James Worrell: Mysterious Death?

Execution, or Traffic Accident?

NOVEMBER 6, 1966, P. A-11.


	A man and woman in their 20's became Dallas' 115th and 116th
traffic fatalities of the year Saturday when they were killed in a
motorcycle accident shortly before 2:30 p.m. in the 2100 block of Gus
	Dead in arrival at Parkland Hospital was James R. Worrell Jr.,
23, of 13510 Winterhaven, Farmers Branch, operator of the motorcycle.
	His passenger, Miss Karron Lee Hudgins, 22, of 9756 Skyview, died 
shortly after arrival at Parkland.
	Both suffered severe head and internal injuries.
	Accident investigator J.N. Feinglass said Worrell was headed
north on Gus Thomasson in East Dallas when he apparently lost control
of the motorcycle, a 1965 Honda.  It struck the median curb, jumped
the median, and overturned in the southbound traffic lane.  Worrell
was thrown against the curbing.
	Miss Hudgins was thrown into the front of a stopped car in the
southbound lane driven by H.E. Cooper, of 14229 Marsha Lane, Mesquite.
He was uninjured.


I have yet another one for the Posner haters.  Posner correctly says
that Worrell's testimony "supports the Warren Commission conclusion
about the location of the assassin."  Unfortunately he says that
Worrell was killed in a "car accident."  See the paperback edition of
CASE CLOSED, p. 494.

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