The testimony of Wilma May Tice was taken at 3:20 p.m., on July 24, 1964 in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Burt W. Griffin assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me state for the record while Mrs. Tice is here, that I have talked with your husband for a few minutes and I have explained to him that the decision as to whether or not other people are to be in the hearing room with us is the one that the witness makes, and that we have permitted public hearings at the request of the witness, and we have had private hearings at most of these. After I talked with him at some length, I think he agreed with me that if it was your wish that he not be in here, that we go ahead and have this as a private hearing. So I will first of all ask you, Mrs. Tice, if you would like to go ahead privately, or if you would prefer to have your husband in here?
Mrs. TICE. I would prefer not to have my husband in here.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Burt Griffin, and I am a member of the general counsel's staff of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. I want to explain to you preliminarily that what we are doing here and how we are set up and then I will ask you to take the oath and testify.
Mrs. TICE. Let me ask you first, is this to be told to my husband?
Mr. GRIFFIN. We will not tell your husband about it, but we are taking a printed transcript and these will all be public records eventually, and it will certainly be available to your husband to read if he should ever want to. Now, if you would prefer not to testify about this, why I think that we are not going to ask you to do it.
Mrs. TICE. You mean I don't have to testify? I don't have to say anything if I don't want to?
Mr. GRIFFIN. No; if you would prefer not to testify, why, I am not going to compel you to do it. We asked you to come here because the FBI had interviewed you, and we wanted to get under oath what they had reported to us previously. But as I say, if you have domestic reasons why you don't want to talk about this, we are certainly not going to force you to do it.
Mrs. TICE. Will I be subpenaed later for something?
Mr. GRIFFIN. We will not subpena you. The report is in the records.


Mrs. TICE. There is nothing I want to retract.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, I can't assure you that the Ruby family won't ask you to testify in court some day.
Mrs. TICE. Well, what is it you want to know from me now?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, we were going to talk to you about matters that you talked to the FBI about.
Mrs. TICE. That is all?
Mr. GRIFFIN. That is all.
Mrs. TICE. OK.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you rather think about this? There is no reason why you have to make a decision today about it.
Mrs. TICE. Well, I mean if you just want me to tell you the story, that story over again, I would rather do it right now, because m.y husband is so upset now because I had to come up here again with that.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, you know that we can't, that the chances are 99 out of 100 that your husband will find out what your testimony was. You are aware of that?
Mrs. TICE. Is that from a promise that you made that he would be able to see it later?
Mr. GRIFFIN. No; that is simply because this is all going to be a part of a public record, and it will be available for anyone to look at, and it will be easily accessible to anyone in Dallas to look at.
Mrs. TICE. When?
Mr. GRIFFIN. In a couple of months.
Mrs. TICE. Not before that?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, whenever the report is published. I would guess in early fall that the report will be out.
Mrs. TICE. Well, go ahead and ask me whatever you want to ask me now, whatever it is you want to know.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me explain to you then that the Commission, as you know, was set up to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy, and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. I have already explained why we have asked you to come here, and I am designated under the rules of the Commission to take your testimony.
Now, I might also advise you that you are entitled to be represented by counsel and consult with an attorney if you would like to before you come in here. Also, you are entitled to have 3 days' written notice before you come to testify. Did you get a letter from us, incidentally?
Mrs. TICE. Sunday.
Mr. GRIFFIN. So if you would like to consult with an attorney before you testify, we can let you do that, too. Be happy to.
Mrs. TICE. I got this from Washington.
Mrs. TICE. It said that Hubert, Jr. and Burt Griffin.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I am Burt Griffin.
Mrs. TICE. This letter here.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Yes ma'am.
Mrs. TICE. Well, what do you want to know?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me ask you to raise your right hand and I will administer the oath to you. I hope we understand that you are testifying freely and voluntarily. Do you have any reservations about testifying?
Mrs. TICE. I don't know if it is going to cause any more trouble than it already has. I don't see how it could.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me put it this way. Would you prefer not to testify?
