Time |
Channel 1 |
Channel 2 |
Caller |
Message |
Caller |
Message |
232, car 2 (Ptm.
A.E. Garrison) |
232/2. |
Dispatcher |
232/2. |
232, car 2 |
I'm boxed in
here at Parkland.
It's going to be a
while before I
can get back into
service. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
263 (Ptm.
W.C.Brasher) |
263. |
Dispatcher |
263. |
263 |
We're out on
Harry Hines
Boulevard. Do
they want us to
go down there
around where
the shooting
occur? |
12:54 |
Dispatcher |
Yeah, I guess.
12:54. |
Dispatcher |
We are going to
send a Fire
Rescue Unit
with a lot of
rope to that
location, 12:54
p.m. |
263 |
10-4. |
31 (Patrolman
J.E. Chism) |
Have a squad go
to Community
Blood Bank and
pick up some
blood and bring
to Parkland,
Code 3. |
48 (Ptm. A.D.
Duncan) |
48. |
Dispatcher |
Have they been
notified? |
Dispatcher |
48. |
31 (Patrolman
J.E. Chism) |
10-4. Parkland
notified them. |
48 |
Is there anything
I can do down
there? |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
2 requests
information the
condition of the
President and
also if the
governor was
hit. |
Dispatcher |
No. Remain in
service. |
48 |
10-4. |
242 (Ptm. B.E.
Thornhill) |
242 clear. |
Dispatcher |
242 clear. 12:54. |
Dispatcher |
78. |
78 (Ptm. J.D.
Tippit) |
78. |
Dispatcher |
You are in the
Oak Cliff area,
are you not? |
78 |
Lancaster and
Eighth. |
Dispatcher |
You will be at
large for any
emergency that
comes in. |
78 |
10-4. |
21 (Ptm. D.P.
Tucker and C.R.
Graham) |
24. Correction
21. |
Dispatcher |
21. |
21 |
We're still out
here on Hines.
Do you want us
to go into the
downtown area? |
Dispatcher |
Yes, 21. |
21 |
10-4. |
603 (ambulance) |
603, out.
(Baylor?) (siren) |
12:55 |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 603. 12:55. |
49 (Ptm. C.R.
Galbreath) |
49. |
Dispatcher |
49. |
49 |
Do you have any
description? |
Dispatcher |
No. White male,
thirty, slender
build, height five
ten, weighs one
sixty-five, is all
the information. |
49 |
10-4. |
21 (Ptm. D.P.
Tucker and C.R.
Graham) |
21. |
Dispatcher |
21. |
21 |
Do you want on
routine or Code
3? |
Dispatcher |
Code 3. |
Traffic Officer |
Traffic Officer
to dispatcher. |
Dispatcher |
Go ahead. |
Traffic Officer |
I have an eye
witness over
here that saw the
President get hit.
He's over here.
The witness is
over here at the
T and P Railroad
overpass at the
service road. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
Dispatcher |
What radio are
you using, traffic
officer? |
Traffic Officer |
I'm using a
radio. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
5. |
... one over. |
Dispatcher |
5. |
103 (Ptm. C.F.
Goodson) |
He's in the
building down
here, I think. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
60 or 100. |
103 |
15 started
around the
building when
he heard this
over the speaker. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Did he
receive the
information? |
103 |
Apparently so.
He turned
around and he
started the other
way. You can
hear the radio
around here. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
312 (Det. L.D.
Montimany and
Det. L.C. Graros
and Det. B.
Johnson) |
312. |
Dispatcher |
Did you receive
that information,
312? |
312 |
Repeat. |
Dispatcher |
The three-wheel
unit that has the
eye witness of
the shooting on
the TP Railroad
overpass at
Stemmons, just
beyond the
Underpass. |
Traffic Officer |
The Stemmons
Freeway, uh,
service road. |
Dispatcher |
Well, hold onto
him. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
19. I'm at this
location at Triple
Where do you
want me? |
Dispatcher |
That three-wheel
unit has the eye
witness that saw
the shooting, 19.
He's on the
overpass at TP
railroad at
Stemmons. |
19 |
I'll see him over
there. I'll go
over. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 |
100's got about
six men
checking out that
railroad yard
back toward that
direction. If you
get any
information on
the shooting, let
someone know
here. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
312 (Det. L.D.
