Conspiracy Worldview
- Kennedy was a threat to many interests.
- Kennedy was going to withdraw from Vietnam.
- Administration officials knew there was a conspiracy, or were actually part of it.
- The administration feared the public learning about the conspiracy.
- The Warren Commission was a coverup.
- When bureaucrats keep documents secret, it is to conceal wrongdoing on their part.
- Conspiracy thinking results from government lying and scheming.
Lone Assassin Worldview
- Kennedy was a rather conventional politician.
- Kennedy had not decided to withdraw from Vietnam.
- Administration officials believed Oswald to be the lone gunman.
- The administration feared the consequences if the public came to believe that a communist nation had Kennedy killed.
- The Warren Commission sought the truth — although it was excessively sensitive about matters relating to national security and the Kennedy family.
- Bureaucracies have a "culture of secrecy" that leads them to conceal records for no good reason, and where good reasons for keeping secrets exist, bureaucrats interpret them too broadly.
- Conspiracy thinking results from a psychological process: people are unwilling to accept that the assassination had no broader meaning.