63. |
63 (unknown) |
63. |
Dispatcher |
Code 3, Elm and
Houston. |
63 |
En route. |
Dispatcher |
76, Code 3, Elm
and Houston. |
dead end. |
97. |
Do you want me
to go? |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
71 (unkown) |
71. |
Dispatcher |
71. |
71 |
Corinth and
Harwood. |
Dispatcher |
Code 3. |
60 (Sgt. J.A.
Putnam) |
60. |
Dispatcher |
60. |
60 |
Police garage. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
80. |
66 (Ptm. F.S.
Williams) |
66. |
80 (Sgt. H.F.
Davis) |
80. |
Dispatcher |
100, are you en
route? |
100 (Sgt. W.G.
Jennings) |
100 en route from
Industrial and
Commerce. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
113 (Ptm C.L.
Osburn) |
113. |
I'm en route. |
113 |
I'm at Gaston and
Haskell. Want me
to go? |
Dispatcher |
Yes. |
Dispatcher |
153, Code 3, Elm
and Houston. |
386 (Ptm. P.R.
Pearce) |
386. |
66 (Ptm. F.S.
Williams) |
66 en route. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
What do you
want? |
Dispatcher |
81. |
81 (Ptm. J.L.
Angell) |
Corinth and
Eighth. |
Deputy Chief of
Police George
Lumpkin |
Give me a squad
to Elm and
Houston. |
43 (Ptm. P.R.
Wilkins) |
43. |
5/2 (Capt. J. M.
Souter) |
Did they advise
they have the
suspect? |
Dispatcher |
43. |
Dispatcher |
No, they do not
have the suspect. |
43 |
Where do we
report? |
Dispatcher |
Elm and Houston. |
258 (Ptm. R.A.
Davenport) |
258, Code 5. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 258. |
386 (Ptm. P.R.
Pearce) |
386, Code 5. |
Dispatcher |
386 out. |
56 (Ptm. W.P.
Parker) |
56 clear for 5. |
Dispatcher |
56, your location. |
56 |
East Jefferson. |
Insp. J. H.
Sawyer |
We need some
more men down
at the Texas
School Book
Depository. We
should have some
on Main if we
could get
someone to pick
up and bring
them down here. |
12:43 |
50 (Sergeant
W.A. Simpson) |
I will start down
Elm Street and
pick up as many
as I can on the
way. (12:43 p.m.) |
90 (Sergeant S.Q.
Beliah) |
We can release
this traffic here?
We can go down
there or stay here
and hold it. |
Dispatcher |
Release the traffic
and report Code 3
to Elm and
Houston. 12:43
p.m. |
15 (Captain C.E.
Talbert) |
Are you having
them contain that
block or 2 block
area? |
Dispatcher |
Yes, we are trying
to seal off that
building until it
can be searched. |
15 (Captain C.E.
Talbert) |
More than
that building.
Extend out from
that building so it
can be searched. |
267 (Patrolman
J.H. Caldwell) |
Do you want me
to head south? |
12:44 |
Dispatcher |
Yes, 12:44 p.m. |
9 (Inspector J.H.
Sawyer) |
The type of
weapon looked
like a 30-30 rifle
or some type of
Winchester. |
Dispatcher |
9, it was a rifle? |
9 |
A rifle, yes. |
Dispatcher |
9, any clothing
description? |
9 |
About 30, 5'10",
165 pounds. |
12:45 |
Dispatcher |
Attention Elm
and Houston
is reported to be
an unknown
white male, all
squads. Attention
all squads. The
suspect in the
shooting at
thirty, slender
build, height five
feet ten inches,
weight one
sixty-five pounds,
reported to be
armed with what
is thought to be a
30 caliber rifle.
Attention all
squads. The
suspect from Elm
and Houston is
reported to be an
unknown white
male about thirty,
slender build, five
feet ten inches
tall, one hundred
sixty-five pounds,
armed with what
is thought to be a
30-30 rifle. No
description at this
time, or
12:45.  |
Dispatcher |
Attention all
squads, the
suspect in the
shooting at Elm
and Houston is
supposed to be an
unknown white
approximately 30,
165 pounds,
slender build,
armed with what
is thought to be a
30-30 rifle, -
repeat, unknown
white male,
approximately 30,
165 pounds,
slender build. No
description at this
time or
12:45 p.m.  |
233 (Ptm. J.T.
Fortsen) |
233. |
15 (Captain C.E.
