There are two versions of the page. Judyth posted one version, and then extensively revised it. Both of which are reproduced below.
JUDYTH VARY BAKER and THE EXONERATION OF LEE HARVEY OSWALDI fell in love with Lee Oswald, and he with me. Because of the project we were working on in New Orleans, it was convenient for me to pose as Marina Oswald, Lee's wife. We were the same height, had same eye color and hair color, and I could speak a little Russian--enough to pass as Lee's wife when introduced as her to such persons as Guy Banister's secretaries. Delphine Roberts was 'not credible' as a witness, it was said, because she insisted she had seen her boss, former FBI Chicago Chief Guy Banister, greet "Mrs. Oswald" and Lee Harvey Oswald when we came to his office. I needed to verify that Lee really was working with Banister because of the unusual characters I had recently met, such as Dave Ferrie and David Lewis. I needed proof that Lee was actually linked to the government, in a plan to kill Fidel Castro, and he provided it by introducing me to Mr. Banister. It was a necessary step to convincre me to participate in the project. This was simply one of the sightings of me with Lee which Marina, Lee's Russian wife, stated never occurred. Well, they did.
People have been rewriting my testimony and posting disinformation about my testimony for three years. Things you may have heard about my story that are not true include the following:
1. That Lee Oswald told me he was going to kill John Connally. Correction: Lee pretended to be interested in killing John Connally, but he had no intention of harming him or anyone else on November 22, 1963.
2. myth: that I own Lee Oswald's 'shower shoes.' I don't even know what 'shower shoes' are! I once said I could describe something interesting about a pair of flip-flops Lee Osewald owned. I never, ever claimed to own them.
3. myth: An early draft of my co-authored manuscript included information about "á fine hotel in Cancun..." This was a misspelling of the AREA of Kankun, some distance from a city, Merida, where I assumed Lee might meet me (he might have also met me near the Kankun area, near the ruins of Chitzen Itza). In 1963 there was no Cancun resort. I never said we were going to meet at Cancun. My literary agent thought I made a typo and changed it to Cancun. Heaven knows, I make plenty of typos when I type, so I can't blame him for misunderstanding! My co-author, not realizing I had meant Kankun, let the agent's error get repeated in the second draft of the book. I was in the process of making some corrections to the manuscript (of errors such as this that had been inserted into the text) when the manuscript was secretly copied and carried away.
4. myth: that I have no witnesses, first made by Robert Harris, who refused to change his story that I had no witnesses. I told him for two years that after I told him I had no witnesses, and was looking for them, I finally found them. He also insisted that one of these witnesses was an old schoolmate who double-dated with Lee and me. The truth is that two women, named Anna, and Annette (also known as Anita), were mixed up in Mr. Harris'memory. I have a photo of Annette. I have Anna on film. Anna Lewis, her husband, and Lee and I walked around New Orleans together, ate some meals together, visited the 500 Club, etc. Annette (Anita) worked at Wm. B. Reily and was going to MARRY HER FORMER SCHOOLMATE. I have a photo, and on the back, she is inviting me to their wedding. I have several living witnesses who have testified on audiotape and have allowed their pictures to be taken. In some cases they have faced threats and intimidation. It was decided to protect these witnesses and not include them in the documentary. People are always welcome to visit me and see the evidence for themselves. Anyone who wants more information on the witnesses must sign a statement of confidentiality to protect these persons from harassment. Some of them have families .
5. myth: that I cooked up cancer in my kitchen! There was considerable work accomplished in Dave Ferrie's apartment, but at least five other sites and labs were involved in the get-Castro project with which I was associated.
6. Myth: That Lee Oswald could not drive. This isn't true. He could. He learned to drive in the Marines. he preferred to pretend that he could not drive because he was an infltrator of anti-Castro and Pro-Castro elements, most of whom were poor immigrants to the USA from Castro's Cuba. Lee rode the buses with them, and lived at their monetary level. He also was able to keep his wife, Marina, from getting in contact with anyone who might hurt her or his baby daughter(s) by making sure she was seen as little as possible. Not having a car tended to keep his wife home-bound and safer.
7. myth: That I had babies for Lee Oswald only. I fulfilled my promise to Lee to have babies. I had five children. But that does not mean I did not want to have these babies with my husband, Robert A. Baker. Robert and I had little in common, but I was very fond of him both before and after I knew Lee Harvey Oswald. However, Lee osewald was the great love of my life, and I had no children for five years after marrying Mr. Baker, unsure that I wished to commit to my marriage with him to that extent, and also because we were students attending classes and working.