Montimany and
Det. L.C. Graros
and Det. B.
Johnson) |
312. |
Dispatcher |
312. |
312 |
Where's the
command post? |
Dispatcher |
At Elm and
Houston. |
312 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
211, car 2. |
Dispatcher |
211/2. |
(unknown) |
211/2. |
Dispatcher |
211, car 2. Call
operator 1 at
Parkland, car 2. |
[Tape spliced and duplicated at this
point.] |
211/2 |
10-4. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 |
Call two of the
canine units
back in.
Norman's dog
and the
sergeant's dog.
Call them back
in, if you will. |
260 (Sgt. D.V.
Harkness) |
260. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
260. |
260 |
Get us 508 down
to Texas School
Depository. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
Dispatcher |
Where do you
want them to
report to, Elm
and Houston? |
15 |
10-4. The
School Book
Building. It'd be
a hard one to
search out
without those
dogs. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
508 is en route. |
40, car 2
(unknown) |
40/2. |
Dispatcher |
40/2. |
40/2 |
We'll need two
more cars to
report to the
President's plane
out here for
escort service,
please sir. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
19. |
Dispatcher |
19. |
19 |
I have the one
that saw the
President get hit
in my car. I'm on
the Elm Street
side of the Triple
Underpass just
before you go up
on Stemmons. |
Dispatcher |
Received. |
492 (CID) |
492. |
Dispatcher |
492. |
492 |
We've been
instructed to go
to the scene.
What code? |
Dispatcher |
Code 3. |
Dispatcher |
5. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 |
Think 5 and 9
both are in the
building. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Did you
receive 19's
transmission? |
15 |
No, I didn't. |
Dispatcher |
He has the
person that saw
the shooting in
his car. He's
returning to the
location. |
15 |
10-4. |
Have you got the
condition yet? |
Dispatcher |
No. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
19. |
Dispatcher |
19. |
19 |
He didn't see the
shooting. He
saw the
President get hit. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Any unit. |
Dispatcher |
45. |
Dispatcher |
78, location? |
Dispatcher |
45 or 47. |
45 (Ptm. N.L.
Stanglin) |
45. |
Dispatcher |
What is your
location? |
45 |
Gaston and
Abrams. |
... on to
seventeen (1217,
Dallas Power
and Light?) |
... in the rear,
(Relocate house
service to clear
cable?) |
Dispatcher |
48. |
48 (Ptm. A.D.
Duncan) |
48. |
Dispatcher |
Report, 48.
(noises) |
48 |
Was that Park
Lane and
Greenville? |
... meet 40. |
Dispatcher |
Stand by. |
Dispatcher |
Report, 40. |
Dispatcher |
... at Park Lane
and Greenville. |
Dispatcher |
Any unit near
the 2000 block
Commerce? |
508 (Crime Lab/
W.E Barnes) |
508, 2000
Commerce. |
Dispatcher |
Disregard, 508.
Return to the
scene. |
241 (Ptm. J.P.
Hollingsworth) |
241. |
Dispatcher |
241, your
location? |
241 |
Live Oak and
Central. |
Dispatcher |
Code 3, the
blood bank,
2000 Commerce.
Take to Parkland |
241 |
En route. |
607 (ambulance) |
607, code 5. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 607. |
Dispatcher |
It'd be 2109,
241. |
16 (Sgt. R.D.
Shipley) |
16. |
241 (Ptm. J.P.
Hollingsworth) |
10-4. Front or
rear? |
16 |
I'm at Akard and
Main, if you
want me to make
that. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
241. |
241 |
Go ahead. |
Dispatcher |
Code 4, 16's
going to make it. |
241 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
It'll be the front
door, 16. |
16 |
10-4. |
309 (Det.
Blessing and
Det. Brown and
Det. Dherity and
Ptm. W.W.
Tippit |
309. |
Dispatcher |
309. |
309 |
Have you heard
from 300? |
Dispatcher |
Negative. |
610 (ambulance) |
610, Code 5. |
1:03 |
Dispatcher |
information that
the governor
was hit, 1:03
p.m. |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
4, there was
some statement
concerning the
outer perimeter -
he stated (This
was covered by
other squads and
unable to read it
from the
recorder.) |
1:04 |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 610. 1:04. |
309 (Det.
