The testimony of Igor Vladimir Voshinin was taken at 9 a.m., on March 26, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission. Robert T. Davis, assistant attorney general of Texas, was present.
Mr. JENNER - Mr. Voshinin, would you stand and be sworn, please?
Do you swear, in your testimony here, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Mr. VOSHININ - I do.
Mr. JENNER - Your name is Igor Vladimir Voshinin?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - Mr. Voshinin, the Presidential Commission appointed to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy desires to inquire of you with respect to any part you may have played in, or persons you may have known here in Dallas or in the Dallas area, who had some contact with Lee Harvey Oswald, or information that you might have that would help the Commission in its investigation of this horrible tragedy.
Have you received a letter from J. Lee Rankin, the general counsel of the Commission, with which was enclosed copy of Executive Order No. 11130, creating a Commission?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; I have.
Mr. JENNER - And Senate Joint Resolution No. 137 of the Congress of the United States authorizing the Commission?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - And a copy of the rules of procedure of the Commission?
Mr. JENNER - I am Albert E. Jenner, Jr., member of the legal staff of the
Commission, and have been authorized by the general counsel to proceed to take your deposition.
You reside where?
Mr. VOSHININ - 3504 Mockingbird Lane in Highland Park, Tex.
Mr. JENNER - And is Highland Park a suburb of Dallas?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right; but it is an independent community.
Mr. JENNER - Yes; how long have you resided in Highland Park, Tex.?
Mr. VOSHININ - Since 1961.
Mr. JENNER - Prior to that time where did you reside?
Mr. VOSHININ - In University Park.
Mr. JENNER - Also a suburb -
Mr. VOSHININ - An independent community and suburb.
Mr. JENNER - And for how long did you reside there?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, since 1957, I guess.
Mr. JENNER - I See.
Mr. VOSHININ - Now, it may be late in 1956.
Mr. JENNER - What is your business or occupation or profession?
Mr. VOSHININ - I am a professional engineer.
Mr. JENNER - And by whom are you employed, or are you an independent engineer?
Mr. VOSHININ - At this time I am employed by Mullen & Powell, consulting engineers.
Mr. JENNER - Would you spell that name, please?
Mr. VOSHININ - [Spelling] M-u-1-1-e-n & P-o-w-e-l-l.
Mr. JENNER - What area of engineering do you direct your attention?
Mr. VOSHININ - In structural engineering.
Mr. JENNER - Are you a citizen of the United States?
Mr. VOSHININ - I am.
Mr. JENNER - By naturalization or birth?
Mr. VOSHININ - By naturalization.
Mr. JENNER - And when were you naturalized?
Mr. VOSHININ - I have to see [looking through billfold]. It must be 1954 - I'm sorry to delay you.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, take it easy. We have plenty of time. Don't let it worry you a bit.
(The witness hands card to Mr. Jenner.)
Mr. JENNER - [Reading] March 7, 1955?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - In the light of that, Mr. Voshinin, in what country were you born? Mr. VOSHININ - I was born in Russia before the Revolution.
Mr. JENNER - And how old a man are you?
Mr. VOSHININ - I was born in 1906 - so, therefore, I am 58 years old.
Mr. JENNER - You are 1 year older than I am. I'll be 57 next June. And did you alone, or your family, come directly to the United States from Russia?
Mr. VOSHININ - No, sir.
Mr. JENNER - Without detail, tell us how you came to this country and approximately when.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, we were living in southern Russia, which was in the hands of the White Army, and when the Communists advanced, since we were close, our family left from a port on the Black Sea.
Mr. JENNER - Now, when was this?
Mr. VOSHININ - That was in 1920 - early in 1920.
Mr. JENNER - You were then 14 years old, approximately?
Mr. VOSHININ - Thirteen - yeah.
Me and my mother we left first for Greece and then to Turkey, and my father left directly to Turkey and we met in Constantinop1e, now Istanbul in Turkey.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mr. VOSHININ - And, after that, we altogether went to Yugoslavia where we lived up to this last war.
Mr. JENNER - 1940 -
Mr. VOSHININ - In 1942, the Germans forced me to go to work to Germany, and actually, I jumped their train and remained in Austria close to Yugoslavia. And after - by the end of the war when the Communists were close, you know, we moved further west and somehow managed to come to Kempten -
Mr. JENNER - To what?
Mr. VOSHININ - To Kempten in south Bavaria - [spelling] K-e-m-p-t-e-n - and that's where we met the American Army.
Mr. JENNER - What you mean is that the American Army in its advance reached the Bavarian area and freed you?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, the American Army came to Kempten on 25th of April and we reached Kempten on the 12th of April. So, I was just 13 days in Germany before the American Army.
Mr. JENNER - Are you married?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; I am.
Mr. JENNER - And what is your wife's name?
Mr. VOSHININ - Natalie.
Mr. JENNER - And where did you marry her?
Mr. VOSHININ - Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Mr. JENNER - When?
Mr. VOSHININ - It was in 1940.
Mr. JENNER - Do you have a family?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; I have no children. I have only my father here.
Mr. JENNER - When did you come to the United States?
Mr. VOSHININ - Uh - It was November 12, 1947.
Mr. JENNER - And your wife accompanied you at that time?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - And you settled where in this country?
Mr. VOSHININ - We settled first in New York.
Mr. JENNER - City?
Mr. VOSHININ - New York City, for some time, then we mostly lived in New Jersey.
Mr. JENNER - Did you receive a higher education - that is, an education beyond high school equivalent?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - Would you tell us what that was, please, and where?
Mr. VOSHININ - I have bachelor degree in civil engineering from the University of Belgrade, 1931, and the master degree in civil engineering from the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, in 1955.
Mr. JENNER - And the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute is in New York City, or its environs?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right - in Brooklyn.
Mr. JENNER - And you have pursued your profession in civil engineering -
Mr. VOSHININ - Since 1931, up to now - except for the time of war.
Mr. JENNER - Would you give me the dates again when you were in Yugoslavia?
Mr. VOSHININ - From the middle of 1920 to 1942.
Mr. JENNER - 1942? Is that when the Germans sought to bring you to Germany and you escaped then to Austria?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - That was an escape, wasn't it?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, it was a little illegal [laughter]. Because they dragged everybody to the Rhine, you know - and somehow I managed, with other people, to get out of that train. There were hundreds of people who got out.
Mr. DAVIS - Did you stay in Austria, then, throughout the war?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; almost out through the war.
Mr. JENNER - Now, Austria was occupied by the Germans also, was it not?
Mr. VOSHININ - Austria was occupied also as well as Yugoslavia. And, of course, you had to go to the labor office - because otherwise I would be arrested immediately.
Mr. DAVIS - When you'd go there, they'd let you stay in Austria?
Mr. VOSHININ - You see, every labor office was grabbing for labor force - who ever would come, you know. And, therefore, they would not disclose your name to the next labor office, you know. So, I - when I got out of the train with two
other fellows - and, of course, it has cost us something; it wasn't for free, you know.
Mr. JENNER - You had to do a little bribery?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah, to three persons there-including the guard which was taking, as we were explained, cigarettes. When we came out, we had seen about a hundred people who did the same thing - so, it probably was going - big business there.
Mr. DAVIS - When did you come to Dallas?
Mr. VOSHININ - 1955 - .about the first of September.
Mr. JENNER - You were naturalized in New York City?
Mr. VOSHININ - No, sir; in New Brunswick, NJ.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, New Brunswick, N.J.?
Mr. VOSHININ - New Brunswick, N.J. Yeah. We mostly preferred to live in New Jersey, you know. It's a little better air. I'm an asthmatic, you know.
Mr. JENNER - You're asthmatic?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; I'm asthmatic - and, therefore, I have to choose my climate.
Mr. JENNER - Mrs. Voshinin - was she likewise born in Russia?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right. Only she's 12 years younger so when her parents took her out of Russia, then she was 1 year old.
Mr. JENNER - She probably wouldn't remember then.
Mr. VOSHININ - She doesn't know anything about it.
Mr. JENNER - Now, when you came to Dallas in September of 1965, had you had any advance acquaintance with anybody here?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; I knew two persons whom I met through the church.
Mr. JENNER - And what church is that?
Mr. VOSHININ - Uh - the church in Houston.
Mr. JENNER - What is the name of it and what is its denomination?
Mr. VOSHININ - Greek Orthodox Church.
Mr. JENNER - Greek Orthodox Church?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; I don't know what the church's name is. I think it's St. Vladimir - but I'm not sure.
Mr. JENNER - St. Vladimir?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; I think so - but I'm not quite sure that was the name. And the thing is that we wanted to settle in Houston first -
Mr. JENNER - I see.
Mr. VOSHININ - But we didn't like the climate. And the people there they gave us the name of Mr. Raigorodsky - Paul Raigorodsky.
Mr. JENNER - Spell that last name, please.
Mr. VOSHININ - R-a-i-g-o-r-o-d-s-k-y.
Mr. JENNER - Is he of Russian descent - or Yugoslavian or what?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; Russian.
