FROM : ATSAIC Emory P. Roberts, The White House Detail.
U. S. Secret Service
November 29, 1963.
SUBJECT: Schedule of events prior to and after the assassination of President John
F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Friday November 22, 1963.
11:25 a.m. The President and Mrs. Kennedy with members of the Presidential Party departed
Carswell A.F.B., Texas via USAF 26,000 (Jet, also known as AF 1) enroute to Love
Field, Dallas, Texas.
The following members of the United States Secret Service were aboard this aircraft.
ASAIC Roy T. Kellerman, in charge of White House Detail for the Texas trip, SA Clinton
Hill in charge of Mrs. Kennedy's security, SA William Greer Presidential driver,
ATSAIC Emory P. Roberts, in charge of 8 am-4 p.m. shift, with SA's John Ready, Donald
Lawton and William McIntyre. SA John O'Leary was also aboard AF 1. Special Agent
Glen Bennett of the 8 a.m.-4 p.m. shift arrived Dallas, Texas aboard USAF 6970.
11:40 a.m. Presidential Plane arrived Love Field, Dallas, Texas, which was five minutes
late according to schedule, as we were due there at 11:35 a.m.
After the usual greeting of approximately 20 people, upon deplaning, the President
and Mrs. Kennedy walked to roped off area and shook hands with a number of the assembled
persons gathered there, and autographed a few papers and pamphlets. I accompanied
the President, as well as other Special Agents while he greeted the people. The President
and Mrs. Kennedy returned to their car.
11:55 a.m. The President (right rear seat), Mrs. Kennedy (left rear seat) Governor
John Connally (of Texas) (right jump seat) Mrs. Connally (left jump seat) ASAIC Roy
T. Kellerman front seat, with SA William Greer driving, (SS car 100 X--top removed)
departed Love Field.
SA Donald Lawton of 8 a.m.-4 p.m. shift remained at Love Field with SA Warner and
Rybka to set up security for the President's departure for Bergstrom AFB, Austin,
Texas. The Presidential aircraft was due to depart Dallas at 2:35 p.m.
The following persons departed Love Field in Secret Service Follow-up car, 679 X
and were located in and on running boards of car as follows:
ATSAIC Emory P. Roberts--front seat--operating radio.
SA Samuel Kinney--driving (did an excellent job)
Mr. Kenneth O'Donnell, Appointment Secretary to the President, left jump seat.
Mr. David Powers, Presidential Aide, right jump seat.
SA Glen Bennett, left rear seat.
SA George Hickey, right rear seat (manning AR-15 (rifle)
SA Clinton Hill, left running board, front.
SA William Mclntyre, left running board, behind Hill.
SA John D. Ready, right running board, front.
SA Paul Landis, right running board behind Ready.
Note: On shift report for Nov. 22, 1963, I listed SA Rybka as riding in center of
rear seat, which was in error, as he was not in car. As mentioned above, he remained
at Love Field.
The Presidential motorcade toured downtown Dallas, through huge crowds, that were
sometimes so close, that motorcycles of the Dallas Police Department had to drop
back from flanking the Presidential and Secret Service cars, so the two cars could
get through. On several occasions the Special Agent working the running boards of the Follow-up
car "hit" the ground and ran along side of the President's car; and SA Hill climbed
on rear step of the President's car (left rear) where he remained until the crowd
thinned and motorcycles had returned to their positions, flanking the rear of the President's
The Presidential motorcade was enroute to Trade Mart to attend Luncheon sponsored
by the Dallas Citizens Council, The Dallas Assembly and the Graduate Research Center
of the Southwest.