Blessing and
Det. Brown and
Det. Dherity and
Ptm. W.W.
Tippit) |
309. What squad
has that subject
that's supposed
to have seen the
shooting? |
Dispatcher |
He did not see
the shooting,
309. He saw the
President get hit.
That is 19. He
has the person in
his car. |
309 |
10-4. Do you
have information
that this came
from the Book
Depository down
there? |
Dispatcher |
Yes. |
309 |
10-4. It's well
covered off
there. |
241 (Ptm. J.P.
Hollingsworth) |
241. |
Dispatcher |
241. |
241 |
Code 5 at the
Blood Bank. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
16. |
16 (Sgt. R.D.
Shipley) |
16. |
Dispatcher |
Code 4. 241's
there. He's going
to take it. |
16 |
10-4. |
241 (Ptm. J.P.
Hollingsworth) |
241's got and
gone. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
4 to 15. |
4 |
4. |
Dispatcher |
4. |
4 |
See if you can
raise 15. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
610 (ambulance) |
610. What's that
location? |
Dispatcher |
816 South
Beacon, 610. |
610 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Was that the
assignment you
were on? |
610 |
We're going to
Abrams and
Gaston on a
major. |
Dispatcher |
We don't have
that information.
Are you there? |
610 |
We're here at
Abrams and
Gaston but
there's nothing
here. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Return to
service. |
610 |
10-4. |
221 (Ptm. H.W.
Summers) |
221. Traffic, 600
West Jefferson. |
Dispatcher |
221 out. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. Did you call? |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
If you can
contact 15, see if
he thinks it
advisable to send
some of the
people from out
here to relieve
some of the
squads that are
on duty? |
Dispatcher |
Did you receive,
15? |
15 |
10-4, 4. |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
J.W. Courson) |
91 clear. |
1:07 |
Dispatcher |
91 clear. 1:07. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15 to 4. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
Go ahead. |
15 |
Is 4 at Market
Hall? |
4 |
No, I'm at Love
Field. |
15 |
Do we have
radio contact
with anyone at
Market Hall? |
4 |
I think that 15,
car 2 is on the
air. |
58 (unknown) |
58. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15, car 2. |
610 (ambulance) |
610. |
Dispatcher |
610. |
610 |
We are here on
the Abrams
Street side of
Harrell's Drug
Store. I don't
know what the
nature of the call
was, but there is
about 45 young
boys all
around here. |
Dispatcher |
Are you at
Gaston and
Abrams? |
610 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
45, meet 610 at
Gaston and
Abrams. |
45 (Ptm. N.L.
Stanglin) |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
4, channel 2. |
4 (Dep. Chief
N.T. Fisher) |
All ... |
Dispatcher |
599. |
599 (Cockrell
Hill Squad) |
599. |
1:08 |
Dispatcher |
Signal 26, 3909
Poinsettia. 1:08.
(missing person) |
599 |
10-4. |
261 (Ptm. C.M.
Barnhart) |
261. |
Dispatcher |
261. |
261 |
Got any clothing
description yet? |
Dispatcher |
All we have is a
white male,
thirty, slender
build, five feet
ten, a hundred
and sixty-five
pounds, armed
with a 30 caliber
rifle. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
261 |
I have a white
male that fits
that description
in size. He's
drunk down at
the end of the
north end of
Laws Street.
You want to
have someone
check him? |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 |
15. |
Dispatcher |
Can you get to
him? |
388 (CID) |
388. |
Dispatcher |
261, are you
near that person? |
261 |
I've got him on
my motor. |
Dispatcher |
Are you at the
north end of
Laws, at the
dead end? |
261 |
10-4. |
388 |
388. |
Dispatcher |
388. |
388 |
Five members of
the CID en route
to Elm and
Houston as
ordered. |
Dispatcher |
Have 312, 305,
386, 380 -
correction 492
and 309. |
388 |
We're en route to
that location to
await orders
there. I don't
know what we
ought to do. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
260 (Sgt. D.V.