Mrs. TICE. Not necessarily.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right, why don't you raise your right hand and I will administer the oath.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give, will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; so help you God?
Mrs. TICE. I do.


Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you give the court reporter your full name, please?
Mrs. TICE. Wilma May Tice.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where do you live, Mrs. Tice?
Mrs. TICE. 8406 Lakemont Drive.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Is that in Dallas?
Mrs. TICE. Dallas 9, Tex.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When were you born, Mrs. Tice?
Mrs. TICE. March 3, 1925.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You are married?
Mrs. TICE. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long have you been married?
Mrs. TICE. December 6, 1948. Fifteen years.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you have any children?
Mrs. TICE. We have three adopted children.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Are you employed?
Mrs. TICE. No; I am not employed and haven't been since I worked for the juvenile department.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When did you work for the juvenile department?
Mrs. TICE. When we adopted our last two children.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you adopt them through the juvenile department?
Mrs. TICE. We did.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When is that that you last worked for them?
Mrs. TICE. I guess 1961.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How old are your children?
Mrs. TICE. The youngest one is 6, will be 7 in August. The next one is 8 was 8 June 28. And the little boy is 9, and will be 10 November 19.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What job did you have with the juvenile department?
Mrs. TICE. I was the manager of the foster home.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You say you were the manager of the foster home?
Mrs. TICE. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What does that mean?
Mrs. TICE. When the police or the sheriff or anybody picks up the little children that have been abandoned, or if there has been trouble or anything, well, the police bring them to me and bring me a police sheet on it, and in return I call the juvenile department, and then they know how to appoint what social worker that should be appointed to the case.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You took care of the children until a home was found for them?
Mrs. TICE. No; I was the manager. I took care of the children until they were assigned to a worker, or if I would get too many children, the supervisor would come out and we had foster homes that would take the children until their hearing or what-have-you.
Mr. GRIFFIN. But the children would actually live in your home?
Mrs. TICE. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long did you do that?
Mrs. TICE. For a year or a little over. Maybe a year, or going on 2 years.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you know Jack Ruby before November 22?
Mrs. TICE. No; I did not.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you follow the Ruby trial in the newspapers?
Mrs. TICE. I saw some of the news, yes; I did, but then I had a wreck January 23, and January 23 I was pretty sick until April 21. I mean, I had trouble with vision and was going to the doctor every day, and was in bed practically all the time.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What kind of injury did you sustain in the accident?
Mrs. TICE. Well, I had something wrong with the optical nerves or pinched nerves in my neck from a whiplash, and pulled muscles in my shoulder, and something, I don't know what he said, this vertebra was cramped against the other vertebra, and had a nerve pinched in between it or under.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was this an automobile accident?
Mrs. TICE. Yes, sir.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Were you rendered unconscious in the accident?


Mrs. TICE. Well, I guess I was slightly in shock. I am not sure. I mean, well, I was pretty frightened. I mean I wouldn't let the officer take me to the doctor. I wanted to wait until my husband got home to take me to the doctor, because my husband can be there in 5 minutes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Were you hospitalized?
Mrs. TICE. No; I was not.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What do you think about the outcome of the Ruby trial?
Mrs. TICE. I don't know what to think about it. I really don't know what to think about it. I mean, as far as the trial is concerned, I don't understand it at all. I mean, there is just a lot of it I don't understand.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you have any feeling about whether Jack was treated fairly or not?
Mrs. TICE. That part I couldn't say. I don't know whether he was treated fairly or not. I just wouldn't even know if he was treated fairly, because I wasn't up there. I mean, I can't say. I felt like, I guess what you really want to know is how in the beginning I talked with Eva?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Yes; that's right.