Mr. JENNER - He had preceded you to this country?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, yes.
Mr. JENNER - How long?
Mr. VOSHININ - He was the first Russian immigrant who settled here in Dallas.
Mr. JENNER - I see.
Mr. VOSHININ - And he is a millionaire - a very rich man.
Mr. JENNER - Had you known him?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; we didn't know him personally but the priest there, the pastor, you know, of our denomination in Houston said that when you go to Dallas - we said that we passed through Dallas going to Houston and we said we liked the climate much better and it's too humid there. So we said, "Well, you know, we go to that city, we may settle there, but we don't know anybody."
So, he said, "Well, why don't you - we have two men who are able to help you - and this is Mr. Raigorodsky and Mr. Bouhe - George Bouhe." The Russians are referring - joking about Raigorodsky - they call him, "the Czar," here.
Mr. JENNER - Yeah.
Mr. VOSHININ - So - he's an old man - and so when we came, then the next day - it was during our vacation in 1965 - and so we went to see Raigorodsky and then we went to see Bouhe. And they told us that there is a church of our
denomination here on McKinney and a few other just useful things - nothing in particular.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Well, the main thing I wanted - when you came to Dallas, you didn't know anybody?
Mr. JENNER - You then became acquainted with Mr. Bouhe?
Mr. VOSHININ - Bouhe-and Mr. Raigorodsky. Mr. Raigorodsky we kind of liked - and Mr. Bouhe we kind of disliked.
Mr. DAVIS - Was there any special reason for that other than just -
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, Mr. Bouhe, he likes to help people but he likes to mix in their affairs -
Mr. JENNER - Their personal affairs?
Mr. VOSHININ - And tell them what to do and what not to do. And I don't need a nurse here now. I like to listen to people's advice but I don't like to have a nurse. I'm grown up. That's why I don't like - didn't like his approach too well.
Mr. JENNER - Bouhe, while a well meaning and helpful man, he was a little aggressive in your personal affairs?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. Well, he is with everybody. He is an old bachelor, you know, and he doesn't have anything else to do.
Mr. JENNER - May I inquire with respect to that - your aversion, at least initially, to Mr. Bouhe was confined to the fact, was it not that you thought him a little too aggressive insofar as your personal affairs - particularly advising you and directing you as to what to and what not to do?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes. Well, everybody complaining the same way.
Mr. JENNER - I see.
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes. Although I don't mind him helping people.
Mr. JENNER - Specifically, however, that aversion has nothing to do, has it, with any political views that Mr. Bouhe may entertain?
Mr. JENNER - And I mean "political" in the sense of his views on government - communism - conservatism - whatever it might be?
Mr. VOSHININ - No. But my impression is that he is rather conservative in Russian politics, I mean. He always talks about the Czarist times and about the times his father was some big shot somewhere.
Mr. JENNER - In Russia?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - Do you regard him, however, as a loyal American?
Mr. VOSHININ - Uh - well, I don't know. We never talked about any American politics with him. So I regard him as far as I don't have any proof otherwise.
Mr. JENNER - You don't suspect him, however, of any Communist affiliation?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well - uh - one is accustomed to suspect everybody.
Mr. JENNER - Well, no more than that?
Mr. VOSHININ - But - uh - no more than that, I would say.
Mr. JENNER - Now, your acquaintance with people here in Dallas broadened. did it not, as time went on?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - I take it that, initially at least, your acquaintance was largely among that segment of the community or society here of people from Russia, Yugoslavia, and Central European countries?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - and Lebanon.
Mr. JENNER - Lebanon, also?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - well, those people who come to church.
Mr. JENNER - Your acquaintance, initially, was among church folks -
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - Who attended your church?
Mr. JENNER - And that was the Greek Orthodox Church here in Dallas?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; the Greek Orthodox Church, here on McKinney avenue - because there is another Greek Orthodox Church or Swiss. That's the church where all the Greek people go, and all the non-Greek people went on McKinney because on McKinney the service was in the English language.
Mr. JENNER - What is the name of the parish?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, there were two parishes there.
Mr. JENNER - Yeah.
Mr. VOSHININ - On McKinney, there were two parishes in one church. One was called the St. Nicholas Parish and the other, the St. Seraphim Parish.
The St. Seraphim Parish is the English-speaking parish where the services were in English. And at most times that's the parish who held their services there; whereas the building belonged to St. Nicholas Parish - who had their services once in 5 weeks, with their pastor coming from Houston.
Mr. JENNER - And that was Father -
Mr. VOSHININ - Father Alexander.
Mr. JENNER - And the Father of the other parish is Dimitri?
Mr. VOSHININ - Father Dimitri Royster.
Mr. JENNER - Royster?
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - And the St. Nicholas Parish secretary-treasurer is Mr. Bouhe.
Mr. JENNER - Yes. He's the motivating force, is he?
Mr. VOSHININ - He's the motivating force there-and everything (laughter].
Our sympathies switched very quickly to St. Seraphim Church and I became a member of the church council there at St. Seraphim and - uh - I didn't like to be a member of St. Nicholas any more.
Mr. JENNER - Is that largely because of the aggressiveness of Mr. Bouhe?
Mr. VOSHININ - And because of the irregularity of the church meeting once In 5 weeks - and many other things - and because I believe that the church in this country should be in the language of the country. I think it's natural - it's what it should be in order that our denomination can exist at all - because in two, three generations, the people lose their national language, and then there is no church. Besides that, uh - I - what did I want to say? Besides that, I don't think that's a good idea to divide Christians by their language in thousand and one churches. We have people of six or seven national backgrounds and is- it's absolutely senseless in serving the service in some other language than the language in which everybody can understand. And, therefore, we switched to the St. Seraphim Church - of which we have remained members up to now.
Mr. JENNER - Were these two parishes and the church itself - that is, the Greek Orthodox Church consisting of the two parishes-is that the medium through which in large part the emigre group, let me say - from Russia, from Yugoslavia, from -
Mr. VOSHININ - Lebanon; yeah.
Mr. JENNER - Became acquainted?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; yes. Everybody knows everybody.
Mr. JENNER - Everybody knew everybody?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - And all rumors and everything else passed back and forth through this group?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; that's right.
Mr. JENNER - And is it true that arising out of this common interest in the Greek Orthodox Church and the two parishes that a measure of social inter course, apart from the church, was also generated?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; that is true.
Mr. JENNER - And you people generally became acquainted, one with the other, in not only your church activity but your general social activity as well?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - well, I wouldn't say "general" social activity, because, in addition to the church, I meet people through my office and my wife met them too, so - but partially, yes.
Mr. JENNER - Yes. At least, through that medium, whether you wanted to or not you sort of kept track of everybody?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - Everybody knew something about what the other fellow was doing or would like to?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - and as far as I know Mr. Bouhe even kept files and
still keeps files on everybody - when anybody was born, baptized, or whatever happened to everybody.
Mr. JENNER - I see.
Mr. VOSHININ - He even showed me a file and he said, "Say, you came here, I immediately opened a file on you."
I say, "What for?"
And he say, "Well, you know, I forget things - so I keep a file on everybody."
Then, later, the parishes separated, as you know.
Mr. JENNER - The parishes separated. Yes. I've heard that.
Mr. VOSHININ - Because, somehow, their life together, you know, became unbearable and finally the St. Seraphim Church decided to move out.
Mr. JENNER - Of that building?
Mr. VOSHININ - Of that building on McKinney. And we bought a house on Newton and Throckmorton, as you know.
And the St. Nicholas Church remained within empty house which they only used once in 5 weeks; so they decided to sell it and they sold that house and it was torn away - torn down. And now there is a Gulf station on McKinney.
Mr. JENNER - A Gulf gasoline station?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; and they are still holding their church meetings at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Tsinzadze (phonetic).
Mr. JENNER - Hold it. Can you spell that?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, I don't know how to spell that. This is a Georgian name. These are Georgian people.
Mr. JENNER - By "Georgian," you mean -
Mr. VOSHININ - From Georgia.
Mr. JENNER - From the Georgia part of Russia?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. It's the [spelling] T-s-i-n-z-a-d-z-e, something like that.
Mr. JENNER - That's good enough.
Mr. VOSHININ - And we have been perhaps two or three times since that in Tsinzadze's house - because my father, I think, goes to confession there. He cannot go to the English confession. He prefers to have his confession in the Russian language. So, they still have a pastor coming there - but not from Houston. That pastor who was in Houston is now in Johannesburg, South Africa. And they have a retired pastor from Galveston - from the Galveston Greek Orthodox Church - who comes there once in 5 weeks or so and they have services.
So, perhaps once in the year we go there - or twice.
Mr. JENNER - Mr. Voshinin, this is very interesting to me. Would you describe this community of people in your own words? Tell me about the community as a group.
Mr. VOSHININ - St. Nicholas?