Harkness) |
260. |
Dispatcher |
260. |
260 |
Inform the
squads that
anyone that gets
any information
regarding this
incident down
here to bring it
to 9 at Elm and
Houston. Bring
the person to 9 at
Elm and
Houston. |
Dispatcher |
Did you receive,
261? |
610 (ambulance) |
610. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 |
If you can get
15, car 2, would
you get him to
put some
personnel on
those railroad
tracks near
Market Hall and
check back
toward this
location? And
check up the
tracks in that
vicinity. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
15, car 2. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 15. He's on
Channel 2. He
has the
information. |
610 (ambulance) |
This is 610. |
15 |
15. |
Dispatcher |
Do you have
anybody you
could send to the
dead end of
Laws Street? |
15 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
603. |
603 (ambulance) |
603. |
1:09 |
39 (Patrolmen
J.F. Butcher and
C.W. Comer) |
Clear me on
Code 2
assignment and
30's station
wagon, the
Secret Service
(1:09 p.m.) |
139 (Patrolman
L.H. Marshall) |
Have 39 meet
me at the
entrance to Love
Field. I have the
2 Presidential
cars en route out
there. |
Dispatcher |
139, you will
have to take
them on yourself
because he is
downtown. |
139 |
See if you can
find out where
they are
supposed to go
out here. |
39 |
I am in
sergeant's car
and other half of
39 is still at the
field in the Love
Field car. |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
15/2, do you
have 29 and 99
there? |
Dispatcher |
That is the 2 dog
men that are
supposed to be
working it
without the
dogs. We can
use them if you
can release
them. |
2 (Assistant
Chief of Police
Batchelor) |
Find out any
information at
Parkland about
the condition of
the President,
whether he can
be there or not.
Mr. Crull is
standing by here
and needs to
immediately if
you can find out
so we can do
something to
these people out
here. |
1:11 |
Dispatcher |
Signal 16 at the
Gardner and
Company, 4700
Scyene Road.
1:11. (injured
person) |
Dispatcher |
10-4. 1:11 p.m. |
603 (ambulance) |
10-4. |
9 (Inspector J.H.
Sawyer) |
On the 3rd floor
of this book
company down
here, we found
empty rifle hulls
and it looked
like the man had
been here for
some time. We
are checking it
out now. |
Dispatcher |
65, meet him
there. |
65 (Ptm. W.A.
Everett) |
65, 10-4. |
610 (ambulance) |
610. |
Dispatcher |
610. |
610 |
We're going to
be clear from
this location.
Only two of
these little boys
were fighting a
while ago. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Squad
needed? |
610 |
You can
disregard it. |
Dispatcher |
45, return to
service. |
45 (Ptm. N.L.
Stanglin) |
10-4. |
65 (Ptm. W.A.
Everett) |
Was that for 65? |
Dispatcher |
No, 65.
Continue on
your call, 4700
Scyene. |
65 |
4700 Scyene. |
Dispatcher |
Signal 7, 817
West Davis.
1:11 (Accident) |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
J.W. Courson) |
817 West Davis? |
Dispatcher |
222. |
222 (Ptm. V.R.
Nolan) |
En route. |
91 |
7 on West
Davis. |
Dispatcher |
817. |
91 |
Code 5. |
1:12 |
Dispatcher |
45, Signal 9,
manager's office,
4916 Live Oak.
1:12. (Theft) |
Dispatcher |
10-4. 1:12 p.m. |
45. |
158 (Patrolman
L.S. Debenport) |
Notify 170 I am
taking prisoner
to the downtown
jail and that I'll
report back to
him down to
Parkland as soon
as I can. |
Car 5 on 5. |
243 (Patrolman
B.L. Apple) |
I am down here
with this
3-wheeler at the
dead end. He
has a loud
colored jacket
on. He is pretty
drunk. Do you
want me to take
him up there or
what do you
want me to do
with him? |
Dispatcher |
Did you get it,
45? |
Dispatcher |
Take him back
up there to 505
Main and
contact 9 at Elm
and Houston. |
45 (Ptm. N.L.
Stanglin) |
Repeat. |
243 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Signal 9,
manager's office,
4916 Live Oak. |
39 (Patrolmen
J.F. Butcher and
C.W. Comer) |
I have 2
vehicles and I
am trying to get
across the field. |
(Tape spliced) |
Dispatcher |
10-4. If I can
contact 39, I'll
try to. |
212 (Ptm. L.W.
Spredlin) |
212. |
Dispatcher |
4 call 504
immediately. Do
you have 39
there with you?