8. Myth: That researchers have discredited me for years. Two newsgroup moderators have systematically attacked me for two to three years at this writing. One of them stole films and materials. She later admitted she was working as a co-author on a book that, if my information was released, would make their book obsolete. The other moderator attacked me before he even knew how to properly spell my name. One of his friends urged everyone to write THE HISTORY CHANNEL and complain about THE LOVE AFFAIR and how bad a documentary it was. Only this individual actually posted his message several hours before the documentary was seen for the first time!
9. Myth: That I was just a good science student. I was a post-Sputnik whiz kid who invented a more efficient way to get magnesium out of seawater when only 16. I was doing research in high school that was more advanced or equal to work being conducted at Walter Reed institute and at enormous cancer centers. I have newspaper articles, letters and documents to prove every word I'm saying. THE LOVE AFFAIR would never have been filmed had I not copious proof of who I was and how I had been trained.
10: myth: That I name too many important names, so I must be lying. In fact, the reason so many of these names, such as David Ferrie, Guy Banister, and Jack Ruby are mentioned is because THEY WERE INVOLVED. I also have new evidence and new names, with full documentation -- such as the Treasury agent who expedited Lee Oswald's passport--along with a few others--to be processed in New Orleans in just ONE day (June 24-June 25, 1963). Lee oswald was supposedly a Marine with a bad record who defected to the Soviet Union and then returned to America. he had already been actively handing out pro-Castro materials in Dallas AND in New Orleans by the time he applied for tis passport. At a time when others were losing their jobs for being accused of being a communist, Lee Oswald got his passport in 24 hours. I met the man and hunted down his family. Much new evidence, in fact, has emerged because of leads given to investigators.
11. Myth: That I wasn;t a 'Vanilla girl'after the assassination since I eventually was a small town newspaper reporter, founded a Humane Society, etc. However, originally I had intended to find a cure for cancer, and to do other deeds of merit and worth in the medical sciences. I was forbidden to continue my research acitivities, and i was forbidden to speak about the JFK/Castro matter. I was to keep my maiden name out of the news, and any connection of myself with medicine--and I did, because I did not want to die.
12. Myth: that i spent years researching materials and making all of this up. Fact: i saved paycheck stubs, tax returns, souvenirs, documents, and evoidence as i recognized their importance someday. Accusers have to ask themselves why i saved all this evidence, of a few sort years, and almost nothing else in my life form the past except baby photos and the usual family album stuff? My children know we never had a Kennedy assassinaton book, film or so much as an pold newspaper on the subject. I never did research online because my teenage kids hogged our computer. At the university I worked and taught Engloish literature, and attended classes constantly. Periods I was in a computer lab tutoring students, I was at a check-in desk and went form computer to computer helping sudents write essays. Only a few computers used internet, and I had no access to that function until AFTER the first draft oif my book and many emails had been written.
13. Myth: That Lee wasn't sexually adequate. Lee's love affairs in the past included a Japanese geisha, several Russian girls, and then marriage to a pretty Russian pharmacist's assistant he met at a medical student's dance and married soon afterwards. He was unhappy in his marriage and is on record as insisting his wife return to Russia. He and his wife did not get along and had violent arguments. I told Lee Oswald I would have nothing to do with him if he so much as laid a hand on his wife, when we began our affair in New Orleans. He kept his promise and never touched her again.
For more information, please contact me at --I will do my best to answer you courteously and kindly.
