Date 11/24/63
Charles F. Brehm, 1619 Kings Highway, was interviewed at his residence at which time he furnished the following information:
He and his five-year-old son went to downtown Dallas to view the President's motorcade, and they parked their car in the Main-Houston Street area about 15 minutes before the motorcade was due to come down Main Street. He took a vantage point on the northwest corner of the intersection of Main and Houston Streets and from that point, he was able to watch the car in which the President and Mrs. KENNEDY rode, making aright turn from Main Street into Houston Street.
After the President's automobile had rounded the corner into Houston Street, he picked up his five-year-old son and ran across the grass from Main Street over to the downhill curved portion of Elm Street which leads from Houston Street to the Stemmons Expressway. He and his son stood right at the curb on the grass and saw the President's car take a wide swing as it turned left from Houston Street into Elm Street.
When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded. According to BREHM, the President seemed to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. BREHM said when the President was hit by the second shot, he could notice the President's hair fly up, and then roll over to his side, as Mrs. KENNEDY was apparently pulling him in that direction.
BREHM said that a third shot followed and that all three shots were relatively close together. BREHM stated that he was in military service and he has had experience with bolt-action rifles, and he expressed his opinion that the three shots were fired just about as quickly as an individual can maneuver a bolt-action rifle, take aim, and fire three shots.
BREHM stated he definitely knew that the President had been shot and he recalled having seen blood on the President's face. He also stated that it seemed quite apparent to him that the shots came from one of two buildings back at the corner of Elm and Houston Streets.
Immediately after the third shot rang out, BREHM pushed his son down on the grass and for the moment was more concerned with the safety of his son who might be hit accidentally by any wild gunfire which might follow.
BREHM expressed his opinion that between the first and third shots, the President's car only seemed to move some 10 or 12 feet. It seemed to him that the automobile almost came to a halt after the first shot, but of this he is not certain. After the third shot, the car in which the President was riding increased its speed and went under the freeway overpass and out of his sight.
As soon as the President's car went on its way out of sight, numerous reporters and police officers came running down the hill to the general area where he was standing and many of them gathered around him and began asking him questions. He answered questions of reporters and police officers to the best of his knowledge and recollection, after which he was escorted up to the Dallas police station where he was interviewed some more. He estimated that he was detained at the Police Department for a period of two hours before he was finally permitted to leave.