Mr. JENNER - No; the whole-this Russian -
Mr. VOSHININ - They are not only Russians there. Of course, Russians - you said Russians - Yugoslav, Lebanese - but in addition to that, there are those people-Estonians and Latvians. You see, there are a lot of Latvians and Estonians who are Greek Orthodox. Well, you see, there is a national differentiation now - yeah - in addition, I can take another nationality. These are people - west Ukrainians and Carpathian Russians. These people have former Austrian citizenship and Polish citizenship. They come from that part which is known as Galicia.
So, nowadays, the people who are in St. Nicholas parish - we call that "Bouhe's parish," in our usual usage of language. That's what we usually call Bouhe's parish.
Mr. DAVIS - He's still the secretary of that parish?
Mr. VOSHININ - He's still the secretary of that parish - yeah.
These people are mostly those Baltic people there, with few Russians. There are perhaps about 5 Russians there and about 15 to 20 Estonians and Latvians. That is St. Nicholas though, whereas the St. Seraphim Church has. a much wider, of course, background because there are Russians there, there are Yugoslavs - it's true that Bouhe's group has some Yugoslavs but they never come to his church - not very often at least - very rare; but they come to us,
too - so I don't think they are members any place - those to which I'm talking about.
But in our church there are a lot of - well, not too many Russians there- not many people with Russian background in our city at all; but we have those called Carpathian Russians and West Ukrainians and we have some Serbians - people with Serbian backgrounds; we have some Greek people even; we have all the Arabic people here - you know, Lebanese and other Arabic countries which are Greek Orthodox; and we have American people with just plain Anglo-American background who became members.
Mr. JENNER - Who became interested in the Greek Orthodox Church?
Mr. JENNER - Uh, huh.
Mr. VOSHININ - Our pastor himself, was a former Baptist who, through study of church history, became Orthodox.
Mr. JENNER - Is this group - and I'm going to call the group both Bouhe's following as well as the group in which you move - are they, by and large people who have enjoyed higher education either in this country or in Europe, or Asia?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; in Bouhe's group there are only a few people with higher education; whereas, in our group, I would say there is a lot of people with higher education. We have doctors and engineers and -
Mr. JENNER - These people, I take it, are interested in the welfare of others in the group - in the general sense of the word?
Mr. JENNER - Now, did there move into this community or come into this community that we have now described largely in terms of church, some people by the name - or a man by the name-whose last name was DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes - except that he is an atheist and doesn't believe in God.
Mr. JENNER - Yes, he is an atheist - but he did arrive on the scene or he was on the scene -
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, he was on the scene for a long time before we arrived here.
Mr. JENNER - He was here?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; he was here.
Mr. JENNER - When you came here then, in September 1955, you found DeMohrenschildt already here?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, yes.
Mr. JENNER - And was he active among these people - even though, as you say, he's an atheist?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, he was singing in the church choir.
Mr. JENNER - He was singing in the church choir even though -
Mr. VOSHININ - At St. Nicholas.
Mr. JENNER - Even though he was an atheist?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - Well, that's rather unusual. How did that strike you?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, it struck me unusual but he said he was educated in that religion and somehow by habit continued coming once in awhile to church.
Mr. JENNER - Even though he didn't believe in church?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, he said he doesn't believe in it but -
Mr. JENNER - And was DeMohrenschildt married at that time?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - To whom?
Mr. VOSHININ - To the Sharples girl.
Mr. JENNER - What are they - Quakers?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes, I guess so. Dee Dee, I think, was her name. I don't know what it stands for. She was a medical doctor - his wife.
Mr. JENNER - What do you know of DeMohrenschildt's, background?
Mr. VOSHININ - Only what he told me, of course.
Mr. JENNER - And what was said by others in this community of people?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; something what was said by others.
Mr. JENNER - All right. You give me his background as you learned it by reputation among the people you have described.
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. Well, DeMohrenschildt comes from a Swedish family.
Mr. JENNER - You mean, by reputation, he was born in Sweden?
Mr. VOSHININ - No. He was born, as I heard, in Baku in Azerbaijan. This is part of Southern Russia and Baku is in Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - And I understand that his father was a nobleman and born in Russia somewhere from Swedish parents - and that he was a rich man and -
Mr. JENNER - His father was a rich man?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; and they had some big land, too, and probably some other interests which led him to go to Baku, because Baku is the oil town in Russia.
So, probably a very substantially rich man. As he said, during the revolution, his father was arrested - I don't know by whom - and I think his mother, too, as I understand, and he, as a small boy, was running on the streets, was completely wild and hungry. And then his father somehow managed, and his mother, managed to get out of prison, and they moved to Poland.
He told us that he got his high school education in Poland and then went to the military school in Poland and finished the military school and became a Polish cavalry officer - and he was proudly showing his picture, you know, of him on a horse in a wonderful uniform. So - but, somehow, he did not like the military life, so he resigned and went to school in France and Belgium, I guess, and, as he told us-I never saw his diploma - but he told us he has a Ph.D. degree in economics.
Mr. JENNER - From a school in Belgium?
Mr. VOSHININ - Belgium or in France. I don't know. I - you know, I don't like to question people too much.
Mr. JENNER - No. All you're doing is giving me what he said and what is at large in the community we talked about.
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. So - but I don't know exactly, you know, if I would think if it would be of interest for anybody I would try to remember, of course, better but - somewhere, I don't know. He probably told me from which school it was, but I don't remember.
After that, he decided to emigrate to the United States, came here and saw that what he learned was of no use, so he went to school again - and he went to school in Austin.
Mr. JENNER - Austin, Tex.?
Mr. VOSHININ - Austin, Tex. - and in Colorado. Now, whether it was Colorado the University or Colorado the School of Mines, I don't know. But he finally became a petroleum engineer. As I understand, he earned his master's degree.
After that, he went to work in some southern American country or - I think he was sometime in Mexico and in some other country - I think it was Venezuela, which I'm not sure again, it might be something else. And - uh - then I think he returned here again during the war.
Mr. JENNER - That's the Second World War?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; during the Second World War, and -
Mr. JENNER - When you say, "returned here," do you mean returned to the Dallas area or to the United States?
Mr. VOSHININ - To the United States.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - What he did during the war, I don't know; but, after the war, he was working for some oil company. I think he had connections with the oil company in which his father-in-law, Sharples, had some interest - because he was receiving some money from that company even after he divorced his wife-until it finally stopped. But he was - I remember that he was saying, "Well, they stopped my money I received from the Sharples Co." He says "Now, they got me with this thing. I am not a consultant any more." He was some kind of consultant for that company - I don't know what of, the
company's, that is. So, therefore, you know, I learned that he had received that all the time though. I don't imagine it was too much money, but helping him.
And, finally, he wanted to go on his own and make money the whole time, you know. So, he opened his own office and was drilling for oil and made also some consultations. And I know that before we came here he was very successful in the Caribbean area, and he got big money - real big money.
Mr. JENNER - This is by reputation?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; but he always was bragging about him finding oil some where. I don't know whether it was Cuba or Haiti. I think it was Cuba. But that must be in 1953 - something like that - because I know he was always running around talking about income tax on that money because it was such a deal outside the country, you know, present certain difficulties and you have to ask the lawyers, you know, which year you receive that and so on.
So, he was always consulting some specialist about what to do about that sort of thing.
Mr. JENNER - This is what he said anyway? -
Mr. VOSHININ - That's what he said anyway. I was never in business with him - so I don't know.
So, shortly after that, after we came here-you see, how we met him, my wife is a geologist with a Master Degree from Rutgers University; and we were looking, you know, when we came through this area, we were looking for such a place which would he good for my health and which also would give her the possibility to work in her profession - and not be so noisy as New York is. So, she was looking for a job - which was very difficult for a beginner, you know, a woman geologist - though we have a dozen of them here. But - so Bouhe gave us - he said, "There is a Russian geologist" - so Bouhe gave my wife the address of Mr. DeMohrenschildt's office. He has a very good - beautiful office in First National Bank. So -
Mr. JENNER - And that's how you met DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's how we met DeMohrenschildt.
So, my wife worked there for about -
Mr. JENNER - She worked in his office?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah, for half a day - part-time. Mr. DeMohrenschildt, he was very nice and he said, "Well, I don't have any thing but you can - I want to bring my files in order, you know, and you help me a little so for sometimes I can give you something to start with - and I have a big friend of mine, Mr. Henry Rogatz, who is looking for an assistant. So, he called him on the telephone and he said, "I have an assistant for you, it's a girl, she can help you in geology and all your work."
So, Henry hired my wife for that first month at half-day - she worked half a day for DeMohrenschildt and half a day for Rogatz. And my wife only worked for DeMohrenschildt, I think, 2 or 3 weeks and then she moved to Rogatz' office and worked there for the whole day until he retired - which was about a year and a half ago. So, all that time, my wife worked for Henry Rogatz.
And DeMohrenschildt, in that winter, divorced his wife and closed his office.
Mr. JENNER - What year was this?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, he divorced his wife-that was 1956, I would say, and he had trouble with his wife, I think, beginning in that winter - 1955 or 1956 - and finally he divorced her and after - sometimes after that he also closed his office. I don't know which year exactly he closed his office but that must be around 1956.