12:29 p.m. SA Winston Lawson (Advance Agent for Dallas stop) riding in lead car,
gave "five minutes away," signal via radio, meaning five minutes away from Trade
Mart. I immediately wrote 12:35 p.m. on Itinerary, as the time of arrival at Trade
--12:30 p.m. First of three shots fired, at which time I saw the President lean toward
Mrs. Kennedy. I do not know if it was the next shot or third shot that hit the President
in the head, but I saw what appeared to be a small explosion on the right_ side of the President's head, saw blood, at which time the President fell further to his
left. Mrs. Kennedy was leaning toward the President, however, she immediately raised
up in the seat and appeared to be getting up on back of same. About this time I saw
SA Clinton Hill trying to get on left rear step of the President's car. He got aboard
and climbed up over the back of the car and placed himself over the President and
Mrs. Kennedy. After SA Hill got on rear step of the President's car it appeared that
SA John Ready was about to follow and go for the right rear step, however, I told him not
to jump, as we had picked up speed, and I was afraid he could not make it.
It is estimated that we were traveling approximately 15-20 miles per hour at the
time of the shooting and it is believed that the follow-up car was approximately
20 25 feet behind the President's car.
The crowd was very sparse, in fact only a few people were along the motorcade route
at the time of the shooting.
Just after the third shot was fired, I picked up the car radio and said "Halfback
(code name for SS. Follow-up car) to Lawson, the President has been hit, escort us
to the nearest hospital, fast but at a safe speed." I repeated the message, requesting
to be cautious, meaning the speed. I had in mind Vice President Johnson's safety, as
well as the President's, if he was not already dead.
The Vice President's car was approximately one-half block behind the Secret Service
car, at the time of the shooting, and some of us waved for it to close in closer
to the Secret Service car. The Vice President's car quickly closed the gap.
When I turned around to wave the Vice President's car to come closer, at same time,
trying to determine where shots had come from, I said, pointing to SA McIntyre, ''They
got him, they got him," continuing I said "You (meaning McIntyre) and Bennett take
over Johnson as soon as we stop." (meaning the hospital).
I turned around a couple times, just after the shooting and saw that some of the
Special Agents had their guns drawn, I know I drew mine, and saw SA Hickey in rear
seat with the AR-15, and asked him to be careful with it.
12:34 p.m. Presidential motorcade arrived at Parkland Hospital. (I did not look
at my watch, however, I overheard someone at the hospital say that it took four minutes
to get there.)
Upon arrival at Parkland Hospital, I immediately ran to President Kennedy. Mrs.
Kennedy was lieing over him. I said to Mrs. Kennedy to let us get the President.
She said in effect that she was not going to move. I got one look at the President's
head and remarked to ASAIC Kellerman, "You stay with the President, I'm taking some of my
men for Johnson." SA's McIntyre and Bennett were already with Vice President Johnson,
having joined SAIC Rufus Youngblood and other Special Agents assigned to the Vice
President, as the Vice President arrived at the hospital.
The first thing we did, was request a room for the Vice President. After getting
the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson in a room, at the hospital, I said in effect
to the Vice President, in the presence of Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Cliff Carter, Executive
Assistant to the Vice President and SAIC Youngblood, as well as others, that I did not think
the President could make it and suggested that we get out of Dallas as soon as possible.
We (SAIC Youngblood and myself) suggested that he (Vice President) think it over,
as he would have to be sworn in. I suggested that we leave Dallas via AF 1, and SAIC
Youngblood agreed and suggested that we return to the White House.
SAIC Youngblood can give more details, as I left the Vice President from time to
time, once to get Mr. Kenneth O'Donnell, as the Vice President did not want to leave
Dallas, without permission or suggestion from someone on the President's Staff. I
located Mr. O'Donnell in hallway, near room where President Kennedy was.
While trying to locate Mr. O'Donnell for the Vice President, I came across ASAIC
Roy Kellerman, who was assisting someone to fill in the President's blood type on
a card. I remarked, that it was the same as mine Blood Group O, Rh Positive. Kellerman
had card in his hand which he got from his wallet with the President's blood type.
At this time, I explained to Mr. Kellerman that the Vice President would probably
leave for Washington very soon aboard AF 1.
