Testimony Of R. J. Jimison

The testimony of R. J. Jimison was taken at 2:35 p.m., on March 21, 1964, at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Arlen Specter, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. SPECTER - Would you stand up please, Mr. Jimison, and raise your right hand.
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you shall give before this Commission in the deposition proceedings will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. JIMISON - I do.
Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Jimison, have you received a letter of notification from the President's Commission advising you that you would be contacted to have your deposition taken?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes, sir.
Mr. SPECTER - And did that letter contain in it a copy of the Executive order creating the Commission, a copy of the joint congressional resolution about the Commission, and the procedures for taking depositions by the Commission?
Mr. JIMISON - I believe it did.
Mr. SPECTER - Are you willing to have your deposition taken today, sir; do you have any objection to my asking you some questions and having them reported by the court reporter here?
Mr. JIMISON - No; I do not.
Mr. SPECTER - By whom are you employed, Mr. Jimison?
Mr. JIMISON - I would just say the hospital---County Hospital.
Mr. SPECTER - Parkland Memorial Hospital?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes; Parkland Memorial Hospital.
Mr. SPECTER - What kind of work do you do here?
Mr. JIMISON - Orderlyly.
Mr. SPECTER - Let the record show that you have a badge on which says, "R.J. Jimison."
Mr. JIMISON - Right.
Mr. SPECTER - "Orderly." And is that your full name?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes, sir.
Mr. SPECTER - And what does the "R" stand for?
Mr. JIMISON - That's just an initial name.
Mr. SPECTER - And how about the "J"?
Mr. JIMISON - Same.
Mr. SPECTER - So, people call you "R. J."?
Mr. JIMISON - Right.
Mr. SPECTER - What were your duties back on November 22, 1963, Mr. Jimison?
Mr. JIMISON - My duties was the same as usual; that is, to transport patients to and fro, reclean rooms, betwixt each case.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you have occasion to see President Kennedy on that day?
Mr. JIMISON - I did not.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you have occasion to see Governor Connally on that day?
Mr. JIMISON - I did.
Mr. SPECTER - What were the circumstances under which you saw Governor Connally?
Mr. JIMISON - Well, I would say it wasn't such a pleasant circumstance, but he was lying on a carriage, a hospital carriage, and I was---I assisted in helping move him from the carriage to the operating table.
Mr. SPECTER - Where was he when you first saw him?
Mr. JIMISON - He was on the second floor in the operating room suite, near room 4, where his operation was performed.
Mr. SPECTER - Was he taken to room 4 or room 5?
Mr. JIMISON - He was taken in room---I thought it was room 4, but maybe it could have been room 5, but I taken it to be room 4, because like I told you, I helped lift him off of the table, but usually we help put them in the room--at that time there was so many doctors that I didn't.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you see Governor Connally from the time he came off of the elevator?
Mr. SPECTER - What floor were you on when you first saw him?
Mr. JIMISON - I was on two.
Mr. SPECTER - How far was he from the elevator when you first saw him?
Mr. JIMISON - I guess he must have been about 20 feet.
Mr. SPECTER - And how far was it from the elevator to the place where you were?
Mr. JIMISON - About how ninny feet? About 20 or 30 feet
Mr. SPECTER - Was he near the big clock when you first saw him, the clock that is overhead in the center there?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes.
Mr. SPECTER - And were there doctors around him at that time?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes.
Mr. SPECTER - And did you help push the stretcher from that point to---
Mr. JIMISON - (interrupting) No; I followed behind him to room 4 and I helped them take him off.
Mr. SPECTER - You helped them take Governor Connally and put him on the operating table?
Mr. JIMISON - I did.
Mr. SPECTER - And what then was done with the stretcher that he was on?
Mr. JIMISON - Well, the stretcher at that time was moved back from the table, of course, because they had to make room for the doctors to get up close to the table, which was back just always and when I got free---whether it was Miss Wester or Mrs. Ross there---they pushed it back a little further, but they didn't get quite to the elevator with it; I came along and pushed it onto the elevator myself and loaded it on and pushed the door closed.
Mr. SPECTER - What was on the stretcher at that time?
Mr. JIMISON - I noticed nothing more than a little fiat mattress and two sheets as usual.
Mr. SPECTER - And what was the position of the sheets?
Mr. JIMISON - Of course, them sheets was, of course, as usual, flat out on the bed.
Mr. SPECTER - Had they been rolled up?
Mr. JIMISON - More or less, not rolled, which, yes, usually they is, the mattress and sheets are all just throwed, one of them about halfway, it would be just throwed about halfway.
Mr. SPECTER - Were the sheets flat or just turned over?
Mr. JIMISON - Well, just turned over.
Mr. SPECTER - Were they crumpled up in any way?