And then he-after he closed his office, he told all of us that he is no more interested in opening another office because that's too hard for him because he has, you know - he had some kind of accident, as I understand, and he cannot drive too long, he cannot sit too long, and he has difficulties to concentrate - and, therefore, he has to have an office where he can - you know, some job which he can walk a little, consult a little, talk a little, but not too much paperwork. That's what he explained to me.
Mr. JENNER - Not follow a regimen - be there at 9, have lunch at 12, come back at 2 -
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. He says he has difficulties doing that - just physical difficulties, so he said that he decided to work - to look for foreign assignments;
he said that the Government has that Foreign Aid Program and in connection with that he will be able to find some kind of job like that and he says he will go to Washington and there are some kind of agents called 5-percenters in Washington who you can - if you find the right man you will get a job.
So, he was traveling back and forth to Washington and so on, and finally he said he got a job in Yugoslavia; he doesn't like it too much because he's a little afraid going there but he doesn't have any other way out because he's broke. So, he went to Yugoslavia and stayed there for about a year. So, that was
Mr. JENNER - Was he married then?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; he was not married at that time.
Before that, he met that so-called Mrs. Le gon, who posed as a French woman, And he met her at the swimming pool of the Stoneleigh Hotel -
Mr. JENNER - He met her?
Mr. VOSHININ - He met her at the swimming pool of the Stoneleigh Hotel- because he was living at the Stoneleigh Hotel after his divorce and she was living there -
Mr. JENNER - Excuse me. He was living there after his divorce-and she was also living there?
Mr. VOSHININ - She was also living there-yes.
She was, as I understand, a fashion designer, and she traveled to different cities to sell her ideas, you know, for design. She went to New York to sell - her permanent residence, as I understand, was Los Angeles or some suburb thereof. But she used to come here and sell her fashion designs to somebody called Clarke, I guess. She was - so, she was temporarily here but pretty often. So, they met there and fell in love, you know, and though she is Russian, of course, she would not say a word Russian; she would talk English with a French accent and saying she was a French woman.
Up to now, I think Mr. DeMohrenschildt does not know everything about his wife. He told me two times that there is something that he doesn't understand in her former life and he says that's the part before she came to the United States; and he says the moment he tries to question her about that - because he says, "It's my wife, I want to know," - he says she's just mute; she doesn't want to talk about it at all.
And we know, for example, that every time she meets some Russian from China, she doesn't want to talk to them at all. What it was, I don't know - and even DeMohrenschildt told me he doesn't know.
Mr. JENNER - Is she reputed to have been born in or to have lived in China?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; she is. She was born somewhere in China. Her father's name was Fomenko, she said - [spelling] F-o-m-e-n-k-o - who was an engineer on the East Chinese Railroad -
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Can you describe DeMohrenschildt's personality?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, do you want the further travelings as far as I know?
Mr. JENNER - Yes; please.
Mr. VOSHININ - So, after - well, he went to Yugoslavia in the middle of that year. When he was in Yugoslavia, she went to visit him there.
Mr. JENNER - His present wife?
Mr. VOSHININ - His present wife.
Mr. JENNER - And, at that time, his present wife was not his wife?
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - They were very much in love, you know - and her husband who was here two times and he was chasing DeMohrenschildt, and George DeMohrenschildt says, "He will kill me with a revolver" - and there was some kind of - we took it more or less of a joke, you know, just as very cheap movie film. But George DeMohrenschildt was so much afraid that he even slept in a motel somewhere, not in his Stoneleigh apartment. And, then, her husband, also, as I understand, hired a detective who was running constantly DeMohrenschildt. - and all kinds of things like that.
Mr. JENNER - A lot of cloak and dagger?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - cloak and dagger stuff. So after that, they divorced - she divorced her husband - and, you know, he is now in an insane-had some
kind of nervous breakdown after that, and he is now in some kind of insane asylum or sanitarium, I don't know what.
Mr. JENNER - In California?
Mr. VOSHININ - In California; yes. Bogoiavlensky is his actual name, not Le Gon.
Mr. JENNER - Why don't We get your spelling on that name? We had somebody try it yesterday. Would you -
Mr. VOSHININ - If you give me a pen I'll, I may try it.
(After writing name, as set out above, hands paper to Mr. Jenner.)
I think that's it.
Mr. JENNER - That spelling makes sense. I think that's probably an accurate spelling.
Mr. VOSHININ - Her daughter still keeps this name.
Mr. JENNER - What is her daughter's first name - the one you now have in mind?
Mr. VOSHININ - Christina.
Mr. JENNER - Christina. And she also had a child - Alexandra?
Mr. VOSHININ - I don't know anything about it.
Mr. JENNER - Did DeMohrenschildt have a daughter by the name of Alexandra?
Mr. VOSHININ - DeMohrenschildt has two daughters, but I wouldn't know their names.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - Though I met both girls, but I somehow slipped up. My wife probably knows them.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - Christina Bogolavienshy is a very good girl - and her husband, too. They are quite different from the parents.
Mr. JENNER - Go ahead.
Mr. VOSHININ - So, after that assignment in Yugoslavia, he had an assignment in Ghana - which somehow puzzled us. First of all, it was a pretty short assignment; secondly, that the thing is that he showed us a newspaper edited in Ghana in which, on the first page, was a short article describing the arrival of "this famous specialist in postal stamps - Mr. DeMohrenschildt, who came to Ghana on business as a representative of a Swedish company
Well, DeMohrenschildt, what he says about that, he says, "Oh, those jerks- they don't know anything."
Mr. JENNER - Now, excuse me. The newspaper account was to the effect that DeMohrenschildt had come to Ghana as a representative of a Swedish company?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, I don't know whether the word "Swedish," was in there - but it said, "As a representative," - and he said that it would be this Swedish company.
Mr. JENNER - He said that it was a Swedish company?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. The newspaper may just had the name of the company, you know.
Mr. JENNER - But it did mention DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, yes. "George DeMohrenschildt, famous philatelist and specialist in stamps" - and so on. And I said, "George, since when do you understand anything in stamps? Since when are you a specialist in postal stamps?"
"Oh," he said, "I'm not; but, first of all, those jerks there, they don't know the difference anyhow; besides that, that company also provides Ghana and other African country with stamps, and it also has trades in different other commodities and also has oil interests in Africa." So, he says, "I went there as their representative to see what parts of the country they would lease there for, you know, for oil leases and assign - and sign some kind of contract with them - with the Government of Ghana - in their name, and came back to Dallas.
Mr. JENNER - And then he returned to Dallas?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. And, later, he also referred that that company has interests in Nigeria - and he says, "you know, I am Swedish - so they rely on me."
The whole thing puzzles us a little because I think there are many geologists in Sweden itself - but perhaps they don't have oil specialists there. I think there is no oil in Sweden.
Mr. JENNER - Did you and the other members of the community think that he was exaggerating or this was all fictional?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, I couldn't doubt when the newspaper says that.
Mr. JENNER - When the Ghana newspaper said that?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. So he must have been in Ghana. He wouldn't print that newspaper - I hope. But, of course, he is a man who exaggerates a lot. He is that kind of character. I never believe 100 percent of whatever he was talking, because he was always, you know, making talk much more than he actually is.
Mr. JENNER - At least, he tended to exaggerate?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; because he always posed everybody as a big shot, you know.
Mr. JENNER - Everybody with whom he was associated?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes, are - or to whom he met - that he was a, you know, big businessman, big oil man, and so on - big specialist. And he wrote an article about himself in the Oil and Gas Journal about Yugoslavia, his trip to Yugoslavia, and it was said that by knowledge of the State Department he was there; and it was implied that he was actually in the Foreign Aid, you know, and that he-and it was said, you know, like a little thing, you know, an explanation he wrote about himself. You can get that Oil and Gas Journal. And it was said that Mr. DeMohrenschildt is an internationally know specialist in oil, a consultant to at least six different governments and so on. And there was - all kind of countries were there, I don't know which ones but, of course, Yugoslavia was mentioned there. And he tells about his trip to Yugoslavia and he told everybody then after - when he came back from Yugoslavia he was called to the State Department to give his opinion on the state of affairs in Yugoslavia - "And I gave quite a lecture there to those boys there in the State Department. They all sat down and listened to me." You know, that kind of talk
So, then he was in Ghana and I heard he was a second time in Ghana and a second time in Yugoslavia - but I didn't hear it from him. I just heard that as a rumor. And then when he was in Yugoslavia, he also made a trip to Sweden, after Yugoslavia, and from Sweden he went to Poland, to Warsaw. And, you know, in Warsaw he went to high school and he had a lot of friends and relatives - so he said he stayed there for a week, and -
Mr. JENNER - When was this? When did this take place?
Mr. VOSHININ - In Poland, I think was 1958, because he was in 1957, 1958, he was in Yugoslavia and after Yugoslavia I think he went to Sweden and from Sweden he went to Warsaw to see relatives. He has cousins there. He said it was very difficult for him because to get even the permission of the American Government to go there and visit Poland, but he finally got it, and the Polish visa he finally got that. And he went to see his relatives and friends for a week. And he said that Warsaw made on him a very sad impression because he said it was much more cheerful city before the war and he used to live there. And, besides that, he made a lot of travels which we don't know. Of course, one trip was his famous trip when he went by foot to Panama City.
