![]() Dead in the Wake of the Kennedy AssassinationHollywood HomicideIf conspiracists are right about there being a "cleanup squad" that went around killing off assassination witnesses, the first person they got was actress Karin Kupcinet (right). As Penn Jones, Jr. tells it in Forgive My Grief II:
Karyn Kupcinet was indeed murdered in her West Hollywood apartment, although not two days after the assassination (as Jones asserted), but almost a week later. Her nude body was discovered on the evening of November 30, 1963, a Saturday. She was laying on her couch with the television turned on, and a coffee pot and a brandy snifter full of cigarette butts overturned on the floor. A cup of coffee, partially consumed, was on a stand across the room.(2) She had, according to the coroner, been dead about three days.(3) The cause of death: murder by manual strangulation.(4) Karyn was last seen alive on the preceding Wednesday night: Thanksgiving Eve. She had talked to her father, Chicago columnist Irv Kupcinet, on the phone, and then gone to have dinner with two friends, actor Mark Goddard and his wife Marcia. She returned to her apartment, and was visited by two other friends, actor Robert Hathaway and free lance writer Edwin Stephen Rubin.(5) The three watched TV for a while, and Karyn got sleepy and went to bed. Hathaway and Rubin let themselves out at about 11:00 p.m. after the Danny Kaye show. They were the last people, aside from the murderer, to see her alive. Police intensely questioned Hathaway, Rubin, an unemployed actor named William Mamches, and Karyn's boyfriend, actor Andy Prine.(6) Prine, the most successful of the group, was starring on the TV series Wide Country. Prine had been trying to curtail his relationship with Kupcinet, whom he had gotten pregnant the summer before. (The pregnancy ended in an abortion.)(7) Karyn, rather neurotic and desperate, had resorted to forging threatening notes to herself in an apparent attempt to get more attention from Prine.(8) In spite of intensive investigation by the Homicide Division of the Los Angeles Country Sheriff's Department, the murder remained unsolved. As of this writing, the case is still considered "open," but the odds of it ever being solved are obviously slim. A "Mysterious Death"It's certainly correct to say that Kupcinet's death was "mysterious." Indeed, that's almost an understatement. But did it have anything to do with the Kennedy assassination? Jones believed that Kupcinet was the woman who made the distraught phone call to an operator shortly before the assassination, but neither he nor anybody else has ever produced any evidence of that. Why would she drive 50 miles north to make a phone call she could have made from her own apartment or from a pay phone if she feared her call would be traced is a major mystery. And why not call the FBI or the Secret Service, rather than babbling incoherently to an operator? Of course, a different way of connecting Kupcinet to the assassination is through her father, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and a major celebrity in the Windy City. Irv Kupcinet knew Jack Ruby when Ruby lived in Chicago in the 1940s.(9) But nobody has connected Irv Kupcinet to Ruby in 1963, in spite of meticulous tracing of Ruby's contacts by the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee, and literally scores of private researchers. And if Ruby somehow did call Kupcinet in Chicago and share information about a forthcoming assassination, why would Kupcinet call his daughter in California and share that information with her? And even if he did, why would a conspiracy kill Karyn and not kill Irv too? None of the people who came in contact with Karyn Kupcinet between the day of the assassination and her death heard her say anything about any foreknowledge of the assassination. She was disturbed and unhappy when she heard the news that Kennedy had been shot. According to author James Ellroy, Karyn and three of her friends (Andy Prine, Prine's friend Earl Holliman and Holliman's girlfriend) were all "bummed out" by the assassination, and went to Palm Springs on Friday evening, November 22nd. They all returned on Sunday evening, and Prine dropped Karyn off at her apartment.(10) There is some inconsistency in accounts of Karyn's mood between Sunday night and late Wednesday night, when she was last seen alive. Some sources describe Karyn as happy and upbeat. On Wednesday evening Karyn talked to her father in Chicago. According to Irv Kupcinet, "she seemed happy and had no problems."(11) Her mood at dinner with the Goddards was described by Mark Goddard who said "she was very happy and vivacious the last time we saw her. She's not the sort of girl who would commit suicide."(12) But other accounts portray Karyn as a woman disturbed about her deteriorating relationship with Andy Prine. Prine himself talked to her on the phone twice on Wednesday evening.(13) The conversations had nothing to do with Kennedy, but rather with a baby that Karyn claimed had been left on her doorstep. There was apparently no such baby, and she simply concocted the story.(14) Ironically, when police first searched Karyn's apartment, they discovered a rambling, neurotic note she had written. It said things such as: I'm no good. I'm not really that pretty. My figure's fat and will never be the way my mother wants it. The note could be read as a suicide note except for the fact that the coroner's findings entirely rule out suicide. Karyn was a woman with problems. In addition to her deteriorating relationship with Prine, she was dependent on pills.(16) But none of her problems had anything to do with any "foreknowledge" of the JFK assassination. Irv Kupcinet RespondsThe death of Karyn Kupcinet was of course a crushing blow to Irv Kupcinet and his wife Essie, but the fact that conspiracists added his daughter to the list of "mystery deaths" piled insult on injury. In his column of February 9, 1992, Irv Kupcinet noted:
Not surprisingly, during the production of the movie "JFK" and later after its release, Kupcinet repeatedly attacked the movie and Oliver Stone's conspiracy theories.(18) PostscriptIn the 1970 edition of his book Hollywood's Unsolved Mysteries, author John Austin devoted an entire chapter to the death of Karyn Kupcinet. In 1990 he published another edition of the book, and the Kupcinet murder received only a short paragraph.(19) ![]()
1. Jones, pp. 20-21. A careful check of the microfilm of the Chicago Daily News for November 23, 1963 failed to reveal the article Jones cites. But there is no doubt that the AP dispatch Jones quotes existed, since it was published in (for example) the Toronto Star Telegram on November 23rd. Jones may have obtained a clipping and been confused about the source, or the edition of the Chicago Daily News with the article may not have been microfilmed. 2. John Austin, Hollywood's Unsolved Mysteries. New York: Ace, 1970, p. 87. 3. ibid. 4. James Ellroy, "Glamour Jungle," GQ, December 1998, p. 291. 5. Austin, p. 92. 6. New York Daily News, December 2, 1963, pp. 3,6. 7. Ellroy, p. 299. 8. Ellroy, p. 294; Austin, p. 89. 9. Irv Kupcinet (with Paul Neimark), Kup: A Man, an Era, a City, Chicago: Bonus Books, 1988, p. 176. 10. Ellroy, p. 292. 11. Austin, p. 92. 12. Austin, p. 88. 13. Ellroy, p. 292. 14. Austin, p. 90. 15. Ellroy, p. 291. 16. Kupcinet, p. 190; Ellroy, pp. 290, 293. 17. "Kup & Company," Chicago Sun-Times, February 9, 1992, p. 14. 18. Jim Kielty, "Kup vs. JFK," Reader, December 25, 1992. 19. John Austin, Hollywood's Unsolved Mysteries. New York: Shapolsky, 1990, p. 271. |