I returned with Mr. O'Donnell to the Vice President, and while Mr. O'Donnell and
the Vice President were talking, I mentioned to ASAIC Johns to check if the car (President's)
was impounded. (I know that the word "evidence'' was used.) SAIC Johns left immediately.
Shortly after arrival at the Parkland Hospital, I asked C.W.O. Ira Gearhart, White
House Communication Agency, (Courier for President) to step into room next to Vice
President Johnson, and stay with him.
One of the Special Agents assigned to Vice President Johnson called the airport
and requested the Presidential plane to stand by to take Vice President Johnson to
Washington, D.C.
I contacted the White House Signal Board and advised them to cancel all the other
stops that had been planned for the President. I saw SA Richard Johnson (4 12 shift)
in hallway and asked him to augment V.P. Detail, which he did.
I had made arrangements with the Dallas Police, in front of the Parkland Hospital
to have an unmarked police car for the Vice President and two other cars for other
passengers and Secret Service, to take the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson to the
airport. SA Lem Johns double checked this.
I left the Vice President a second time upon the request of Mrs. Johnson, as she
had stated that she would like to see Mrs. Kennedy. After Inquiry of an agent in
hallway, I located Mrs. Kennedy and asked her, if it would be alright if Mrs. Johnson
came to see her, to which she replied "yes." I returned to the room where the Vice President
and Mrs. Johnson were and told Mrs. Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson followed me, with two Special Agents accompanying her. Mrs. Johnson
spent a very short time with Mrs. Kennedy, who was sitting in a chair outside of
room where the President was. I returned to room where the Vice President was, with
Mrs. Johnson.
I left again, this time upon request of the Vice President to double check with
Mr. Kenneth O'Donnell, if it would be O.K. for the Vice President to take AF I and
return to Washington, D.C. I located Mr. O'Donnell in hallway and he said "yes".
The Vice President was informed that Mr. O'Donnell stated that he could leave. The
Vice President said in effect, that he didn't want to leave without the approval
of a staff member or the Secret Service.
At 1:15 p.m. (according to my watch) the Vice President, in the presence of Mrs.
Johnson, Mr. Cliff Carter, SAIC Youngblood and others, was informed by me, that the
President was dead. Vice President Johnson said to Mr. Carter to make a note of it
and someone mentioned the time as 1:13 p.m. Mr. Malcolm Kilduff Assistant Press Secretary
to President Kennedy came into the room about that time and it was decided that he
would not release the death of the President, until the now President Johnson had
left the hospital.
1:35 p.m. The now President Johnson, and I believe Mr. Cliff Carter departed Parkland
Hospital in an unmarked police car, accompanied by SAIC Youngblood. As far as I know,
SAIC Youngblood never left Vice President's side, from time of shooting to arrival at USAF 1, which was spotted at Love Field, awaiting for Vice President Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson rode in police car, directly behind President Johnson accompanied by
Congressman Brooks, and SA's Warren Taylor, Jerry Kivett and Glen Bennett.
Follow-up car was driven by a Dallas Policeman, accompanied by another policeman
and SA John Ready in front seat, rear seat ATSAIC Roberts, SA McIntyre and C.W.O.
Gearhart, WHCA Courier. SA Johns followed in another police car.
1:40 p.m. President and Mrs. Johnson arrived at Love Field and immediately boarded
AF 1. Special agents were posted strategically in and around the aircraft. SA's Lawton
and Rybka joined us upon arrival at airport, in effecting security. All blinds on
aircraft were immediately drawn. I do not know who requested that this be done, however,
I assisted in closing them.
We learned that Mrs. Kennedy was enroute to AF 1, however, we could not confirm
same, then we heard that President Kennedy's body was also being brought to the aircraft.
I informed Colonel Swindel (Aircraft Commander) and other members of AF 1, that we
would not leave or do anything, until we cleared same with SAIC Youngblood. As we had
a few too many people aboard USAF 1, I did ask a couple to get off.