Mr. JENNER - Fix the time of that, please?
Mr. VOSHININ - That was 1960. 1961.
Mr. JENNER - Was that at about the time of the Cuban invasion or the preparations for the Cuban invasion?
Mr. VOSHININ - I don't know. No. Cuban invasion was much later. You mean our Cuban invasion?
Mr. JENNER - I don't want to say it was our Cuban invasion - but there was an invasion of Cuba.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, I take that from the record.
Mr. JENNER - Was it about this time?
Mr. VOSHININ - No, that was before that time, I would say, because it was
in 1960. We don't know when they left because we were not on speaking terms at that time.
Mr. JENNER - Had there come about a break in friendship with DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; but that was about the time when they left on their trip.
Mr. JENNER - They were supposed to do what?
Mr. VOSHININ - To go by foot from Torreon on to Panama City. This is a city near the American border there and, as we were explained later by them, they went to Torreon. They have a lot of friends on the border, you know. There is particularly a very rich man there who is American married with a Mexican girl - a very rich man living near Eagle Pass.
Mr. JENNER - Do you recall his name?
Mr. VOSHININ - Tito Harper, I think.
Mr. JENNER - Harper? Tito Harper?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; I think so. You can check it with my wife. I never met him but I met his wife. They're very nice people, very rich people, big businessman there on the border. They have, you know, business on both sides of the border, and they are big friends of George.
And, from there, he went to Torreon - I don't know why Torreon - and I understand that from there they started by foot to cross Old Mexico, Guatemala, San Salvador, and all the countries throughout by foot - having a mule and on the mule they had their, you know, their belongings, and a little mule and a little dog, and the mule rode the dog - I mean, the dog rode the mule-and that way they traveled, you know, badly dressed, through all those countries for more than a year. In order not to be killed, you know, they dressed very badly because it's dangerous. You know this already. They didn't go along the main highways, they went through the back passes, you know, through all the hills.
And they made a movie on their whole travel, which I saw. And, for example. they climbed the volcano which was in action up to the top - which was erupting. They made a movie of her standing from the lava flow as from here to the door (indicating a few feet.) And he made the movie-it's real exciting - a colored movie and that red lava flowing - you know, these people are very adventurous and, of course, they enjoy doing things like that. I wouldn't climb it. And, so, they finally came to Panama City. And then from Panama City they flew to Haiti where George had a very close friend - also a very rich man there of Russian background on Haiti.
Mr. JENNER - Did he mention his name?
Mr. VOSHININ - He's dead now.
Mr. JENNER - He's dead? Did he mention his name?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes, he was - I'm bad on names. His first name was Michel - which is Michael, of course, and what the second name is, I don't know - Brightman. He was a very old man who was a local businessman on Haiti, and he died since.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - And as antireligious as they both were, they came to church and ordered a church service for Brightman. That was the only time she was in the church - because she's more antireligious than he is.
Mr. JENNER - Now, when you say "she," you mean Mrs. DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Mrs. DeMohrenschildt - yes. Because he's not religious, not believing in God, but he's not fighting it. But she -
Mr. JENNER - He's not antagonistic to religion but she is?
Mr. VOSHININ - She is. Yeah. But the only time she came - and she cried in the church.
Mr. JENNER - Now, which church is this? Here in Dallas or in Haiti?
Mr. VOSHININ - Here.
Mr. JENNER - I see.
Mr. VOSHININ - When they came hack, you see, from there, Brightman died after - pretty soon, and they came to the church - which puzzled our pastor very much, Father Royster - and they asked for a church service.
Mr. JENNER - They asked to have a mass said for the deceased Mr. Brightman?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. So, after that, when he came already he said he would like to look for another assignment.
Mr. JENNER - Excuse me. Was there anything said when they came back, or reports, that when they were in Guatemala that they occupied a home there of some people, I think, from Arizona - Hilton or Tilton?
Mr. VOSHININ - No - not that I know of.
Mr. JENNER - Or a name of that character? And they stayed in Guatemala while the Cuban refugees were being trained?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; I didn't hear about that.
Mr. JENNER - You didn't? All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - You see, they didn't write us from their trip.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - What we heard from their trip, we heard actually from Mr. and Mrs. Ballen.
Mr. JENNER - (Spelling] B-a-l-l-e-n - Sam Ballen?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - Sam Ballen is a friend of theirs?
Mr. VOSHININ - Sam Ballen was then a friend of theirs and Sam Ballen was a friend of the boss, Mr. Rogatz, my wife's boss. That's how we came to know Mr. Ballen, through Mr. Rogatz. Mr. Ballen was there almost every day in Rogatz' office.
Mr. JENNER - But Ballen was a particular friend of DeMohrenschildt; is that correct?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; I would say so. Ballen had some kind of admiration of George - which I can't share too well. I think George is a very interesting fellow, I enjoyed talking with him - taking, of course, 30 or 40 percent off of what he says. But still the rest of it was always interesting because, you know, a man who travels, always travels, always tells something interesting about the country. And George had a certain talent of observation.
You know, he is writing a book about his travels to Panama and he has it written day by day; and now he wants to sell this book. He read us a few pages from that book.
Mr. DAVIS - Is that George Bouhe?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; George DeMohrenschildt. George Bouhe is an unusually dumb person. And then he finally got this Haiti assignment, of course.
Mr. JENNER - And he left Dallas for the Haiti assignment when?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, somewhere in the spring last year.
Mr. JENNER - 1963?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - What did he tell you about that assignment, if he told you anything?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, he showed us a newspaper again.
Mr. JENNER - What newspaper?
Mr. VOSHININ - From Haiti.
Mr. JENNER - And to what effect was the article in the paper?
Mr. VOSHININ - It was more than a page.
Mr. JENNER - More than a page?
Mr. VOSHININ - It may - it was more than a page and it was the official newspaper of the Government of Haiti - which was a contract between the Government of Haiti and George DeMohrenschildt Co., Inc. - not George DeMohrenschildt himself - to make a magnetic survey of Haiti for the sum of - I don't remember exactly - about $300,000; in which it said that Mr. DeMohrenschildt's company will, according to specification, make a magnetic survey and also work on discoveries of minerals - oil and other minerals.
Mr. JENNER - In Haiti?
Mr. VOSHININ - For the country of Haiti - and I think the contract is for 2 years.
I also saw another newspaper, which she showed to everybody - Mrs. DeMohrenschildt - in which it was said that a contract was signed between our country and Mr. DeMohrenschildt's company and Mr. DeMohrenschildt is an American businessman who is just visiting now our country with his wonderful
wife. And she liked that, of course. And it was few more words written about how wonderful she was - so she told - showed it to everybody. Well, that's only human - "They say I'm a wonderful woman !"
Mr. JENNER - These two newspaper accounts were shown to you by the DeMohrenschildts?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - While they were here in Dallas before they left for Haiti?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; they were in Haiti before they finally left there. It was on a short trip to sign the contract.
Mr. JENNER - They took at least one or more short trips to Haiti -
Mr. JENNER - Until they had these contracts signed?
Mr. JENNER - And then they left permanently for 2 years?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - And that was in the spring of 1963, that they left?
Mr. VOSHININ - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - In that interim period preceding their leaving is when you saw the newspaper account -
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - Printed in the Haiti paper?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah - in French.
Mr. JENNER - In French?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - Which you and your wife, and others in this community we've been talking about, saw?
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well - after they left, that's it.
Mr. JENNER - That's it. All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - And since then, we have received, I think, a short card from them and the Christmas greeting - that was all.
Mr. JENNER - That's about all?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's about all.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Now, when they made the trip from the United States-Mexican border to Panama, was there anything said to you by them, or was it the reputation in the area, about something about their meeting Mikoyan when they were on that trip?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, this was before that trip.
Mr. JENNER - It was? Tell us about that, please.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, they made a trip before that trip by foot - they made a trip to Mexico City and back, just a short trip.
Mr. JENNER - That was by more conventional means of transportation?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; yes. That was either by car or by plane. I don't know. I think they mostly traveled by car.
I know that they went to New York and they came back from New York and then went to Mexico City and then came back to Dallas.
And we heard - I don't know from whom we heard - that they met Mikoyan. I imagine we heard that from the Ballens. I think - I imagine so. But then I asked her about that, because I didn't like it, you know.
Mr. JENNER - You didn't like the fact that they had met Mikoyan?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. I wouldn't meet Mikoyan - being a top Communist- Mr. Mikoyan is a top Communist and a butcher of the Stalin times. So, what ever he talks now, I wouldn't meet him anyhow.
Mr. JENNER - In other words, you wouldn't have anything to do with Mikoyan?
Mr. VOSHININ - No, sir; so, I asked her what is the whole story about? And she told me that it was just meant as a joke-namely that at that time there was a Soviet exhibition of some kind -
Mr. JENNER - In Mexico City?
