From the day of the assassination the medical evidence has been the subject of controversy concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This site will make an effort to present as much of the evidence as possible, and also to present many of the contradicting views concerning that interpretation of that evidence.
Chapter 3 of the Warren Commission Report summarized the Commission's position on the wounds suffered by JFK and John Connally.
The Warren Commission also included 2 appendices concerning the Medical Evidence
Testimony of the Autopsy Doctors
Testimony of the Parkland Hospital Personnel
A press conference was held at Parkland Memorial Hospital Dallas, Texas November 22, 1963 3:16 P.M. CST and Dr. Perry and Dr. Clark answered questions. Here is a transcript of that press conference.
George G. Burkley was JFK's personal Physician. Here is his HSCA Affidavit and here is an interview by William McHugh for the John F. Kennedy Library
In 1968 Attorney General Ramsay Clark created a panel to review the medical findings in the assassination of John F Kennedy. The final report of the Ramsay Panel summarized their findings in the following manner:
Examination of the clothing and of the photographs and X- rays taken at autopsy reveal that President Kennedy was struck by two bullets fired from above and behind him, one of which traversed the base of the neck on the right side without striking bone and the other of which entered the skull from behind and exploded its right side.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations created a Panel of Forensic Pathologists to review the medical evidence. Their report was included in Volume VII by the House Select Committee.
V. Report of the Forensic Pathology Panel:
Dr. Michael Baden testified during the public hearings of the House Select Committee to represent the views of the majority of the panel. Dr. Cyril Wecht also testified concerning his dissenting view.
Testimony of Dr. Michael Baden
Testimony of Dr. Cyril H. Wecht
In the May 27, 1992 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Dennis L Breo reported on JAMA's editor George D. Lundberg's interview with autopsy doctors, James Humes and "J" Thorton Boswell. In the second part of the article, Breo reports on his own interview with Parkland Doctors, Malcolm Perry, Jim Carrico, M.T. "Pepper" Jenkins, Charles Baxter.
JFK Lancer is one of the premier on-line Sites that supports a conspiracy. Here is there list of Medical Studies.
John McAdams runs one of the premier on-line sites that support the theory that Oswald acting alone killed JFK. Here is his site on the Medical Evidence.
Included on McAdams site is this useful essay by Joe Durnavich, attempts to explain in layman's terms the autopsy X-rays of John F. Kennedy's head.
Paul Seaton is a researcher from England who has studied the medical evidence concerning JFK's Head Wound.