Talbert) |
Could 9
whether man was
supposed to have
been still in the
building or was
he supposed to
have left? |
35 (Ptm. J.M.
Lewis) |
35 clear. |
Dispatcher |
I didn't know for
sure and the
witnesses didn't
have the
description, but
we have got that
surrounded by
now and we
should know
something before
long. |
66 clear. |
9 (Inspector J.H.
Sawyer) |
On this building,
it's unknown
whether he is still
in the building or
not known if he
was there in the
first place. |
What's he wanted
for? |
531 (Sergeant
G.D. Henslee) |
Well, all the
we have receive,
9, indicates that it
did come from
about the 5th or
4th floor of that
building. |
Dispatcher |
Signal 19,
involving the
President. |
5 (Deputy Chief
of Police George
L. Lumpkin) |
What building? |
233 (Ptm. J.T.
Fortsen) |
233. |
Dispatcher |
The Texas School
Book and
Building, 5, at
Elm and Houston. |
Dispatcher |
233. |
233 |
He's thought to be
in this Texas
School Book
Depository, here
on the northwest
corner of Elm and
Houston. |
102 (Ptm. B.L.
Jones and M.D.
Noll) |
102 out at this
location. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 102 and
233. |
81 (Ptm. J.L.
Angell) |
81. |
Dispatcher |
81. |
81 |
We're going north
on Industrial from
Corinth. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
87, 78, move into
central Oak Cliff
area. |
78 (Ptm. J.D.
Tippit) |
I'm about Kiest
and Bonnie View. |
87 (Ptm. R.C.
Nelson) |
87's going
north on
Marsalis at R.L.
Thornton. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
605 (ambulance) |
605. |
Clear. |
77 (Ptm. W.E.
Smith) |
77. |
77/79 (79 is Ptm.
B.N. Arglin) |
77/79, 1400 block
Corinth. |
187. |
93 (Ptm. H.M.
Ashcraft) |
93. |
Dispatcher |
93. |
93 |
What is 24's
location? |
24 (Ptm. D.L.
Pate) |
24's at Stemmons
and Continental. |
93 |
I'm 531. Where
do you want me
to go? |
Dispatcher |
Report to the old
School Book
around the Elm
and Houston area. |
95 (Ptm. M.N.
McDonald and
Ptm. T.R.
Gregory) |
95 clear. |
77 (Ptm. W.E.
Smith) |
77. |
Dispatcher |
Unit clearing? |
95 (Ptm. M.N.
McDonald and
T.R. Gregory) |
95. |
Dispatcher |
Clear. |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
85 clear. |
12:46 |
Dispatcher |
85 clear. 12:46. |
77 (Ptm. W.E.
Smith) |
77. |
Dispatcher |
Unit calling? |
77 |
77. |
Dispatcher |
77. |
77 |
Report where? |
Dispatcher |
Yes, Elm and
Houston, 77, at
the School Book
Depository. |
77 |
10-4. |
603 (ambulance) |
603. |
... about Jackson
and Houston. |
603 |
2200 South
Good-Latimer. |
116 (Ptm. R.J.
Ross) |
116 clear. |
Dispatcher |
116 clear. Report
to the Triple
Underpass. |
24 (Ptm. D.L.
Pate) |
24. |
Dispatcher |
24. |
24 |
I'm going to be
out at the Triple
Underpass, right? |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
69 (Ptm. A.R.
Brock) |
69. |
35 (Ptm. J.M.
Lewis) |
35 clear. |
12:47 |
Dispatcher |
35 clear. 12:47.
Your location. |
35 |
105 Corinth. |
Dispatcher |
Remain in
service, 35. |
105 (Ptm. J.M.
Poe and L.E. Joz) |
We're going to be
out at Jackson
and Houston.
Walk up there. |
231 (unknown) |
231 clear. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 231. 19,
report to Elm and
Houston. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
10-4. Code 3? |
Dispatcher |
Yes. |
19 |
10-4. |
95 (Ptm. M.N.
McDonald and
T.R. Gregory) |
95. |
Dispatcher |
95. |
95 |
What's going on? |
Dispatcher |
Signal 19,
involving the
Suspect: white
male, thirty,
slender build, five
feet ten inches,
one hundred
sixty-five pounds,
believed to have
used 30 caliber
rifle. Believed to
be in the old
School Book
Depository, Elm
and Houston, at
this time. |
550 car 2 (Sgt.
