But that's the rub.
A group of conspiracy theorists including Jack White, James Fetzer, and David Mantik now claims that, based on the "lines of sight" in the photo, she must have been actually standing in the street. And that has very radical implications. If Moorman was standing in the street when the presidential limo passed, that means the Zapruder film is faked! And given the technical expertise necessary to pull off such an astounding act of fakery, the U.S. government and top technical experts in government security agencies must have been involved.
But is this claim credible?
Never mind that the chief researcher making the claim retired Fort Worth advertising executive Jack White has a history of outlandish photo interpretations. Never mind that Moorman said she was on the grass both to the Dallas County Sheriff's Department on November 22, 1963, and to the FBI on November 23, 1963 (Commission Exhibit 2003, p. 42; Commission Exhibit 1426). And never mind that three other films of the assassination (Muchmore, Nix, and Bronson) show her standing in the exact same spot on the grass that the Zapruder films does. If the lines of sight in the Polaroid really show that it had to be shot by someone standing in Elm Street, we might actually consider the possibility that Moorman was mistaken or lying and all the other photographic evidence forged.
In the following article, Josiah Thompson and Gary Mack scrutinize Jack White's claim.
Photocopies of both a full-frame and enlargement from the Moorman photo were used
to establish the correct line-of-sight.Two yardsticks each 36" in length were taped
together to produce a total length of 60". A Minolta SRT-101 camera with a Rokkor-PF
55 mm lens was used to take reference photographs using Kodak 35mm print film.
Two excellent web sites debunk the theory:
John McAdams
The same procedure was then repeated from a spot along the same line-of-sight two
feet into the roadway from the curb. Once again, Thompson held the measuring stick
with its bottom on the pavement.Then Mack moved the camera lens up and down until
he found the same line-of-sight as seen in the Moorman photograph. At that point, he
snapped the shutter and the height of the camera lens above the pavement was noted.
The tests were performed by Gary Mack and Josiah Thompson in Dealey Plaza from
about 12:30 to 12:45 PM on November 25, 2001.We were observed by approximately
twenty attendees from the COPA conference, though this was not a COPA-affiliated
event. A sign-up sheet was passed around and the following individuals added their
names to it knowing that the list would be posted on the Internet: Robert Cristel, Dan
Sutton, Stan Clark, Peggy Davidson, Walt Brown, Gerry Satterfield, Gary Aguilar, Terry
Bright, Peter Dale Scott, Andy Winiarczyk, Steve Allred, Kathy Emberton and Betty Windsor.
Mary Moorman (right) and her friend Jean Hill in the press room of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department on the afternoon of the assassination
The test was designed to establish the height above the ground of the line-of-sight
present in the Moorman photo and thus Moorman's location when she took her
picture.This line-of-sight is formed by a specific misalignment of two points in the
Moorman photo: (1) the top left corner of the Zapruder pedestal and (2) the bottom right
corner of the lowest window in the pergola. The height of this line-of-sight was
measured at two locations: (a) a spot above and behind the south curb of Elm Street
corresponding to Moorman's location in the grass as defined in the Zapruder and other
films, and (b) a spot in the roadway two feet from the south curb of Elm Street.
In recent conversations with Mack, Moorman said she was 5' 0" to 5' 1" in those days,
which suggests about 5' 1" wearing everyday shoes.A photo taken around 11:00 that
morning shows her wearing ordinary "loafers." For this test, we are assuming her height
in Dealey Plaza to have been 5' 1" or 61 inches.It has also been suggested that the
average distance from one's eye to the top of one's head is at least four to five inches.
We are accepting that Moorman's eyes were four inches or more below the top of her
head.Since she appears in the Zapruder film to have had her legs apart, knees slightly
bent and is leaning somewhat forward, we are assuming a further one to two inch drop
in height due to her posture.
Resources on the Zapruder Film Fakery Theory
The theory of Zapruder film fakery has been promoted by Prof. James Fetzer in his two edited books on the assassination. One is titled Assassination Science, and the other titled Murder in Dealey Plaza.
Finally, the "fakery" issue was the subject of intense discussion at JFK Lancer's 1996 November in Dallas conference, and again at the 1998 Conference. Videos of both are available.
Regarding the ground condition, photographs taken after the assassination showing
where Moorman stood were compared with a visual inspection of the area today. A
1966 photograph of that same area shows the sod had been removed by workers.It
appears the sod today is built up a little higher than it was in 1966, though the
difference is likely an inch or less.
As for Moorman's camera, measurements of the same model camera show that the
center of the Polaroid lens is 2.25 inches below the camera viewfinder which, according
to the Zapruder film, she was using with her right eye. Other measurements show that
the focal plane of the Polaroid camera was just under one inch from the back of the
camera as measured from beneath the viewfinder. The lens was 4.5 inches in front of
the back of the camera. Additionally, the camera lens was about 1.5 inches above the
bottom of the camera as she held it.
In summary, from looking at the Zapruder film and knowing additional facts, we would
expect the center ofMoorman's camera lens to be approximately between 53-54 inches
above the ground.While the heels of her feet may have been about two feet from the
curb, she of course held her camera in front of her face.All these observations strongly
suggest that the camera lens was probably within one-half foot of the curb edge.
Moorman's approximate position by the curb was first discerned by aligning various
points in the Moorman photograph.More exact sightings were then made to establish
the true line-of-sight described above. Thompson held the measuring stick with its
bottom on the top of the curb and with his thumb on the 54" mark for reference. Mack
then placed the center of the lens of his camera alongside the measuring stick, moved
slightly back and downward until the line-of-sight appeared exact, and pressed the
shutter.The height above the curb to the center of the camera lens was then noted.
In the first test, the height of the line-of-sight above and behind the curb was measured
to be between 53 and54 inches. A reference photograph documenting this line-of-sight
can be found at the end of this report. In the second test, the height of the line-of-sight
above the street pavement was measured to be between 61 and 62 inches.A reference
photograph documenting this line-of-sight can also be found following this report. Full
frame versions of the photos are also reproduced below.
Mary Ann Moorman stood on the grass when taking her famous photograph of the
Kennedy assassination. A line-of-sight present in her photograph passes above the
curb at a height of 53 to 54 inches.This figure accords nicely with the 53 to 54 inch
height of her camera lens as deduced from the known physical dimensions of the
camera and Moorman's height and posture as seen in the Zapruder film.
Furthermore, had Moorman been standing in the street at the time she took her famous
photo, she would have had to place her camera on top of her head to achieve the same
line-of-sight. Accepting her height in shoes as 61 inches and the camera lens as 1.5
inches above the camera bottom, and removing 0.5 inch of added pavement since
1963, the total height of the lens would then have been 62 inches. This is the elevation
above the pavement of the line-of-sight which appears in her photo. If the pavement
were considerably thinner in 1963 that it is today, she would have had to elevate the
camera above her head even further.With the camera on top of her head, of course,
she would not have been able to see through the viewfinder.
We are extremely grateful to Craig Lamson for taking the time and trouble to prepare
the excellent comparison visuals for us.
Gary Mack
Josiah Thompson
December 3, 2001
Next Part
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