Lee Harvey Oswald cannot speak for himself. He was murdered before millions of shocked people who viewed his execution by his friend, Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby had no choice, since his own loved ones and even his dogs would have been painfully murdered by the Mafia had he not shot Lee. Furthermore, Jack Ruby was aware of the get-Castro project and knew many of the participants by name. By forcing Jack Ruby to commit murder, Ruby himself was safely tucked away. Though he was a convicted murderer, the DALLAS POLICE kept him in the dallas jail instead of transferring him to a federal prison. In this way, they kept him constantly under surveillance. When Jack Ruby finally got a chance at a second trial out of the area, soon after he complained that he was being injected with cancer cells. He died of a galloping form of lung cancer--the same kind of cancer that had been developed to use to kill Castro. Clay Shaw, famed in the film JFK, also suddenly died of suspected lung cancer. He was buried less than 24 hours after death without an autopsy--but he died in Dr., ochsner's clinic. Ochsner was in charge of the get- Castro cancer research development project that Ruby had seen underway at Dave Ferrie's apartment. Dr. Mary Sherman, the cancer research expert and orthopedic surgeon who guided my research with Ferrie, was found murdered July 21, 1964, the DAY the Warren Commission came to New Orleans to obtain everyone's testimonies. Her gruesome death included body partially burned, numerous knife wounds to hand, arm, legs, gential area, liver and heart. Furthermore, HER RIGHT ARM WAS MISSING. The murder of Sherman shown on the front poage stopped many people from ever saing another word about anything they might have thought they had seen. fear filled many of us for years to come because we had been threatened. Those who talked often died, or were discredited and their reputations destroyed. I, myself, have seen hundreds of lies about me in the newsgroups. Anyone who wants an accurate picture of my involvement and testimony should contact me rather than read another set of lies and cover-up propaganda. I would appreciate it!
A typical photo: David Lewis. Explaining these photos and documents and their significance would have overwhelmed the 44 filmed minutes in the segment THE LOVE AFFAIR. There are more than 250 documents and files in my possession providing evidence of my intimate association with Lee Oswald. For example, I have an American Express receipt dated May 27, 1963, for $30.00, and a deposit back into my bank account the next day for $30.00. Good researchers will be able to pinpoint this piece of evidence and how it relates to Lee Oswald. Similarly, I can explain through my own evidence why Lee Oswald visited A-1 Employment on May 15, 1963, when he already had a job at Wm. B. Reily (yes, i also have proof of A-1 involvement for that day).
Lee oswald and I began work ON THE SAME DAY at Standard Coffee Co. May 10, 1963. WE BOTH MOVED FROM STANDARD TO REILY ON MAY 17, 1963. On the day Lee Oswald was fired, in July 1963, an ad was ordered to replace me (Lee and I were involved in some of the same anti-castro activities and I would not be needed much longer). On Aug. 9, 1963, the day Lee was arrested for passing out flyers on the streets of New Orleans, I was asked to resign because I had been seen with him. That was my last day of work at Reily's. We both arrived the same week in April in New orleans. We both left the same month. We both rode a Greyhound bus to New orleans. We both moved into the "Y"--he into the YMCA, i into the YWCA. We both moved into apartments next to each other in the same week. we both rode the Magazine bus to work daily, the same route, as we lived only blocks from each other. These are only a few of the known dated events we had in common. there are may, many more. I can account for most of Lee Oswald's activities in New orleans on any given day. this has led to much new evidence concerning Lee Oswald's true activities between April 25, 1963 and the end of his life, when he was sot by jack Ruby, in Dallas, two days after Kennedy was shot.
I invite you to read my story with an open mind and remember--the people criticizing me in newsgroups have NOT solved the case. The eidence I have given Nigel Turner and his investigators is making a difference and advancing the case. I have spoken out at great personal cost, and due to harassment, had to move to a foreign country. It's not fun to leave everything beind and begin a new life at age sixty. i love my country and my family and always love to hear form Americans.
God bless you, and thank you for visiting this site.