Mrs. TICE. Well, I called Eva. It was no more than a sympathy call. And when I called her I didn't get her on the phone. I got Eileen on the phone. And I felt sorry for them because they had been so deserted for something that their brother had done. They had been rejected by everybody, and I felt sorry for them. I mean just like I try to teach my children, right is right and wrong is wrong, and I try to abide by the same thing.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You called for the purpose of cheering her up, was that it, in some way?
Mrs. TICE. Yes. I called her after the verdict. It was after the verdict that I called her to give her my sympathy. That is why. And then I talked with Eileen. And instead, she said Eva was rather upset. Then in talking with Eileen, I think she called or I don't know, I talked again--I don't know if Eva called me, or Eileen called me, but something was mentioned about their brother being out at the hospital, and at the time I said to her it was really a shock to me to see--mean I was in the kitchen when I heard the news, and the children said when they were transferring him, Ruby did this. And she said they were so shocked and all tore up, and I said yes, it was quite a shock to me because seeing him just 2 days later out at the hospital wanting to give Governor Connally a kidney, that he could go down and try to save one life, and go take another life, it just didn't make sense. And she said, "Oh, he is sick, he is just sick." And said, "He has been acting just peculiar ever since this thing happened." And she told me then that another time, well, Eileen asked if she could come and talk to me, if she could come out to the house. So she and Eva came out, and two newspaper reporters came along with me. Art Sinclair and this other one, I don't know what his name was. Anyway, they were talking to me about Ruby being out to the hospital, and that is just about all I know.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Mrs. Tice, did you know that Jack himself has denied very vehemently he was out at the hospital?
Mrs. TICE. Yes; I know he denied that, and I hated to say that I saw him out there, and I told Eva. And Eva told me, "Well, I asked Jack and Jack said no, he wasn't out there." And I said, "Well, anybody can make a mistake. Anybody could have made a mistake." She said, "Yes, because there are many Jacks. A man called Jack,"--and if it wasn't him it was his twin brother.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you think you could have been mistaken about the man you saw?
Mrs. TICE. It could have been somebody else that looked just like Jack, named Jack; yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. If you had been really sure of it that you saw him out there, wouldn't you have reported it to the FBI or the police in late November or early December?
Mrs. TICE. Now this is where my husband's part comes in. He doesn't like for me to go out of that house unless he is with me. He goes down to the farm every weekend, and I was at home alone. My children were in school and


everybody was gone. I mean, not only me, but everybody in Dallas was looking and listening. And I decided that I would jump in the car and run over there too. It is only 15 minutes from my house.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You mean when you went to Parkland Hospital?
Mrs. TICE. When I went to Parkland Hospital.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did your husband object to the fact that you had gone to Parkland Hospital?
Mrs. TICE. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Has this disturbed you, his objection to that?
Mrs. TICE. Yes: it disturbs me all the time, because he doesn't want me to go out of the house while he is gone, because he says my place is in the house.
Mr. GRIFFIN. If you were really sure that the man you saw out there was Jack Ruby, wouldn't you have reported it to the police or the FBI within a few days, or called them on the telephone or something like that and told them about it very shortly after Jack shot Oswald?
Mrs. TICE. No; because I thought they knew everything. I didn't know that Eva and them didn't know he went out there, or I wouldn't have said that to her.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You assumed that when you said that, that they knew?
Mrs. TICE. That they knew he was out there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. That they thought he was out there?
Mrs. TICE. I assumed they knew he was out there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Had you read the article that one of the newspaper reporters wrote who also said he saw Jack Ruby out at the Parkland Hospital.
Mrs. TICE. No, sir; I didn't read that.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You are not familiar with that?
Mrs. TICE. No.
Mr. GRIFFIN. The reason you are telling us that you didn't call the FBI earlier is that you assumed that they knew that he was out at Parkland, that he had been at Parkland Hospital?
Mrs. TICE. I assumed that they knew everywhere he had been.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you expect that they would have known that unless somebody told them about it?