G.L. Hill) |
550/2 |
Dispatcher |
Go ahead 550. |
550 car 2 |
550/2 and 104 en
route to Elm and
Houston, Code 3. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
174 (Ptm. J.W.
Brooks) |
174 is en route. |
Dispatcher |
Received. |
212 (Ptm. L.W.
Spredlin) |
212 is en route. |
Dispatcher |
212 out. |
223 (Ptm. C.T.
Walker) |
223 at location. |
40 (Sgt. D.F.
Flusche) |
40. |
Dispatcher |
40. |
40 |
Clear. Will head
down that way
from out here on
Skillman. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 40. |
22 (Ptm. L.L.
Hill) |
22. (siren) |
67 (Ptm. W.A.
Everett) |
67. |
Dispatcher |
23. |
22 (Ptm. L.L.
Hill) |
22. |
Dispatcher |
22. |
22 |
I'm at Industrial
and Continental.
Where do you
want me? |
Dispatcher |
Report vicinity
the Triple
Underpass, Elm
and Houston. |
22 |
10-4. |
Hey, is there a (?)
Stemmons? |
101 (Ptm. B.L.
Bass) |
87, I'm on south
end Houston
Street viaduct. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
116 (Ptm. R.J.
Ross) |
116. |
Dispatcher |
116. |
116 |
Any code on it? |
Dispatcher |
3. |
116 |
10-4. |
81 (Ptm. J.L.
Angell) |
81. (siren) |
Dispatcher |
81. |
81 |
Out. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
4. |
Dispatcher |
... call station 7. |
4 |
4. |
76 (Ptm. H.H.
Horn) |
76 out. |
Dispatcher |
Repeat, 4. |
4 |
Who's in charge
down there at that
area? |
Dispatcher |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) en route.
He will be in
charge. |
4 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
100 or 60. |
60 (Sgt. J.A.
Putnam) |
60. |
Dispatcher |
Have you
arrived? |
60 |
Yes, I have just
arrived at Elm
and Houston
now. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
12:48 |
260 (Sergeant
D.V. Harkness) |
We have an
epileptic before
this. The person
went to Parkland
Hospital. Send a
squad there to get
all the
information you
can. (12:48 p.m.) |
Dispatcher |
125, do you have
any information
that the governor
also was hit? |
125 (Captain
P.W. Lawrence) |
Not yet, I'll check
in just a minute. |
157 (Patrolman
J.W. Williams) |
Have you notified
a DPS on this
suspect yet? |
Dispatcher |
Haven't had time
yet but we will. |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
2 advises to
contact 401 at
Parkland and see
if I can (garbled). |
Dispatcher |
Stand by. |
2 (Assistant Chief
of Police Charles
Batchelor) |
Contact the
Parkland Hospital
and see whether
the President will
be able to appear
out here or not.
We have all these
people and we
want to know
what to announce
out here. |
Dispatcher |
Yes, as soon as
we can obtain
that information. |
211 (Patrolmen
R. Hawkins and
E.R. Baggett) |
Numerous people
asking us what
happened. Can
you give us any
information about
it at this time? |
12:49 |
Dispatcher |
212, report to the
downtown area.
12:49. |
23 (Ptm. B.E.
Barnes) |
23. |
115 (Ptm. G.D.
Benningfield) |
115 is out
downtown also. |
223 (Ptm. C.T.
Walker) |
223 out,
downtown. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15 is at the scene.
We -- the
building's the old
Purse Company
on the east side of
Somebody cut off
the back side, will
you? Make sure
nobody leaves
there. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 15. |
15 |
15's in charge
down here.
Correction, 5's
(Dept. Chief G.L.
Lumpkin) in
charge. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Did you
receive, 4? |
4 |
Yes, I did. Thank
you. |
Any clothing
description? |
Dispatcher |
No clothing
description. A
white male,
thirty, slender
build, five feet
ten, weighs one
sixty-five. |
605 (ambulance) |
605. |
Dispatcher |
605. |
605 |
This call on
Crockett's going
to be a drunk.
You don't have a
downtown squad
clear, do you? |
Dispatcher |
No, disregard.
Return to service. |
605 |
Yes, sir. We're
clear. |
212 (Ptm. L.W.
Spredlin) |
212. |
605 |
10-4. |
212 |
212. |
Dispatcher |
212. |
212 |
I'll report to the
rear of that
building. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
252 (Ptm. F.T.
Chance) |
252 out. Elm and
Houston. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
45 (Ptm. N.L.