Sincerely, Judyth Vary Baker,
the last lover of Lee Harvey Oswald
JUDYTH VARY BAKER and THE EXONERATION OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD WHO was Lee Harvey Oswald? From the time he was a teenager, Lee Oswald wanted to serve his country. He went into the Marines when he was only 17. He was a voracious reader who also wanted an education in his own individual style, obtaining his GED while in the Marines. Lee dreamed of becoming a spy during the Cold War, hoping to do his part to keep Americans and Russians from blowing each other up. His inspiration to pretend to be "RED" was the television program I LED THREE LIVES, which he viewed in New York. Herbert Philbrick was a double agent, working at an ordinary job with a family, while a secret member of the communist party. However, he was an informant to the FBI. Lee was inspired by Philbrick's ture life adventures and yearned to do the same. He followed his brother Robert into the Marines, and even memorized the Marine manual. He was always a loyal Marine, though later he would be required to get court martialed to have an excuse to 'defect' to the Soviet Union, on a special assignment to carry U-2 and radar secrets to the Soviets. Lee Oswald faithfully fulfilled his mission and returned to the United States -- without getting arrested for declaring his intention at the American consulate in Moscow to give the Russians secrets. Today, that would be like somebody promising to give the North Koreans nuclear secrets, and at this time, outspoken communists in America were losing their jobs and were even getting arrested. Who was Lee Oswald? First and foremost -- a patriot. Both of Lee's brothers also went into the military. Lee's eventual goal was to become a writer and sociologist/anthropologist someday. Some of his favorite books were 1984 by George Orwell, Huxley's Brave New World, James Bond novels, and The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, the adventures of Lawrence of Arabia. He was interested in how Laerence negotiated with the various Arab tribes. Lee also liked to read science fiction to envision what kinds of future societies might evolve. When he returned from his successful fake defection to the Soviet Union back to Dallas, he was still in service to his country and was being prepared to possibly be sent into Cuba when I met him. Lee brought with him Marina, his young Russian-born wife, but their marriage had been a disaster, as they were absolute opposites. Lee did not care much about material things. He would have been happy living in a tent in Arabia or in a hut in the jungles of the Yucatan, while Marina wanted automobiles, nice clothes, and a nice suburban home. So Lee wanted her to go back to Russia (Marina's letters to Ruth Paine relate this quite clearly). He began avoiding her as much as he possibly could. By the time I met Lee, only Marina's second pregnancy kept them together. Lee did not wish to abandon his children. Lee was never on record as having a motive to kill the presdent, but it is well known that he adored his two baby girls and would do anything to avoid leaving them fatherless. Anybody who really knew Lee well, except for his own brother, knew he was incapable of killing JFK. He admired Kennedy! His brother, I believe, was also framed to make it impossible for him to defend Lee. When I knew Lee, he was an FBI informant. He also worked closely with persons associated or working for the CIA, though I don't know from which agency Lee himself had been 'borrowed,' for he told me he had been borrowed (---by the CIA?) and was not allowed to tell me what agency he came from. I am here to testify that Lee Oswald was an innocent man. He did not shoot Kennedy. Remember that when Lee Oswald was arrested for shooting JFK, he was wearing his Marine ring -- on his ring finger. He could not say, "I am an agent working for US intelligence!" The CIA and the FBI are on record that they will lie rather than reveal any such connections with an unmasked operative. Lee did, however, wear his Marine ring. The motto of the Marines is ALWAYS FAITHFUL. SEMPER FI. If he really hated the Marines, WHY was he wearing his Marine ring when he was arrested?Thanks to Dave Reitzes for supplying the text of these two versions of Judyth's web page.LEE AND ME
Did we want to marry? Yes. Check the records: Lee left his wedding ring behind, with his wife, on Nov. 22, 1963. Police records for Lee's possessions ( #11378, DPD, November 30, 1963) show that Lee had ONLY a Marine ring when arrested, but no wedding band. Another record, Warren Commission Exhibit #2481, shows that Lee Oswald, on his Mexican tourist application, put down that he was a Catholic. He did this so we could more easily divorce and marry if we could meet in Mexico. I was raised Catholic, but Lee was not. In fact, Lee was an atheist who had never, before meeting me, placed any religiuos denomination on any form, to my knowledge. Lee did this even though, at the time, Fidel Castro was persecuting nuns and priests in Cuba. It did not help his 'chances' to get into Cuba, to place "Catholic" on that application form. That is because, originally, Lee was not supposed to try to enter Cuba when he took the bio-materials entrusted to him to Mexico City. He only tried to enter Cuba when his contacts failed to appear as scheduled. Anthony Summers has asserted that he interviewed a person who verified that Lee actually was in Mexico City, and it is now known that the CIA destroyed tapes and other evidence that he was trying to deal with the Cuban consulate, etc. He returned to Dallas, having to leave the bio-materials behind in a souvenir shop, and from that time on never mentioned Cuba again -- that part of his mission was over. After Lee was shot, I feared for my life and originally believed it was hopeless to speak out. Eventually I had children with the good man to whom I was married -- a man I loved in a very different way than Lee. I thought it was hopeless to speak out even after my children were grown, until I viewed Oliver Stone's movie, JFK, in late 1998, and then found out that more more evidence had been released. I had kept completely