Mr. VOSHININ - In Mexico City. And that's why Mikoyan was present there. And one day - and she said Mikoyan was always guarded by Mexican security
and Soviet security - and it was one moment he was televised - you know, when he was televised - she just jumped out of the crowd through the security men, you know, and said, "Hello, hello, Mr. Mikoyan. What are you doing?"
And she said, "He was terribly embarrassed and afraid perhaps I'll kill him."
But, so, he said, "Who are you?"
And she said, "I'm a Russian living in America."
And he asked, "What you want?"
And she said then the security agent came and asked her to leave-and she left.
So, she says that's all that it was-she said.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - Because, you know, I wanted to make sure of what the thing is about.
Mr. JENNER - You wanted to know?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. I wanted to know from her - because if she would go, you know, make some deals with Mikoyan, then I wouldn't like to talk with her at all.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - But a joke-well DeMohrenschildt and his wife-they are peculiar people, always doing something which nobody else does.
Mr. JENNER - Were they unconventional people?
Mr. VOSHININ - They are the most unconventional people I ever have seen.
Mr. JENNER - Are they unconventional in dress as well as in habits and things they do?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, yes; oh, yes.
Mr. JENNER - Tell us a little about the unconventionality of dress.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, for example, she always goes around in trousers, a very tight trouser, with some kind of a tight bosom top, you know, trying to imitate, you know, 15-year teenager girls, you know. And he goes out very often without a tie or open breast - completely open breast. And he may drop in somebody's party in this state - and without shoes, you know. He may do things like that. Another time, you may see him perfectly dressed,
Mr. JENNER - He's unpredictable?
Mr. VOSHININ - He is absolutely unpredictable-and I think even he knows he's unpredictable, because I understand he even had a psychiatrist to whom he went. My wife told me about that.
Mr. JENNER - From all this, do you have an impression of the DeMohrenschildts - either one of them - as to their possible connection with any Communist or agencies, Party, or what not? Or do you think they are just extraordinarily unconventional? In other words, do you think it's deeper than the lack of conventionality?
Mr. VOSHININ - It may be; it may not be. I'm not - you know, now all of us are looking back and trying to talk it over and find one way or the other. This is a thing which, you know, is discussed at all times.
Mr. JENNER - You're rationalizing at the moment?
Mr. VOSHININ - We are rationalizing - all of us-at that moment. Of course, we do not have any proof whatever one way or the other.
I can tell you what she told us.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - She told us that her first husband was a former Communist.
Mr. JENNER - Her first husband was the -
Mr. VOSHININ - Bogoiavlensky.
Mr. JENNER - Yes. Who is now in a mental institution in California?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - And that he was a Communist?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; in his young days.
Mr. JENNER - Well, when you say "Communist" - an active member of the Communist Party?
Mr. VOSHININ - I think of the Communist Youth Organization. Because it was not in Soviet Russia; it was in China.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - But of some kind - I don't know what the official name of the organization may be - but it was some kind of Communist Youth Organization.
So she said when she married him that the situation what it was and they did not want to stay in China and they debated the question of whether to go to Soviet Russia or to go to United States. And she said that it's her influence was to break up - that he break up all his ties with the Communists. And come to the United States.
Mr. JENNER - That was her desire?
Mr. VOSHININ - She said that was her desire. - And she said that's what her first husband did - that they broke off with the Communists and come over to the United States. And she said. "Since then, neither my husband or me have anything to do with the Communist Party."
That's her story.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - On the other hand, she was always praising the Chinese Communist regime-because she was saying that they do a lot of good developing her beloved native country.
Mr. JENNER - China?
Mr. VOSHININ - China. When she said - mentioned that in my presence, I said, "This is pure Communist propaganda. You should know better than tell that."
On this she repeated very, you know angrily, she say, "You should not tell me that I spread Communist propaganda - because they shot my father."
That's what she said.
But that argument of whether the Communists do anything positive for China or not was, you know, coming back and back. -
Mr. JENNER - Repeated?
Mr. VOSHININ - Repeatedly when we met. And sometimes, especially my wife and her were so angry with each other that we wouldn't talk with them, you know, for several months. But somehow you meet these people again somewhere in the same social circle, then you talk to them again.
Mr. JENNER - There was a violent difference of opinion between your wife and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt on this subject?
Mr. VOSHININ - On this subject.
But where the Russian Communists are concerned, she always said that they are too nationalistic for her. She doesn't like - she didn't like that.
Mr. JENNER - Mrs. DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Mrs. DeMohrenschildt didn't like that.
She said, "I don't like anything about Russia." She didn't like Russian music, she wouldn't stand a record in Russian language, or even anybody, you know, whistling a Russian tune. She would get so angry I don't know what.
And she would say, "I am against nationalism of any kind. I am for the world government." She was very much for the world government, you know, and things like that - international institutions and - uh; but, on the other hand, when you start, you know, pressing her against the wall, you say, "Well, stop that. That's kind of communistic talk," - she would immediately bring into the thing that "They killed my poor father. I just want to he objective, you know, and say what's bad, what's good." And she said, "you are all, one-sided reactionaries," and so on, and "what do you think?" "I would praise the killers of my father?" And so on. "I just want to be objective."
Well, you know, I don't like to argue with, you know, too much with women; so I just stay away from that argument. But my wife will probably tell you.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Now, did you become acquainted at any time -
Mr. VOSHININ - May I say something in addition?
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - Because that's what I said about her. What his concern - I never heard about him praising Chinese or Russian Communists but he was praising the Yugoslav Communists. He was there and he came there and he was very enthusiastic about what the wonderful things they are doing. You know, I lived in Yugoslavia myself and I tried to explain him that this country was pretty good country before and there was nothing just to save it from.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - But, of course, he didn't see it and he was very enthusiastic and - about mountains and so on. I tried to persuade him they were there before, you know, that they were wonderful before - and that Communists did not build them - but he would somehow always, was always enthusiastic about that.
Mr. JENNER - About Yugoslavia?
Mr. VOSHININ -. About Yugoslavia and the Yugoslavia regime.
Mr. JENNER - And its regime as well? -
Mr. VOSHININ - Its regime as well. That's true.
About China, he said he doesn't know anything; he'll let his wife talk.
So, anyhow, these people are, of course, leftist people.
Mr. JENNER - The DeMohrenschildts are leftists?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. But she much more than him. Because he was, on the other hand, boasting, you know, that he never voted for a Democrat.
Mr. JENNER - He had never voted for a Democrat?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. He was always an Eisenhower man, a Republican- and they argued between themselves the whole time.
Mr. JENNER - That is Mr. and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, yes. And the way they argued on politics among them selves - because she was somehow bitterly left, and he sometimes tried to, you know, get her be a little more objective.
Mr. JENNER - Induce her to be a little more objective?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. But she was always bitterly to the left.
Mr. JENNER - Did you ever meet either Lee or Marina Oswald?
Mr. VOSHININ - No, sir; thank God!
Mr. JENNER - Did a time come when you heard about Lee or Marina Oswald?
Mr. JENNER - Tell us the circumstances.
Mr. VOSHININ - I read in the newspaper, Dallas Herald, about them.
Mr. JENNER - When?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, when they came to this country. There was a short article about an American defector to the Communists, that he finally came back with a Russian wife.
Mr. JENNER - That was in June of 1962 - just to orient you. You saw that item in the newspaper?
Mr. JENNER - Was it a subject of discussion in the community among the people you've told us about?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; not in the beginning. Except that we heard - we visited Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
Mr. JENNER - Is that Mr. and Mrs. Max Clark?
Mr. VOSHININ - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - An attorney in Fort Worth?
Mr. VOSHININ - In Fort Worth. And she is of Russian descent, as you know; and they told us that they met this couple which came from Soviet Russia and. they didn't like them. And they said he was very unpleasant and bitter fellow - and they wouldn't like to see him again - something like that. So, we decided already there that we wouldn't like to meet them either, you know - and especially, you know, you don't like any kind of defector, you know, or any kind of unpleasant, "bummish" people,' you know. That's a Dallas expression. That's polite for bum - as he was described to us. He-Oswald.
So, later, we heard that Mr. Bouhe, of course, in lack of other prospects for help, started helping the Oswald family. But as far as our relations with Bouhe nowadays, already for many years, are just very, very occasional; we had no direct contact with him except we really need something, you know, an address or some information of that kind. So, Bouhe wouldn't bring them to us. He knows that - better than bringing to us anybody. But, as I understand, the DeMohrenschildts met with the Oswalds and the DeMohrenschildts told us that there are two poor, very poor and young people here, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald, and they need help and she has a toothache and they are bringing her to the dentist, and so 0n - they don't have a penny and
nobody gives them a job, and things like that. And "would you like to meet them?"
Well, after reading, you know, what we read and after hearing from Clarks, who these people are, I say, "No, George; I don't like to meet him." And my wife said, "Oh, no; we don't like to meet with that kind of people."