39 needs
clearance across
the field with
those cars. |
Dispatcher |
212. |
Dispatcher |
4, do we hold all
that is on duty
now? |
212 |
Have you got
another squad
that can meet
that unit at the
dead end of
Laws? I'm
blocked in over
here and can't
get out. |
4 (Deputy Chief
of Police N.T.
Fisher) |
10-4. That is
right. |
Dispatcher |
Yes. Disregard.
Have someone
there now. |
212 |
10-4. |
261 (Ptm. C.M.
Barnhart) |
261. |
Dispatcher |
261. |
261 |
I'm going to stay
on these railroad
tracks down at
the end of Laws. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
91 (?) (Ptm.
W.D. Mentzel
and J.W.
Courson) |
Did you receive
222 was en route
to West Davis? |
603 (ambulance) |
603 out. |
1:15 |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 603. 1:15. |
20 (Sgt. S.N.
Burkhart) |
20. |
45 (Ptm. N.L.
Stanglin) |
45. |
Dispatcher |
45. |
45 |
There's a minor
accident in the
5700 block Live
Oak. Do you
want me to stay
here or answer
my call? |
> |
Dispatcher |
Handle the
Disregard Live
Oak. |
45 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
91. |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
Ptm. J.W.
Courson) |
222 en route? |
Dispatcher |
Yes. |
91 |
What's his
location? |
Dispatcher |
Location? |
222 (Ptm. V.R.
Nolan) |
Sylvan and
Colorado. |
Dispatcher |
Location? |
222 |
Colorado and
Sylvan. |
Dispatcher |
Sylvan and
Colorado, 91. |
91 |
10-4. |
1:16 |
Dispatcher |
Signal 9, contact
the manager,
4916 Live Oak.
1:16. |
47 (Ptm. W.F.
Morris) |
4916 Live Oak. |
69 (Ptm. A.R.
Brock) |
69 clear at the
garage. |
Dispatcher |
69 clear. 1:16. |
(Static) |
120 (Sgt. C.B.
Richerik) |
120. |
Dispatcher |
120. |
120 |
29 and 99 are en
route to their
homes to pick up
car and dog and
then will clear
on Channel 1.
You advise them
where to go. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
15, did you
receive? |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
69. |
69 (Ptm. A.R.
Brock) |
Go ahead. |
Dispatcher |
Remain in
downtown area,
available for
call. |
69 |
10-4. |
599 (Cockrell
Hill Squad) |
599. |
599 |
599. |
599 |
I'm going to be
in service . . . the
building. Be
looking for three
small girls. |
Dispatcher |
Clear. |
Dispatcher |
Attention, all
squads. Any
telephone truck,
en route to
Parkland, Code
3, give him the
way in. 1:16. |
607 (ambulance) |
607. |
Dispatcher |
607. |
607 |
We're going to
be en route to
Parkland. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
452 (CID) |
452. (Woman's
voice) |
Dispatcher |
452. |
452 |
Unit 47 in the
basement if
anybody needs
him. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
6 (Dep. Chief R.
Landry) |
6. |
Dispatcher |
Unit ending in 6. |
(Long pause, 15
seconds) |
Citizen |
Hello, police
operator? |
Dispatcher |
Go ahead. Go
ahead, citizen
using the police
radio. |
Citizen |
There's been a
shooting out
here. |
Dispatcher |
Where's it at? |
Dispatcher |
The citizen using
the police radio .
. . |
Citizen |
Tenth Street. |
Dispatcher |
What location
on Tenth Street? |
Citizen |
Marsalis and
Beckley. It's a
police officer.
Somebody shot
him. What --
what's . . . 404
Tenth Street. |
Dispatcher |
Can you hear
me? |
(Man and
woman's voices
in background) |
Dispatcher |
78. |
Citizen |
It's in a police
car, number 10. |
Dispatcher |
78. |
Dispatcher (?) |
78. |
Citizen |
Got that? |
Citizen |
Hello, police
operator. Did
you get that? |
Dispatcher |
Attention. Signal
19, police
officer, 510 E.
Jefferson. |
Citizen |
Thank you. |
35 (Ptm. J.M.
Lewis) |
35. |
259 (unknown) |
259. |
Dispatcher |
The citizen
using the
police radio:
Remain off the
radio now. |
Dispatcher |
91. |
69 (Ptm. A.R.