away from all of it. A psychologist told me that seeing Lee get shot on TV caused me to have an acute aversion syndrome to the subject. Whatever it was, even thinking about Lee and everything to do with his death literally made me sick. Even after I began writing down my memoirs, and speaking to a few people about my hidden past, I had second thoughts after I began to be harrassed. Eventually, longtime JFK assassination researcher Martin Shackelford convinced me to commit to speaking out. It was a hard decision, because of my family, a few who wished I'd never opened my mouth. Almost my entire family now is supportive of me, however. They finally understand why I did some unaccountable things in the past, such as, for example, to drive all my kids to Louisiana on November 22, one year before we moved to Norway, just to get out of the state of Texas on the day JFK was shot, and just to place my feet on the ground in Lee's home state. But all they knew is that I wanted to take them to Louisiana for an outing, and that I was uncharacteristically sad. I am a happy individual by nature. On the documentary, I was quite ill when filmed. I had misgivings about speaking out after I started getting harassed by Mr. McAdams and his friends on his newsgroup, but I finally agreed to commit instead of taking my testimony to my grave. So many have decided to keep quiet. But I finally did make the commitment. Having done so, I will never back down, even though, since then, I have received threats, and the attacks of Mr. McAdams and his friends have now become a seemoing obsession, where they repeat all sorts of wisecracks and denunciations. The absurd, insulting things they have written about me are consistently based on destroying me as a credible witness, since they cannot assault the information and evidence I have. Those who have come to view the evidence have not been disappointed. My family members have also suffered many difficulties, and I am so sorry this has happened to them, but it is imperative that the truth not die. I now realize that i have a grave responsibility, because so many other witnesses have declined to stand forth. perhaps because I am doing that, they will, too. I have personally met a number of people who KNOW Lee and I were lovers but have been afraid to come forth. One witness who did was viciously threatened, so I now protect my other witnesses. John McAdams, whose website does everything possible to make Lee Oswald look like a smirking little rat, supports The Warren Commission 100%. Any thinking American will realize that this is an untenable position. Mr. McAdams debunks and calls 'crackpot' almost every witness who has defended Lee Oswald. He has placed a huge disinformation story about me on his website. I can't imagine how long it took for him to put it together, but he made sure it was filled with errors from top to bottom. I urge people to write to me to get the truth. My worst problem after speaking out was problems with employment after going public. I began having students and their parents access the newsgroups where McAdams'people were saying these incredibly nasty things about me. I was then suddenly fired after an FBI agent's child, and a friend of that child, complained. I had used a lot of resources to move to this new state, and there i was, all at once out of a job. It was a shock. I had been teaching almost eight consecutive years at the time. I had taught for a total of seventeen years, and suddenly found myself not only fired, but blackballed from the teaching profession. After that, I was hurt twice in suspicious automobile 'accidents', had two of my homes broken into, and finally received a death threat that impelled me to leave the country, leaving behind almost all my possessions, my car, everything. I fled to Holland, where I have since felt safe, having had only one threat since moving here (a deliberately broken window). I have accepted no money except for a small loan from a friend to help in my transition here to a new country. However, here in Holland I have opened THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD MUSEUM AND GALLERY. I have had a wonderful response. Only my health prevents it from not being open except for weekends. I presently survive financially by selling lively and colorful paintings of New Orleans, and of scenes in my life, that are presently becoming investment items. My big dream is to be commissioned to sculpture a statue of Lee Oswald, as an American hero. I miss my family and friends in my home country very much, however. I recently spent Thanksgiving Day in Holland with no turkey to be found. Not knowing Dutch very well, I ordered a specialty, hoping to get something interesting to eat. It was fried octopus with peanut butter! I wish I could see my seven precious grandchildren, my five children, and my mom and dad, who are not getting any younger. I also terribly miss my nephew and his wife, my two darling grand-nephews, and so very much, my precious sister....but I can't. I'm afraid, and you would be, too, if you had received some of the threats I have. All I ever wanted to do was to get into a lab and cure cancer. Instead, I was used, and then forced to go into other fields. I had to pretend to go along with this, or be eliminated. Only because I was so socially ignorant do I believe my life was spared. Dr. ochsner and others knew that I had no way to prove what had happened and that if I spoke out, I would simply be murdered. Well, they were wrong about the proof. Because I fell in love with Lee, and knew he was working on a government backed project in some way, I saved A LOT of things from 1963. My testimony has also led to a lot of new evidence, and there is more to come. It all began in the spring of 1963, when I met and fell in love with Lee Oswald, and he with me. Because of the project we were working on in New Orleans, it was convenient for me to pose as Marina Oswald, Lee's wife. His wife, Marina, and I were the same height, had the same eye color and hair color, and I could speak a little Russian--enough to pass as Lee's wife when introduced as her to such persons as Guy Banister's secretaries.