Mrs. TICE. Well, they are talking to the news all the time, and Eva said they tracked him down from here to there and said that they had asked her all about it and everything. And she wanted to know what time I saw him out there. I said, "I don't know what time it was, but I know that I was out at the hospital by 1 o'clock, and I know that I was back at my house at 3 o'clock, because my children get home from school at 10 after 3, and when they come home I am home."
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long had you stood out there before you saw this man that you thought was Jack Ruby?
Mrs. TICE. Well, there was some lady and some little child with some group of people standing there and I asked them what they were doing now and she said, "Well, they haven't said anything." And she said she can't hear anything. This is when I saw the one that at that time I didn't know was anybody like Jack Ruby, and then this man that came up to him and slapped him on the shoulder and started talking to him.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long did this man that you think was Jack Ruby, how long did he stand out there next to you?
Mrs. TICE. I was standing about 3 feet from them.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where was he standing in relation to you. Was he in front of you or behind you, or off to the side, or where was he?
Mrs. TICE. I was standing about like this, and they were standing there, but I was being nosey and listening.
Mr. GRIFFIN. In other words, this man was off to the side 4 or 5 feet distant from you, the distance from you to me?
Mrs. TICE. This man that I say was Jack Ruby was about 3 feet from me, I guess, about as far as you are from me.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You could only see the side of his face, I take it?
Mrs. TICE. Jack Ruby's?


Mrs. TICE. No; I only saw--I could only see the side of this other man's face that walked up to him. Jack was standing right here, see, this man that is called Jack. He was standing here like this, and I am standing here.
Mr. GRIFFIN. We will have to indicate.
Mrs. TICE. He turned around when this man walked up here and hit him on the shoulder and said, "How are you doing, Jack?"
Mr. GRIFFIN. Jack Ruby was ahead of you and initially had his back to you, is that right?
Mrs. TICE. No; he wasn't up ahead of me. He was more or less to the side.
Mr. GRIFFIN. As you looked over, when did you first notice him, when the man said hello to Jack?
Mrs. TICE. When I first noticed him was when this man walked up to him, because I thought this was a detective or something, because he had a suitcase.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was he standing in a crowd of people?
Mrs. TICE. Well, there was a, like I said, this lady that I turned around and asked this, and people were coming and going.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How far were you from the main entrance of Parkland Hospital? Which entrance of the hospital were you near?
Mrs. TICE. Down where you come off of Harry Hines. You come off here, and then there is a paved parking thing.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Why don't you draw a picture for us. Why don't you take this yellow sheet of paper and why don't you draw Harry Hines Boulevard?
Mrs. TICE. OK; this is Harry Hines Boulevard, and right in here, this is where the gate thing goes along. You pay to go in here and park. I guess it's got gate.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Mrs. Tice, we are trying, the reporter is trying to take your words down and they don't mean very much if you just talk about this and that. I suggest that you draw on this sheet of paper, draw the hospital and draw Harry Hines Boulevard, and then draw some more lines to indicate where you were standing. Can you do that?
Mrs. TICE. I don't know too much how the hospital looks over there. As I came down this way, that is what I am trying to tell you--this is Harry Hines.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You have drawn a line that you call Harry Hines Boulevard.
Mrs. TICE. OK; then you go in here, and there is a pay-parking thing.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where is the hospital?
Mrs. TICE. The hospital is right here. Right down here is the emergency entrance.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where is the main entrance, do you know that?
Mrs. TICE. I guess that was the main entrance up there.
Mrs. TICE. But this is way I came.
Mr. GRIFFIN. There is a road that comes off Harry Hines Boulevard? What direction is that from the hospital?
Mrs. TICE. There is a little hill that goes down here, and just before you go through this emergency place, I guess that is an emergency place, there is a lawn here, and this is where this bar is for the grass. But there is another parking lot behind this pay thing, I guess. I thought it was a pay thing, something left out of here, and I pulled in this other one and parked in the second or third space.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You were in a parking lot that was between the emergency entrance to the hospital and Harry Hines Boulevard, is that right? You pulled into a parking lot that was between Harry Hines Boulevard and the emergency entrance of the hospital, is that right?