Stanglin) |
45 clear. |
12:51 |
Dispatcher |
45 clear. 12:51. |
Dispatcher |
Wounded the
President or the
extent of it at this
time. 12:51 p.m. |
57 (unknown) |
57 clear. |
211 (Patrolmen
R. Hawkins and
E. R. Baggett) |
Was he shot or do
you know? |
Dispatcher |
57 clear. 12:51. |
Dispatcher |
I understand he
was involved in
it, yes. |
396 (CID) |
396. |
211 (Patrolmen
R. Hawkins and
E. R. Baggett) |
10-4. Thank you. |
Dispatcher |
396. |
125 (Captain
P.W. Lawrence) |
The governor was
also shot. |
396 |
Which hospital is
it? (or, "Which
hospital is he?") |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Parkland. |
Dispatcher |
125, can you
obtain from 1 if
the President is
going to appear at
the Trade Mart? |
396 |
10-4. |
1 (Chief of Police
Jesse E. Curry) |
It's very doubtful. |
601 (ambulance) |
601. |
2 (Assistant Chief
of Police Charles
Batchelor) |
(garbled) whether
or not what his
condition is so we
can know what to
tell people
(garbled). |
Dispatcher |
601. |
2 |
Are there any
being made as to
whether he will
or will not
appear? |
601 |
We're at standby
at Parkland. |
1 (Chief of Police
Jesse E. Curry) |
Not at this time
that I know of. I
don't know but I
feel reasonably
sure that he will
not. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. 12:51 |
190 (Sergeant
S.Q. Beliah) |
We need some
ropes here at
Main and
Houston. We are
getting a terrific
crowd. |
68 (Det. G.
Woods) |
68 clear. |
Dispatcher |
What else do you
need? |
Dispatcher |
68 clear. 12:51. |
190 |
Just a lot of rope. |
Dispatcher |
Are you en route
to Parkland, 601? |
601 (ambulance) |
No. Standby here
at Parkland. |
69 (Ptm. A.R.
Brock) |
69. |
Dispatcher |
69. |
69 |
We've got a tire
going down.
We're going to be
out at the garage. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
24 (Ptm. D.L.
Pate) |
24. |
Dispatcher |
24. |
24 |
What do you
want us to do? |
Dispatcher |
Do you have the
description on the
suspect, 24? |
24 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Remain in that
vicinity. |
24 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
211. |
79 (Ptm. B.N.
Arglin) |
79. |
Dispatcher |
79. |
79 |
Be out at the
Triple Underpass. |
12:52 |
Dispatcher |
Received. 12:52. |
33. |
211 (Ptm. R.
Hawkins) |
211. |
Dispatcher |
Signal 7, 2535
North Industrial.
12:52. |
211 |
2523. (candy
bar?) |
87 (Ptm. R.C.
Nelson) |
87. |
Dispatcher |
87. |
87 |
87 out down here. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
49 (Ptm. C.R.
Galbreath) |
49. |
Dispatcher |
49. |
49 |
I'm going to be in
the downtown
area. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
35 (Ptm. J.M.
Lewis) |
35. |
Dispatcher |
35. |
35 |
I'll go on down
that way,
downtown. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 35. |
252 (Ptm. F.T.
Chance) |
252. |
Dispatcher |
252. |
252 |
Is this the place?
Where it has
Texas School
Book Depository
on it? |
12:53 |
Dispatcher |
Yes. 12:53. |
603 (ambulance) |
603, Code 5,
Baylor. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 603. 12:53. |
44. |
44. |
74. |
75. |
49 (Ptm. C.R.
Galbreath) |
49. |
Dispatcher |
49. |
49 |
Code 6, Triple
Underpass. |
Dispatcher |
Repeat. |
49 |
Code 6, Triple
Underpass. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
174 (Ptm. J.W.
Brooks) |
174. |
Dispatcher |
174. |
174 |
Be out along the
tracks, just west
of the building. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
263 (Ptm. W.C.
Brasher) |
263. |
Dispatcher |
263. |
263 |
I have two radio
patrolmen and
may self. Do they
want us to go
down there or
stay out here with
our after-talk
assignments? |
Dispatcher |
Who's with you? |
263 |
Moore and
Murdoch, radio
patrolmen. |
Dispatcher |
263, disregard
any other
assignment you
have and remain
in that location. |
232, car 2 (Ptm.
A.E. Garrison) |
232/2. |