Delphine Roberts, one of Mr. banister's secretaries, was pronounced 'not credible' as a witness by people such as John McAdams, who fiercely defends the Warren Commission's fabrications. her testimony was discredited because she insisted she had seen her boss, former FBI Chicago Chief Guy Banister, greet "Mrs. Oswald" and Lee Harvey Oswald when we came to his office. Some analysts thought she meant 'Mrs. Oswald' -- Lee's mother -- even though Lee's mom was rather homely, while I was a young girl. Banister's secretary said the lady was 'lovely.' So she was not believed. On the History Channel, people were saying they did not believe me -- because I did not look sixty! I was very ill when the filming took place and also had gained weight in the hospital (I've lost most of that weight since then). When I was being filmed, I was so exhausted. They kept saying, "Just a little more, then you can rest!" I did it for Lee. I kept thinking, "This is for my Lee." Concerning my visit to see Mr. Banister, I needed to verify for myself that Lee really was working with Banister because of the unusual characters I had recently met, such as Dave Ferrie and David Lewis. I needed proof that Lee was actually linked to the government, in a plan to kill Fidel Castro, and he provided it by introducing me to Mr. Banister. It was a necessary step to convince me to participate in the project. I had only known Lee about two weeks at this time. Soon after I verified that Lee had genuine connections with important people such as Guy Banister, I accepted the unusual (for me) work at Reily. I had been trained between 1959 and 1963 in cancer research, not in secretarial work. I had never been a secretary, and to this day do not type very well, but I was able to help launder Lee's record at Standard Coffee, where both of us were hired the same day -- May 10th, 1963 --before he and I were both transferred, also on the same day (May 17) to William B. Reily Coffee Company. My paycheck stubs with Reily begin May 24, not May 17, so critics who add up my checks have sometimes erred by including the Standard check. And then they compound their errors by assuming each check was for my standard salary of $46.00 --without taking out deductions as shown on my W-2 form. I will be happy to send anyone who inquires a full record of my paychecks and show that they exactly match the W-2 form when computed according to the amounts shown in the black carbon area of each check, when added together. These kinds of errors regarding my testimony and my evidence occur because these people are only interested in discrediting me, not in looking carefully at the eidence or even bothering to speak to me. The Banister sighting of me with Lee was only one of several sightings, preserved in the record, of me with Lee which Marina, Lee's Russian wife, stated never occurred. Well, they did.
People have been rewriting my testimony and posting disinformation about my testimony for three years. Things you may have heard about my story that are not true include the following:
1. That Lee Oswald told me he was going to kill John Connally. Correction: Lee told me he pretended to be interested in killing John Connally, but in reality, he NEVER had any intention of harming him or anyone else on November 22, 1963. Lee told me he had penetrated an assassination ring. I believe, and this is only speculation, that he had to have an excuse they would believe. I believe he allowed himself to be drawn into the assassination ring in the hopes that somehow he could learn enough information to transmit it to the FBI and others who might be able to save the President.
Today I believe that these people deliberately lured Lee into the ring, allowing him to believe he would be able to do something to help save the president if he participated. I know he believed he might be able to save Kennedy. He did not know where he would have to go or where he was supposed to be on Wednesday, the last time i spoke to him. We used a special horse racing line set up through a payphone system run by the Mafia, using some key phone numbers to post long distance calls free of charge. It broke my heart to see Lee asking for somebody to come forth and give him legal representation. The police said he refused this. That's unbelievable. We do not have a good record of what Lee really said because no stenographer was present, no tape recordings were made. That was illegal! We get 'his' words from the mouths of the Dallas police.
2. myth: that I own Lee Oswald's 'shower shoes.' What? I don't even know what 'shower shoes' are! I once said I could describe something interesting about a pair of flip-flops Lee Osewald owned. I never, ever claimed to own them.