Brock) |
69's going out
there. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 69, Code
3. |
602 (ambulance) |
602, Code 5. |
211 (Ptm. R.
Hawkins) |
211. |
Dispatcher |
211. |
211 |
We're clear,
Industrial and
Stemmons. We'll
go out there. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 211. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
603 (ambulance) |
603, Code 5,
Baylor. |
602 (ambulance) |
602, Code 6 (?). |
1:18 |
Dispatcher |
Broadcast - All
squads, we have
a report that an
officer has been
involved in a
shooting in the
400 E. 10th.
1:18 p.m. |
280 (Sergeant
George W.C.
Campbell) |
Do we have a
Command post
set up anywhere
for extra squads.
We need
additional men
to work traffic
around Parkland
Hospital. |
1:19 |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 603 and
602. 1:19. |
Dispatcher |
Well, about
everything I
have got tied up
now is down at
Elm and
Houston. 1:19
p.m. |
602 (ambulance) |
What was that
address on
Jefferson? |
Dispatcher |
Notify 1 that we
have an officer
involved in a
shooting at 10th
and Patton. We
don't know the
extent of it yet. |
Dispatcher |
501 East Tenth. |
2 (Assistant
Chief of Police
Batchelor) |
We got some
officers that we
could release.
Do you need
them anywhere? |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
85 en route. |
Dispatcher |
Yes, we could
use some at
Emergency and
the traffic on
Hines is terrific. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
19. |
39 (Patrolmen
J.F. Butcher and
C.W. Comer) |
I am at the
Sheraton with
the Secret
Service men. Do
you have anyone
to carry back? |
Dispatcher |
19. |
Dispatcher |
No, not right
now. |
19 |
Give me the
correct address
on the shooting. |
251 (Patrolman
J.E. Jennings) |
I was en route
back to 2's
location but if
he doesn't need
me there, I am
right here at
Hospital. |
Dispatcher |
501 East Tenth. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Check out
there and help
with the traffic. |
105 (Ptm. J.M.
Poe and Ptm.
L.E. Joz) |
105. |
Dispatcher |
Go ahead, 19.
Are you en
route? Yes. It's
in the 400 or
500 block of E.
10th, I believe. |
602 (ambulance) |
602, Code 6. |
19 (Sergeant
C.B. Owens) |
10-4. We are
almost Code 6. |
102 (Ptm. B.L.
Jones and Ptm.
M.D. Noll) |
102, Code 4. |
105 (Ptm. J.M.
Poe and Ptm.
L.E. Joz) |
Was 519 E.
correct? (Siren) |
Dispatcher |
We have two
locations; 501
East Jefferson
and 501 East
Tenth. |
Dispatcher |
19, are you en
route? |
105 (Ptm. J.M
Poe and Ptm.
L.E. Joz) |
Is this an
officer? |
This is
northward on
Tenth. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
10-4. |
10-4. |
10 . . .4. |
10-4. |
. . . on Tenth. |
19 |
19 is en route. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 19. |
605 (ambulance) |
605, Code 5. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 605. 1:19. |
Dispatcher |
85. |
602 (ambulance) |
602. |
Dispatcher |
85. |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
85. |
Dispatcher |
Suspect running
west on
Jefferson from
the location. |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
No physical
description. |
Citizen |
Hello, hello,
hello. |
602 (ambulance) |
602. |
Citizen |
Pardon, from out
here on Tenth
Street, 500
block. This
officer just shot.
I think he's dead. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. We
have that
information. The
citizen using the
radio: Remain
off the radio
now. |
224 (Ptm. L.D.
Wilson) |
224. |
Dispatcher |
224. |
224 |
Me and 111 are
clear at 2000
Commerce. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Remain in
the downtown
area, 221, 111. |
224 |
We'll be 111's
car; mine is over
in East Dallas. |
Dispatcher |
15. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
15. |
Dispatcher |
Channel 2. |
15 (Capt. C.E.
Talbert) |
I'm using a
motor. I'll have
to go to an other
radio. |
Dispatcher |
15, did you
receive the
information on
the police officer
shot? |
15 |
10-4, but didn't
that citizen say
at first he was on
Jefferson, then
on Tenth and
Chesapeake? |
Dispatcher |
Yes. |
15 |
Do they relate? |
Dispatcher |
Yes, at Denver. |
15 |
19 will be en
route. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
Ptm. J.W.