Mrs. TICE. I don't know how many places there is to park there, but this first place was the one I got in, and I didn't pay to get in here.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You went into a free parking space?
Mrs. TICE. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. And you parked your car?
Mrs. TICE. I parked my car.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Then where did you walk to?
Mrs. TICE. Then I came back out here and I walked down here.


Mr. GRIFFIN. So that you were standing in the oval in front of the emergency entrance, is that right?
Mrs. TICE. I was standing right here by this fence.
Mr. GRIFFIN. The metal fence that separates the---
Mrs. TICE. This right here is where the police cars park and stuff. No; that is over to the other side because that goes all the way around.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You. are going to have to explain it in words, because the lady can't take this down. She can't understand what we are talking about.
Mrs. TICE. Well, all right. Right down here is this circle where you go down into the emergency entrance, and this little bar here, it goes across here where this grass is, and where I was standing was right here on this grass, right here [pointing].
Mr. GRIFFIN. Will you mark an X where you were standing?
Mrs. TICE. This is me. And these other people were here, and this is where Jack was standing, about 2 foot on this side of this fence.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I see. Were you facing toward the emergency entrance, or which direction were you facing?
Mrs. TICE. We were looking down there to see what was happening.
Mr. GRIFFIN. So Jack actually was a little bit in front of you?
Mrs. TICE. Yes; I guess.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you put an R where Ruby was?
(Mrs. Tice marks.)
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, a man walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder?
Mrs. TICE. The man came right down this way, over this way and slapped him on the shoulder and asked him how he was doing.
Mr. GRIFFIN. And at that point Jack turned around?
Mrs. TICE. At that point Jack turned around and started talking to him. At the time, he was facing right toward me.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where was the other man? Was he standing between you and Jack?
Mrs. TICE. No; the other man was standing right here, and Jack was standing here, because he turned around to see who slapped him on the shoulder.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I am going to mark this with an R for Ruby, and I am going to put W for Wilma, and I am going to leave the M you put there for the other man.
Mrs. TICE. OK.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When was the next time you .thought about this incident?
Mrs. TICE. I didn't think about it any more.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, the next time you thought about it, of course, was whenever the children said that was Oswald got shot?
Mrs. TICE. That is the next time I thought about it. I mean, other than just what I hear on the news, and I got tired of hearing it.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you tell your husband?
Mrs. TICE. That I went down there; no.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you tell anybody else that you had been there and seen that man, seen Jack Ruby?
Mrs. TICE. Yes; I talked to Eva about it.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you talk to any of your friends about it?
Mrs. TICE. I don't think so; no. I don't think I did, because I wouldn't want my husband to get hold of me being out there. I guess I made mention to somebody about him wanting to give somebody a kidney, him wanting to give Governor Connally, one day, and then going up and killing somebody.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you remember who you told that to?
Mrs. TICE. No.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you have anything else that you would like to tell us about this?
Mrs. TICE. Well, except whenever I turned, well, this Ruby went on down this way, and this man here, when this man walked away, and this one here went on down toward this curb here, then I turned around and I looked at my watch and I left, because my children were coming home from school.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You left shortly after you saw this man, this Ruby man?
Mrs. TICE. I was home at 3 o'clock.


Mr. GRIFFIN. How long a time elapsed between the time you saw Ruby and when you left the hospital?
Mrs. TICE. I don't know, but it takes me approximately 15 minutes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. As soon as that man left, Ruby, did you go home?
Mrs. TICE. I just moseyed. I didn't take off at a running hop or anything, but I kept looking and I didn't see nothing.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you wait as long as an hour after you saw Ruby before you left?
Mrs. TICE. No.
Mr. GRIFFIN. AS long as a half-hour?
Mrs. TICE. No; whenever I started to get out, there was cars coming in there, and I guess it probably took me 5 minutes to get out of that parking lot, by the time I walked back up to here and got back in the car.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What is your best estimate of when you got home?