After the arrival of Mrs. Kennedy and President Kennedy's body, I was informed by
Col. James Swindel that a Federal Judge Hughes (woman) was enroute to AF I, to swear
in President Johnson. I immediately informed the police present and requested SA
Ready to go to gate, to make sure that the Judge got in. When I saw Judge Hughes coming
toward the aircraft, I went to meet her and escorted her to the front ramp and cleared
her to go aboard, as no one was allowed to go aboard the aircraft, unless they were
known personally or cleared by Secret Service. I did not go aboard and waited at bottom
on ramp.
Upon arrival of ASAIC Kellerman with Mrs. Kennedy and President Kennedy's body,
he advised me that the 4-12 shift (ATSAIC Stout's) would return to Washington, D.C.
aboard AF 1. It is to be noted that SA Bennett of my shift (8 am 4 p.m.) also returned
to Washington, D.C. via A.F. 1.
2:40 p.m. Approximately, SAIC Gerald A. Behn, in Charge of the White House Detail
called Love Field, from Washington, D.C. and requested that I give him the time that
A.F. I departed for Washington, D.C. I advised Mr. Behn that Judge Hughes was aboard
swearing in President Johnson, and advised Mr. Behn when Judge Hughes departed A.F.
2:47 p.m. A.F. 1 departed for Washington, D.C. with President and Mrs. Johnson,
Mrs. Kennedy and President Kennedy's body.
I might mention that I assigned the Special Agents to the follow-up car, and each
knew his assignment. For instance, SA Hill was assigned to work left rear of President's
car (where Mrs. Kennedy was sitting), SA Ready was assigned to work the right rear
of the President's car, then SA Landis was to work right front and SA McIntyre was
to work the left front. As far as I can remember, SA Hill was the only one that had
to jump on rear step of the President's car, while touring downtown Dallas, however,
SA Ready would have done the same thing, if motorcycle was not at the President's corner
of car.
3:15 p.m. ATSAIC Roberts, SA's Ready, Lawton, and McIntyre departed Love Field,
Dallas, Texas via USAF 6970, and arrived Washington, D.C. (Andrews AFB) at 6:35 p.m.
Approved: [signature]
Emory P. Roberts
Gerald A. Behn Assistant to the Special Agent in Charge
Special Agent in Charge.
Nov. 22, 1963.
At 11:55 a.m. this date The President, Mrs. Kennedy, Gov. and Mrs. Connally of Texas
(Kellerman--Greer) departed Love Field, Dallas Texas in SS 100-X (top removed).
F.U. car--Kinney driving--Roberts front seat, jump seat on left side Ken O'Donnell,
jump seat right side, Dave Powers, rear seat left Bennett, center Rybka and right
Left running board: Hill on the front McIntyre behind him.
Right " " : Front Ready, behind him Landis.
We had received a 5-minute away signal (radio) from Lawson (in lead car) meaning
5 minutes from Trade Mart--where the President was going.
About 1 minute later at 12:30 p.m. two or three shots were fired, at which time
I saw the President lean over on Mrs. Kennedy. I knew he was hit. Just as the first
or second shot was fired Hill ran from follow-up car to President's car--jumped aboard
and placed himself over Mrs. Kennedy and the President.
Upon seeing the President shot, I radioed Lawson to escort us to the nearest hospital
fast but at a safe speed.
During the downtown motorcade the streets were lined with people, however, in the
area where the shots rang out, the crowd was very sparse, in fact only a few people.
It is estimated that we were traveling about 20-25 miles an hour at the time of
the shooting, and it is believed that the follow-up car was approximately. 25 feet
behind the President's car.
I could not determine from what direction the shots came, but felt they had come
from the right side.
I immediately asked everyone on car to look to see if they could determine where
the shots came from,--no one seemed to know.
[signature] Emory P. Roberts.
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