So, I said that very insistently - so the DeMohrenschildts knew better than acquaint us. So, never we met them. Of course, it could have happened, you know, if we would have just dropped in sometime. There was always a possibility of that kind. But, thank God -
Mr. JENNER - But it never happened?
Mr. VOSHININ - It never happened. So, we always were hearing about them from DeMohrenschildts and other people but we never met them actually.
Mr. JENNER - You had the impression, did you not - or did you - that the DeMohrenschildts saw the Oswalds frequently and were attempting to assist them?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; he was - only one time he was very bitter about Oswald when he beat up his wife.
Mr. JENNER - Tell us about that.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, once we saw DeMohrenschildt and his wife and he said, "Well, he doesn't behave like he should. What does he think he is, beating his wife?" But Mrs. Do Mohrenschildt said, "Well, don't just judge people without knowing what's behind them." She said, "You always, George, you jump to conclusions. We don't know what happened." I understand that she liked Lee much more than he did.
Mr. JENNER - That Mrs. DeMohrenschildt liked Lee much more than George did?
Mr. JENNER - All right.
This fellow DeMohrenschildt, was he a type of person to provoke arguments?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, yes; he liked that. Yes; sure.
Mr. JENNER - Describe him physically. Is he a handsome man? A big man? Athletic?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; he is a big, athletic man, a permanent tennis player- always played tennis and liked all kinds of sports, you know; and he would go to the ice arena there in the Fair Park, you know. And he devoted always a lot of time to sports -
Mr. JENNER - And was Mrs. DeMohrenschildt -
Mr. VOSHININ - And she tried to do it, too.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - What else can I tell you?
Well, I know that he-the way he talks, you know, he talks for and against anything. You know, probably, about his famous lecture in the Bohemian Club?
Mr. JENNER - I'll get that in a minute. Did you say that he was argumentatively inclined so he would take the opposite side of any argument?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah, he was usually taking the opposite side of whatever anybody would say.
Mr. JENNER - Yes; and was he provocative in his argumentation?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; and I think he enjoyed it.
Mr. JENNER - He was extreme in his argumentation?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; that was his famous lecture, of course, which was some kind of a thing which was talked very much in Dallas about when he made a lecture in the Bohemian Club.
The Bohemian Club is a group of about 30 people-Dallasites - who like to argue. And he was the soul of the whole thing. And you know probably who is in there. It's Sam Ballen, and Lev A-r-o-n-s-o-n [spelling], Bill Hudson - I don't know, a lot of other people I have never met.
Mr. JENNER - Were you a member of the Bohemian Club?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; I was not But I was invited by George to go to the Bohemian Club. He will give a historical lecture.
Mr. JENNER - You were present on that occasion?
Mr. VOSHININ - I was present on that occasion.
And George discussed the question, you know, about the Vlassov army. that
was an army composed of Russian - Soviet Russian prisoners of war who wanted to fight the Communists.
Mr. JENNER - What was the name of this army?
Mr. VOSHININ - Vlassov [spelling] V-l-a-s-s-o-v.
And he told the story of the Vlassov army but, in between, he injected a lot of praise for such people like Himmler.
Mr. JENNER - Heinrich Himmler?
Mr. VOSHININ - Heinrich Himmler. He said, "After all, I came to the conclusion that Himmler wasn't a bad boy at all"
You know, that's typically George.
Mr. JENNER - Do you think that this was sincere or do you think that he was just attempting to provoke shock?
Mr. VOSHININ - I think he was attempting to provoke shock. Especially there were, at least, three Jewish people there present - Sam Ballen and Lev Aronson. I saw that Lev Aronson almost didn't - was, became red, terribly red in his face. I was afraid that the poor guy, you know, would have a stroke, you know. And George was looking into the face of Aronson and, you know, continued praising the Nazis and look what effect it has on Lev, who is a close friend of George. Of course, Lev was terribly bitter - and I understand, after that, Lev and him went to drink vodka the whole night. So, well - that's the type of person you have.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Now, Mr. Voshinin, I think my questioning is about concluded, but I do want to ask this general question in any event. Is there anything you think factually that hasn't been brought out that occurs to you that might be of assistance to the Commission in its investigation?
Mr. VOSHININ - I think so.
Mr. JENNER - Would you state it, please?
Mr. VOSHININ - I think, first of all, there are persons which you did not question and which knows DeMohrenschildt, I think, much better than I do.
Mr. JENNER - Who is that?
Mr. VOSHININ - For example, Mr. Basil Zavoico.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Now give us that full name and spell it, please?
Mr. VOSHININ - [Spelling] B-a-s-i-l - that's the first name. Second is Z-a-v-o-i-c-o - or k-o- - I don't know. And he lived in Texas before and he's living now in Green Farms, Conn., his house being called Cronomere.
Mr. JENNER - Spell that, please?
Mr. VOSHININ - [Spelling] C-r-o-n-o-m-e-r-e. And why I know Mr. Zavoico because his wife; lived in Yugoslavia before the war and me and my wife we were close friends with her. And I think that Mr. Zavoico knows George DeMohrenschildt many years before we did, and he once even warned us against
Mr. JENNER - Warned you against De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; he said, "Don't be too close with Do Mohrenschildt," he said, "because, who knows what he is?" He says, "He sometimes talks so much to the left, I'm not sure what he is."
And I think that he knows a lot about his life before the time we came here. I think in that time there will be a lot of things to your interest.
I don't know whether you questioned another person - it's Mr. Paul Raigorodsky.
Mr. JENNER - You've mentioned him before - at the first of this deposition?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; because Paul Raigorodsky is the first Russian immigrant that - whoever came to Dallas. And he knows absolutely everybody and he knows these people much longer time than we did.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - And he knows George pretty closely. He also lived in the Stoneleigh Hotel - and still living there.
Mr. JENNER - He is?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. And he saw George every day where we saw him only occasionally. A third person which I would suggest would be Mrs. Graff.
Mr. JENNER - [Spelling] G-r-a-f-f?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; Mrs. Theodore Graff - who worked for George as a secretary mostly in the time that George was in Yugoslavia. He still was, one part
of the time, maintaining his office in the Republic Bank, and Mrs. Graff worked there. And I think that Mrs. Graff knows a lot about DeMohrenschildt's business. You see, my wife only worked there 2 or 3 weeks so she doesn't know much. But I understand that Mrs. Graff was there and she read a lot of his files, you know, sorting them and having no other things to do. Especially, I think that George had written his autobiography and she has seen it. I under stand she has seen it. It is some kind of a novel about himself which he wanted to sell.
Then, I think you should also question a Mrs. Leslie and Miss Leslie who know him. Mrs. Leslie and her stepdaughter, Miss Leslie.
Mr. JENNER - Are they residents of Dallas?
Mr. VOSHININ - They are residents of Dallas. Yeah. Mrs. Graff is now living in Birmingham - you know, near Detroit.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, yes; I know. It's a suburb of Detroit. My daughter attended school in Birmingham.
Mr. VOSHININ - Mrs. Graff is from Connecticut otherwise, but she was here with her husband. He was working here in Republic Bank - and that's where George's office was. She was at one time, you know, his secretary - part-time, I think.
Mr. JENNER - Where do Mrs. Leslie and Miss Leslie live?
Mr. VOSHININ - Mrs. Leslie and Miss Leslie on Hanover.
Mr. JENNER - Hanover Street?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; Hanover Street.
Mr. JENNER - Here in Dallas?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes; they are Russian.
Mr. JENNER - They are?
Mr. VOSHININ - But Miss Leslie's father was of British descent - but his wife was Russian. And I think these people, they don't know much about the DeMohrenschildts, but it's also from the same circle, you know, and all that.
Mr. JENNER - They may know something about the Oswalds, too?
Mr. VOSHININ - I don't know. I don't know one way or the other.
Mr. JENNER - But they moved in this circle that you've described?
Mr. VOSHININ - They moved in that circle. Now, there is one thing which always strikes me peculiar - I just talked last night with my wife about that. The last 2 years, you know, the DeMohrenschildts were going to Houston about every 4 weeks, and DeMohrenschildt was always saying, "I have to go to Houston on business." And he would say - of course, you don't ask people, you know. George didn't like to talk about what his business is you know. Never told anybody about the details and nobody, of course, asked him.
And he would say, "You know, I have to go - you know, all my business goes through Houston." On the other hand, he would say he was, you know, getting his jobs through a 5 presenter in Washington - and here he was always going to Houston, like reporting to somebody; every 4 or 5 weeks, he was always going to Houston. And as far as me and my wife heard about his business, he has no oil interest there or no business there whatsoever. But as far as he was always interested only in foreign assignments, why should he go to Houston? In other words, even before, you know, the late President was killed, you know, we were once talking this with my wife and wondering - what in the hell is he doing in Houston?
You don't get foreign assignments, through Houston-not that we know about, but always he was going to Houston. And, I don't know, he never mentioned to who he goes to Houston. But, it may be possible that I can give you a name of a Russian professor in Houston who may know - may not know but may know - who knows something because Professor Jitkoff -
Mr. JENNER - Spell it, please.
Mr. VOSHININ - [Spelling] J-i-t-k-o-f-f.