Mrs. TICE. Well, the children got home from school at 3 o'clock or 2:45. They get out 10 minutes till 3. I was home at 3 o'clock; I was home when the children got there. Well, it may have been 5 or 10 minutes after 3, because I was there before the children came in.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long were you there before the children arrived?
Mrs. TICE. I just got there, but I was home.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I am going to mark this diagram which you have drawn here I am going to put this emergency entrance up where you have indicated it was, and I am going to mark this "Wilma Tice Deposition, July 24, 1964, Exhibit No. 1".
Mrs. TICE. Well, now, you know Eva told me she says, "Well, but Wilma, you could be mistaken, because you know people look different on television than they do in person." I said, "Yes, I realize that is true."
Mr. GRIFFIN. You think you might be mistaken, or don't you?
Mrs. TICE. No; I said I thought it was either him or his twin brother.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You still feel that way?
Mrs. TICE. I still feel that way.
Mr. GRIFFIN. But you have only seen him on television?
Mrs. TICE. That's right, and that time out there is the only time I have ever seen him.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How about pictures in the newspaper, do they look the same as what you remember the man looked like at Parkland Hospital?
Mrs. TICE. They didn't look as much like him as the one that Eva or Eileen brought to the house and showed to me. I mean, looked more like him.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, Mrs. Tice, I only ask you if you will sign this exhibit with your signature.
(Mrs. Tice signs.)
Mr. GRIFFIN. I want to ask one other question. That is, there was a newspaper report that you received a threat of some sort before you came here. Do you know anything about that?
Mrs. TICE. Do I know anything about it?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Yes; did you receive a threat before coming here?
Mrs. TICE. Well, I don't know if it was a threat or I don't know now--I don't know what you are talking about. Are you talking about when I was barricaded in the house?
Mr. GRIFFIN. No; I don't know about that. I was just informed by somebody here in this U.S. attorney's office that one of the daily newspapers here had carried an article that you had been threatened. Do you know anything about that?
Mrs. TICE. They said that I had been threatened, but what the paper said is not what--I got a telephone call, and some man told me on the telephone that it would pay me to keep my mouth shut.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you recognize the voice on the telephone?
Mrs. TICE. I never heard that voice before in my life, that I know of.
Mr. GRIFFIN. At the time you got that telephone call, did your husband know that you were supposed to come to testify?
Mrs. TICE. Yes; he knew I got this letter Sunday. He was coming home with the children. He went down to pick up the children at Sunday School and


brought them home and was just coming in whenever I signed for the letter, and the postman handed me the letter when he walked up to the door.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When did you receive the telephone call?
Mrs. TICE. Well, now, I think it was Monday or Tuesday; but I have been so confused because I was up all day and all that night and the next day, and some of the FBI and some of the police said it was Wednesday, but I believe it was Monday.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did your husband, when you got that letter from the President's Commission, ask you why you were supposed to testify?
Mrs. TICE. Yes; he did.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you tell him?
Mrs. TICE. No; he accused me of having worked for Jack Ruby at one time. He says, "I know you have known him before. You probably worked for him before you and I were married." And he is so unreasonable, and he is just--my husband is kind of jealous, and you can't hardly talk to him. So I just figured, well, I wouldn't say anything to him, because he just goes into a rage.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, I don't have any other questions of you and I appreciate your coming here. I don't know whether you have anything more that you would want to add. I think you probably told us everything there is to tell us.
Mrs. TICE. Well, that is all I know. And as far as the phone calls, the rest of them didn't say anything. They just hung up.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you get more than one phone call?
Mrs. TICE. Yes, Sir; I got several phone calls that were just--whenever I wouldn't answer the phone any more, and our little niece had been there, and she is 14 and I would tell her to answer the telephone, and she answered the. telephone, and they would hang up.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, I want to thank you again very much for coming. I hope we haven't inconvenienced you any further.

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