Mr. JIMISON - Well, there was a possibility it was strictly---a tragic day.
Mr. SPECTER - It was what?
Mr. JIMISON - It was a tragic day.
Mr. SPECTER - Right, and everybody was a little shook up on account of it?
Mr. JIMISON - We didn't look too close.
Mr. SPECTER - Was there anything else on the stretcher?
Mr. JIMISON - I never noticed anything else at all.
Mr. SPECTER - Could there have been some empty packets of hypodermic needles alcohol sponge?
Mr. JIMISON - There could have been.
Mr. SPECTER - Or a l-inch roll of tape?
Mr. JIMISON - There could have been something--small stuff, but nothing large like bundles or anything like that.
Mr. SPECTER - What did you do with the stretcher then, you said?
Mr. JIMISON - Pushed it on the rear elevator, which goes downstairs.
Mr. SPECTER - Is there any other elevator which goes downstairs to the emergency area?
Mr. JIMISON - Not close in the emergency area----that's the only one.
Mr. SPECTER - What was the purpose for your putting it on that elevator?
Mr. JIMISON - It goes back to emergency because it can be cleaned up there and remade and put in use again.
Mr. SPECTER - Is it customarily your Job to put it back on the elevator?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes; it is.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you ever take it down and put it in order yourself?
Mr. JIMISON - No, sir; we never carry it down ourselves. The fact is---the purpose is---we have enough to do up there, and we have men up there to take care of that.
Mr. SPECTER - Somebody else is supposed to take the elevator up there? Is that right?
Mr. JIMISON - One of them---we put it on the elevator, then it becomes the responsibility of the emergency room.
Mr. SPECTER - Was there any other stretcher placed on that elevator later that day?
Mr. JIMISON - Not during my shift.
Mr. SPECTER - Are you the only man who would put the stretcher on the elevator if there were one?
Mr. JIMISON - No, I is not, but might near--I could might near see of anybody--from where the elevator sits from where the halls were--I could might near see all of the stretchers put on there.
Mr. SPECTER - If a stretcher was put on there it would have to be in your presence?
Mr. JIMISON - I would have had to be hid where I wouldn't be able to see it.
Mr. SPECTER - What time did you put the stretcher from Governor Connally on the elevator?
Mr. JIMISON - I'm not too sure I know of the time. I really don't know exactly the time.
Mr. SPECTER - Well, about how long after he was taken into the operating room, did you?
Mr. JIMISON - It was lesser than 10 minutes before or after.
Mr. SPECTER - What time did you get off that day?
Mr. JIMISON - 3:30.
Mr. SPECTER - And you say there was no other stretcher placed on that elevator from the time you put Governor Connally's stretcher on until the end of the day?
Mr. JIMISON - Until the end of my shift. You see, that's the emergency---- from the emergency that we had from that time that he was brought up until I was relieved from duty that afternoon.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you notice any bullets on the stretcher?
Mr. JIMISON - I never noticed any at all.
Mr. SPECTER - Did I sit down and tall with you for a few minutes before the court reporter came in to take this all down here today?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes.
Mr. SPECTER - And have I asked you questions and have you given me answers just like in our short discussion before this deposition started?
Mr. JIMISON - (No response.)
Mr. SPECTER - Did you and I talk about the same things we have been talking about since. the court reporter came in?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes.
Mr. SPECTER - Have you ever been talked to by any other person from the Federal Government?
Mr. JIMISON - Yes, I have.
Mr. SPECTER - And who was that?
Mr. JIMISON - I don't remember his name, but shortly after that happened---I don't know, as I say, it was the Federal Government.
Mr. SPECTER - What branch was he from?
Mr. JIMISON - I thought he was from the Secret Service.
Mr. SPECTER - How many times did you talk to somebody from the Secret Service.
Mr. JIMISON - Well, I talked to him once; he just talked to me once.
Mr. SPECTER - And what about?
Mr. JIMISON - The same thing.
Mr. SPECTER - And did you ever talk to anybody else about this fact?
Mr. SPECTER - Do you have anything to add, that you think might be helpful to us?
Mr. JIMISON - Well, no, because the fact is--because that's pretty well covered---just, I actually want to give facts about something I know something about, and during the time I know something about, and what actually happened from the time I got off---I couldn't tell you, but I do know there wasn't no carriage from the time that carriage was picked up until I got off from duty.
This ain't actually-not in it, but due to this---this is---what I'm fixing to say is off of the book---I couldn't see after President Kennedy because I didn't---I never did get up to the floor---so I didn't see him. I am glad if was any kind of help, Mr. Specter.
Mr. SPECTER - You have been, Mr. Jimison, and we appreciate your coming in and helping us a lot.
Mr. JIMISON - Same back to you.
Mr. SPECTER - Thank you.