Mr. JENNER - And at what institution is he a professor?
Mr. VOSHININ - Rice Institute. The head of the department of the Rice Institute.
Mr. JENNER - What department?
Mr. VOSHININ - The Russian Department. He can't stand George DeMohrenschildt. And I know about DeMohrenschildt being in Houston - I know, that,
too, from Professor Jitkoff, which is a very, very respectable family man, a very respectable anti-Communist. As anti-Communist as could be, you know. And they told us several times that George and Jeanne dropped in - which is not her name. Her name is Eugenia. But, you know she's French. That's her baptized name, you see.
But they may know perhaps with whom they are associated in Houston. There is a vague possibility of that - because that always sounded peculiar to us, that Houston tripe. Well, I think these people they live on Locke Lane [spelling] L-o-c-k-e- in Houston.
Mr. JENNER - Well, we can reach him if he is a professor at Rice Institute.
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. And they knew the DeMohrenschildts, of course, before we ever came here.
Mr. JENNER - Anything else occur to you?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, I also heard from her that she wanted to sell her fashions to the Soviets. And that they went to New York to the Soviet consulate and she was asking whether they can sell any fashions to them - but, as I under stand, they say they turned them down, they are not interested. And that was just before their trip to Mexico City. So, there is a slight possibility - but this is just speculation on my part - that they probably tried the Soviet consulate in Mexico City also to sell them some fashions-though I don't know, but this is possible, you know. You know, most of the Russian immigrants, like us, you know, wouldn't deal with the Soviets at all.
Mr. JENNER - You just don't want any part of them at all?
Mr. VOSHININ - We don't want any pert of it. Our only dealings, you know, is going there to buy dictionaries-you know, and things like that. And that we would prefer not to do in the Soviet store in New York, but rather through an immigrant store who buys it from them, you know. But the DeMohrenschildts they wouldn't have any hesitation, you know.
Mr. JENNER - Of going directly?
Mr. VOSHININ - Of going directly to deal with all of them, you know.
Mr. JENNER - I would like to ask you about the Houston trips. Did the Houston trips take place during the years 1962 and 1963, up to the time -
Mr. VOSHININ - Up to their departure. That's right.
Mr. JENNER - Up to the time the DeMohrenschildts left for Haiti?
Mr. VOSHININ - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - And it is your distinct recollection, which we can confirm, of course, or try to, that these periodic 4- to 5-week trips-a trip every 4 or 5 weeks to Houston, took place in 1962 and 1963, to the time they left, and even might have been prior to 1962?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, yeah, they may; I don't know.
Mr. JENNER - When did you and your wife become quite conscious of the fact that the DeMohrenschildts were making periodic trips to Houston?
Mr. VOSHININ - After Professor Jitkoff started complaining that the DeMohrenschildts became a nuisance.
Mr. JENNER - All right. And that was when?
Mr. VOSHININ - And then we started recollecting about the DeMohrenschildts telling, "Oh, we have to go on business to Houston." So, that probably was late 1962.
Mr. JENNER - All right.
Mr. VOSHININ - You see, we go ,to Houston usually two times a year to visit the Jitkoffs who are dear friends of ours.
Mr. JENNER - Do you recall whether or not these trips to Houston were being made in September of 1963?
Mr. VOSHININ - In September of 1963, they were not here.
Mr. JENNER - So, they weren't here then?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; they left - I don't know which month they left for Haiti - but I think they left way before September.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Do you know whether either of the DeMohrenschildts had been in this country since they left Dallas in the spring of 1963?
Mr. VOSHININ - No; I don't.
Mr. JENNER - You don't know whether they have or haven't been?
Mr. VOSHININ - I have no knowledge, no; no information about it. And I have seen, you know, Christina and her husband. You know who they are - Kirken.
Mr. JENNER - Spell it, please.
Mr. VOSHININ - Or whatever he calls himself - that's Mrs. DeMohrenschildt's daughter and her husband. He calls himself Kirken. K-i-r-k-e-n [phonetic] Americans call him Kirten [phonetic].
Mr. JENNER - [Spelling] K-a-r-t-o-n?
Mr. VOSHININ - [Spelling] K-i-r-k-e-n - or o-n - I don't know. They dropped in when they came from Haiti.
Mr. JENNER - They were here recently?
Mr. VOSHININ - They were here recently. They dropped by our house and they said they are on bad terms with the parents and he said they left - they couldn't stand that.
Mr. JENNER - Did either of them say anything about whether or not George DeMohrenschildt had made any statements to the effect that the FBI was responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy?
Mr. VOSHININ - Oh, I heard that story; yes.
Mr. JENNER - From whom did you hear it? And give us your recollection of it.
Mr. VOSHININ - I think that - uh - well, I heard it from my wife, to tell the truth.
Mr. JENNER - Well, I'll talk to her about that.
Mr. VOSHININ - And she heard it, I don't know, from the Ballens, maybe - or maybe from the children.
I don't know. I think that Kirken said that George is behaving ridiculously and he said, "My father-in-law is behaving ridiculously - he talks nonsense." And he says, "We just decided to shorten our stay there because otherwise, it would come to very unpleasant scenes."
Mr. JENNER - He was of the opinion that these fulminations or statements by George DeMohrenschildt were nonsense?
Mr. VOSHININ - Sure. George talks, you know, a lot of nonsense usually about anything; but sometimes, you know, as Kirken says, he says he became quite unpleasant with his nonsense and he says he couldn't stand it. And Kirken and his wife are, I think, good Americans.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - They are okay.
Mr. JENNER - Now, is there anything else that occurs to you that you would like to add in the record that you think might be helpful or pertinent?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, not that I know at the present time, but -
Mr. JENNER - If you think of anything, we're going to be back next week and the week afterwards -
Mr. VOSHININ - Could you give me a telephone or anything?
Mr. JENNER - Well, you just call the U.S. attorney's office here and somebody representing the Commission will be here. Either I will or some other person. So all you have to do is ask for the U.S. attorney, Mr. Sanders - Barefoot Sanders -
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah; I know.
Mr. JENNER - And he will know, and he will put you in touch with one of us.
Mr. VOSHININ - Okay. Probably my wife will recollect a lot of things.
Mr. JENNER - Now we've had some discussions off the record, is there anything we discussed off the record that I have failed to bring out that you think ought to be on the record?
Mr. VOSHININ - Of what, for example?
Mr. JENNER - Is there anything we discussed that I failed then to ask you about so it would get on this transcript that the reporter is making?
Mr. VOSHININ - Not that I know, unless you recall something.
Mr. JENNEE. Is there anything which was stated by you -
Mr. VOSHININ - You know DeMohrenschildt has here a brother?
Mr. JENNER - Oh, yes. His brother - he's a professor, according to your information where?
Mr. VOSHININ - Dartmouth.
Mr. JENNER - At Dartmouth College?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yeah. I think he's perfectly okay - a very serious person.
Mr. JENNER - Anything else?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, you know his three wives-his former wives?
Mr. JENNER - I've asked you about that.
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, his first wife, I think lives in Paris.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mr. VOSHININ - And his second wife, I think, was a dancer or an artist of some kind; his third wife was a medical doctor and now his fourth wife.
Mr. JENNER - And his fourth wife is his present wife, is that correct?
Mr. VOSHININ - Yes. I think he has a litigation going the whole time about seeing his little daughter, who is very sick. And I think the judge forbade him to see her. That's the rumor I heard.
Mr. JENNER - Anything else?
Mr. VOSHININ - Well, I don't know. You ask - perhaps you have -
Mr. JENNER - I have exhausted myself at the moment. These suggestions you have given me may provoke my having you come back and, if we do, I'll let you know.
Mr. VOSHININ - Will you write my telephone number perhaps? Or, I'm just across the street you can call me any time.
Mr. JENNER - What we usually do is to have the Secret Service call you.
Mr. VOSHININ - They're in the same building - two floors higher than me. They can just call me up two stories up.
Mr. JENNER - All right. We'll close this deposition now.
You have the right, Mr. Voshinin, to read your testimony when it is typed up, if you wish to do so. Perhaps there might be, when you read it over, something you either wish to add or something you want to modify in some fashion or other. It takes time to write these up. This young lady has been busy every minute. We would hope to have this perhaps written up during the course of the next week. If you will call in - and also talk to Mr. Sanders-he will know when, and when your transcript is ready it will be available to you for examination.
Mr. VOSHININ - Can I take it home and read it or do I have to come here?
Mr. JENNER - No. You may take it home only in this sense. You have the right to purchase a copy of the transcript from this young lady at whatever her usual rates are, if you want a copy.
Mr. VOSHININ - I think I would like a copy and put it with my pictures and for my records to have at home.
Mr. JENNER - You make arrangements with this young lady.
Mr. VOSHININ - My wife will make an arrangement on that. Okay - and if there is any way I can help, please - I'd just tell everything I know without any hesitation.
Mr. JENNER - I tried to pick your brain for everything I could think of.
Mr. DAVIS - We do appreciate it - and thank you, sir.