To: Albert Schweitzer College, Churwalden/Gr., Switzerland
I herewith apply to attend the Study Course from April 12, 1960 to June 27, 1960
Surname (print) Oswald Christian Name(s) Lee Harvey
Mr., Mrs. or Miss Mr. Age 20 Mother tongue English
Other languages you know Russian (Equal in Fluency to 1 year of schooling)
Occupation Student Nationality American
Exact Address MCAF, MACS - 9, Santa Anna, California, U.S.A.
Remarks Please inform me of the amount of the deposit (If required) So I can
forward it and confirm my reservation, and show My sincerity of purpose. Thank you.
Date 3/19/59 Signature /s/ Lee H. Oswald
Please fill out two copies of this form and send one to Dr. Robt. H. Schacht, 1 Benevoent St., Providence 6, R.I., and one to the Albert Schweitzer College, Churwalden/Gr., Switzerland
I wish to attend
a) the whole Year Course for the academic year 19 / first)
b) the second) term(s) of the Year Course 19 / 60. third spring course begins April 12, 1960?
(Please cross out the words which do not apply.)
Full Name (print) Lee H. Oswald Mr. Mrs. or Miss
Permanent Address MCAF, MACS-9 Santa Anna, California
Present Address "Same as above"
Date of Birth 10/18/39 Land of Birth America Height 5'11" Weight 100
Name of Parent or Legal Guardian Mrs. M. Oswald
Address 313 Templeton Dr., Ft. Worth, Texas
Educational Background:
Preparatory School or
High School Completed high school by correspondence Dates Jan 58"
Average Grade (85, passing 65 on scale of 100 = B+) Dates
College none
Type of Curriculum (Science, Liberal Arts, Practical, Vocational)
Science, English, Woodworking, Civics, Mechanical (sic
Drawing, art, Math (in H.S.)
Average Grade 85%
Special Interests (extra-curricular, religious, vocational, literary, sports, hobbies)
Philosophy, Psychology, Ideology
Football, baseball, tennis, Stamp collecting
Extent and Nature of Private Reading (favorite authors or books)
Jack London, Darwin, Norman V. Peale, Scientific (sic) books, Philosophy
ect. (sic)
Active Part taken in Organizations: Student body movement in school for controll (sic) of Juvenile Delinquency. Member Y.M.C.A. and A.Y.A. associations Vocational Interest (if decided upon) To be a shot story writer on contemporary American life Professional etc. Experience (if any)
General Statement regarding reasons for wishing to attend the Albert Schweitzer College. In order to aquire (sic) a fuller understanding of that subject which interest (sic) me most, Philosophy. To meet with Europeans who can broaden my scope of understaning. To receive (sic) formal Education by Instructers (sic) of high standing and character. To broaden my knowledge (sic) of German andto live in a healty (sic) climate and Good Moral atmosphere.
Plans to be pursued after the period at the Albert Schweitzer College (educational, vocational, profressional) To attend the short summer course of the University of Turku, Turku, Finland. Then to return to America and pursue my chosen vocation.
Familiarity with Foreign Languages (if any) Russian (equal in fluency (sic) to about one years education or schooling. I do speak a very little German.
General condition of health Good
Have you had a serious illness or nervous disturbance? No
If so, explain here
Does such a condition still exist? no
Are you at present receiving medical or psychiatric care? no
If so, explain here
References (2)
;Name and Address Mr. A. Botelho
MCAF, MACS-9, Santa Anna, California
Name and Address Mr. B. Calore
MCAF MACS-9, Sanata Anna, California
Signature /s/ Lee H. Oswald
Date: 3/4/59