Courson) |
91 will be clear. |
Dispatcher |
91, have a signal
19 west on
Jefferson. No
description at
this time.
(Pause) Suspect
just passed 401
E Jefferson. |
involving a
police officer at
400 East Tenth.
Suspect last seen
running |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
Ptm. J.W.
Courson) |
10-4. |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
85. |
Dispatcher |
85. |
85 |
I just called. |
Dispatcher |
Give us the
correct location
on it, 85. We
have three
locations. |
85 |
I don't see
anything on
Jefferson yet. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. Check
501 East
Tenth at Denver. |
85 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
91. |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
Ptm. J.W.
Courson) |
91. |
Dispatcher |
Subject just
passed 401 East
Jefferson. |
91 |
10-4. |
Where did he
just pass? |
Dispatcher |
401 E. Jefferson. |
87 (Ptm. R.C.
Nelson) |
87. |
Dispatcher |
87. |
87 |
I'm in my car
here at Elm and
Houston. Do you
want me over
there? |
Dispatcher |
87, report to
4340 West
Davis at the
service station
for information
suspect on this
Signal 19 of the
President. |
87 |
4340. |
Dispatcher |
Code 3. |
26 (Ptm. G.W.
Hammond) |
26. |
Dispatcher |
26. |
26 (Ptm. G.W.
Hammond) |
I'm clear at the
jail. Anything I
can do? |
1:21 |
Dispatcher |
10-4. 1:21 p.m. |
170 (Sergeant R.
Smart) |
Any manpower
that you can
spare have them
meet 170 or 280
at the entrance
out here on
Hines. |
251 Patrolman
J.E. Jennings) |
I am right here
at the entrance
now if you want
me to check out. |
Dispatcher |
Yes, go ahead. |
10 (Inspector
H.J. Putnam, Jr.) |
By orders of #1,
get us 20 more
officers out here
to the entrance
of Parkland
immediately. |
Dispatcher |
251, are you
there at Parkland
entrance? |
251 (Patrolman
J.E. Jennings) |
Yes. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. (Garbled) |
10 (Inspector
H.J. Putnam, Jr.) |
At this time it
was a
move. |
1:22 |
Dispatcher |
Remain in the
vicinity, 26.
Clear. 1:22. |
26 (Ptm. G.W.
Hammond) |
10-4. |
75 (Ptm. E.G.
Sabastian) |
75 Clear. |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
85. |
Dispatcher |
85. |
85 |
We have a
description on
this suspect over
here on
Jefferson. Last
seen about 300
block of East
Jefferson. He's a
white male,
about thirty, five
eight, (siren)
black hair,
slender, wearing
white jacket, a
white shirt and
dark slacks.
(Sirens) |
Dispatcher |
Armed with
what? |
85 |
Unknown. |
602 (ambulance) |
602 in service. |
105 (Ptm. J.M.
Poe and L.E.
Joz) |
105. |
Dispatcher |
105. |
105 |
We're at the
location now. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
19 (Sgt. C.B.
Owens) |
19 is Code 6. |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 19. |
75 (Ptm. E.G.
Sabastian) |
75 clear. |
Dispatcher |
Clear. |
Dispatcher |
85. |
85 (Ptm. R.W.
Walker) |
85. |
Dispatcher |
Repeat his
description. |
85 |
Wearing a white
jacket, believed
to be a white
shirt and dark
slacks. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
603 (ambulance) |
603 out, Baylor.
(Siren) |
1:23 |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 603. 1:23. |
91 (?) (Ptm.
W.D. Mentzel
and J.W.
Courson) |
What was his
direction of
travel on
Jefferson? |
Dispatcher |
Traveling west
on Jefferson,
400 block, last
seen -- 401 West
Jefferson --
correction: 401
East Jefferson. |
91 (?) |
10-4. |
1:24 |
Dispatcher |
Wanted for
investigation for
assault to murder
on a police
officer: A white
thirty; about five
foot eight;
slender build;
has black hair; a
white jacket; a
white shirt and
dark trousers.
