Jim Garrison's Bizarre Behavior - 3
Miami Hit Men Sleep 'Till Noon
Among the many journalists who talked to Jim Garrison -- and listened to Garrison's crackpot statements, was Hugh Aynesworth. William Broyles' article
"The Man Who Saw Too Much" (in the March 1976 issue of the Texas Monthly) records some of Aynesworth's experiences with Garrison. Quoting Aynesworth:
"I had just started with Newsweek back in 1967, and Jim
Garrison called and invited me over to New Orleans to
compare notes. He started showing me all this stuff from all the
kooks I knew back in ’63 and ’64, plus some new, obviously
kooky stuff. I kept saying, ‘No, that’s not the way it was. I was
there.’ He’d put his head back and fix me that General Walker
stare and say, ‘You don’t understand.’ Then he’d run off and
shout some chess move into the phone. After he’d done that a
couple of times, I asked him what was going on. ‘That’s the
code!’ he said. ‘The Feebies’ -- that’s what he called the FBI
-- ‘will never break it.’ I was beginning to understand. Then he
suddenly looked up and said he had to take his kids out to
play, because he only had an hour before noon. So I asked him
why couldn't the kids play after noon. My kids do it all the time.
‘There’s a torpedo from Miami after me,’ Garrison said with
that General Walker stare again. ‘Everybody knows they sleep
'til noon.’ Oh, yeah. He was something. He was planning to
arrest Bobby Kennedy if he came to New Orleans. He was
paranoid as hell, but he was no fool."
David Reitzes brought this article to my attention.
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