The suspect last
seen running
west on
Jefferson from
400 East
Jefferson. 1:24 |
Dispatcher |
know the
condition of the
officer? |
Dispatcher |
60. |
87 (Ptm. R.C.
Nelson) |
87. (Siren) |
Dispatcher |
87. |
87 |
Was that 4340
West Davis? |
Dispatcher |
Yes. |
87 |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
pulled in there
and bought some
gas; driving a
white Pontiac
'61 or '62 station
wagon with the
prefix P(ecos)
E(llis). He had a
rifle laying on
the seat. |
87 (Ptm. R.C.
Nelson) |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Have a
following this
car at this time,
direction. |
605 (ambulance) |
605, Code 6. |
1:25 |
Dispatcher |
10-4, 605. 1:25. |
Dispatcher |
Wants 20 men
Parkland at this
time. 1:25 p.m. |
Dispatcher |
Any unit near
Gaston - 3600
Gaston - at the
blood bank? |
15/2 (Captain
J.M. Souter) |
I'm en route. |
257 (Ptm. C.E.
Witmer) |
257's downtown. |
254 (Patrolman
J.B. Jones) |
Can I help? |
Dispatcher |
Can you escort
some blood? |
Dispatcher |
Yes, report to
Hines in the
5200 block. |
257 |
Which way's he
going? |
254 |
What code? |
75 (Ptm. E.G.
Sabastian) |
75 is at Forest
and Central. |
Dispatcher |
Code 1. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
10 (Inspector
H.J. Putnam, Jr.) |
Bring him
around to the
entrance. |
257 (Ptm. C.E.
Witmer) |
I'm at Pacific
and Central right
now, 257. |
Dispatcher |
Do you want
him, Code 2? |
279 (unknown) |
279. |
10 |
Yes. |
279 |
279. |
Dispatcher |
All squads en
route to
Parkland Code
2. |
Dispatcher |
279. |
254 (Patrolman
J.B. Jones) |
I am en route. |
279 |
We believe
we've got this
suspect on
shooting this
officer out here.
Got his white
jacket. Believe
he dumped it on
this parking lot
behind this
service station at
400 block East
Jefferson across
from Dudley
Hughes and he
had a white
jacket on. We
believe this is it. |
Dispatcher |
10, would it be
possible to
establish a
Command Post
there with a
radio to man a
car with a
Channel 2 and
get somebody to
man it? |
Dispatcher |
10-4. You do not
have the suspect.
Is that correct? |
279 |
No, just the
jacket, laying
on the ground. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
What unit is
going to take
that blood to
Parkland. Code
3? |
257 (Ptm. C.E.
Witmer) |
257. Where is it? |
Dispatcher |
3600 Gaston,
Wadley Blood
Center. |
257 |
I got it. |
21 (Ptm. D.P.
Tucker and C.R.
Graham) |
21 clear. |
1:26 |
Dispatcher |
21 clear. 1:26. |
9 (Inspector J.B.
Jones) |
Yes, it will be
(1:26 p.m.) |
91 (Ptm. W.D.
Mentzel and
Ptm. J.W.
Courson) |
91. |
4 (Deputy Chief
of Police N.T.
Fisher) |
Do you have any
condition of the
officer on 10th? |
Dispatcher |
91. |
91 |
What was the
besides the white
jacket? |
Dispatcher |
White male,
thirty, five feet
eight, black hair,
slender build,
white shirt,
black trousers.
Going west on
Jefferson from
the 300 block. |
550, car 2 (Sgt.
G.L. Hill) |
500/2. |
Dispatcher |
Go ahead. |
550/2 (Sgt. G.L.
Hill) |
I'm at Twelfth
and Beckley
now. Have a
man in the car
with me that can
identify the
suspect if
anybody gets
him. |
. . . one. |
Dispatcher |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
Return to
service, 599. |
599 (Cockrell
Hill Squad) |
10-4. |
Dispatcher |
555/2. |
550/2 (Sgt. G.L.
Hill) |
550/2. |
Dispatcher |
Have you been
to the scene? |
550/2 |
The officer was
already gone
when I got there.
He was driving
car number 10. |
Dispatcher |
Do you know
what ambulance
took him? We
had three going. |
550/2 (Sgt. G.L.
Hill) |
No. Dudley
passed in front
of me going to
Beckley. He
looked like he
might have had
him. |
Dispatcher |
602. |