3. myth: An early draft of my co-authored manuscript included information about "á fine hotel in Cancun..." This was a misspelling by my literary agent of the AREA of Kankun, some distance from a city, Merida, where I assumed Lee might meet me (he might have also met me near the Kankun area, near the ruins of Chitzen Itza). In 1963 there was great interest renewed in Chitzen Itza, and furthermore, a film, called THE NIGHT (or was it the DAY?) OF THE IGUANA was being made in this area, and Lee and I read the descriptions of tropical lushness. george deMohrenschildt had described similar paradises to Lee, and he believed somewhere in this remote area would be a safe place to rendezvous. It was a very romantic idea, but we were in love. At that time, there was no Cancun resort, but my literary agent thought there was, I assume. I never said we were going to meet at Cancun, the resort. My literary agent may have thought I made a typo and changed it to Cancun. Heaven knows, I make plenty of typos when I type, so I can't blame him for misunderstanding! My co-author, not noticing this error --as the literary agent had also added plenty more!--- let the agent's error get repeated in the second draft of the book. I was in the process of making some corrections to that very manuscript (additional errors such as this that had been inserted into the text) when the manuscript was secretly copied and carried away. Furthermore, the manuscript was protected from piracy with flags-- some deliberate bold faced sections ---which later the agent turned to regular script, without telling me. there were tirty deliberate errors so that the book could not be stolen. The agent was fired for changing this manuscript, as well as for making false statements about me in an attempt to produce publicity, and, finally, for his attempt to become a co-author by inserting as much additional text as he could -- without my knowledge or permission. Some of it was ridiculously sentimental. That text was sent all over New York before I had a glance at it. He even changed the title from THE LONELY BULL to LEE, MY LOVE --and made it racier and spicier. That agent is long gone, but the corrupted text is being quoted from even now, by Mr. John McAdams, who only wishes to make me look as bad as he can. WHY? If you read carefully, you will notice that Mr. McAdams pushes the Official Version of everything. The Warren Commission's final living member, Gerald Ford, must love Mr. McAdams. McAdams seems to known everything, and to be always right, even though he has never met me, never seen my evidence firtsthand, and has never so much as spoken to me on the telephone. Before he could spell my name properly, he was attacking! I realize by telling you this, that he will simply keep on attacking. Such is life--my life, anyway! Ironically, most, if not all, of the witnesses supporting any other conclusion than McAdams' favorite ones are all weird, lying, nutcases, or ácting as if something sinister happened.' NOBODY dies of ANYTHING suspicious. EVERYBODY's conspiracy theory is stupid, ill-informed, or flawed. ONLY McAdams knows EVERYTHING. I have to say that he also includes some valuable information. But he cuts it off or adds his own little twists. he consistent. Crackpot, evil, sinister'-- and the usual Jesuit sophistries and clever arguments known to all who have been taught by the Jesuits, are used constantly by Mr. McAdams. Everybody's a crackpot -- except those who toe the Warren Commission's official line. So please consider this when Mr. McAdams' website pops up when you seek ANY information about JFK, me, or Lee..... his website always pops up NUMBER ONE on all the search engines. And his opinon is often quoted by the big name reporters who also force LEE DID IT down everybody's throats. After all, McAdams has his connections.
4. myth: that I have no witnesses, first made by Robert Harris, who refused to change his story that I had no witnesses, even after I told him for two years that I finally found them. He also insisted that one of these witnesses was an old schoolmate who double-dated with Lee and me. The truth is that two women, named Anna, and Annette (also known as Anita), were mixed up in Mr. Harris' memory. I have a photo of Annette. I have Anna on film. Anna Lewis, her husband, and Lee and I walked around New Orleans together, ate some meals together, visited the 500 Club, etc. Annette (Anita) worked at Wm. B. Reily and was going to MARRY HER FORMER SCHOOLMATE. I have a photo, and on the back, she is inviting me to their wedding. I have several living witnesses who have testified on audiotape and have allowed their pictures to be taken. In some cases they have faced threats and intimidation. I believe it was decided to protect these witnesses and not include them in the documentary. People are always welcome to visit me and see the evidence for themselves. Anyone who wants more information on the witnesses must sign a statement of confidentiality to protect these persons from harassment. Some of them have families.
5. myth: that I cooked up cancer in my kitchen! There was considerable work accomplished in Dave Ferrie's apartment, but at least five other sites and labs were involved in the get-Castro project with which I was associated.
6. Myth: That Lee Oswald could not drive. This isn't true. He could. He learned to drive in the Marines. he preferred to pretend that he could not drive because he was an infltrator of anti-Castro and Pro-Castro elements, most of whom were poor immigrants to the USA from Castro's Cuba. Lee rode the buses with them, and lived at their monetary level. He also was able to keep his wife, Marina, from getting in contact with anyone who might hurt her or his baby daughter(s) by making sure she was seen as little as possible. Not having a car tended to keep his wife home-bound and safer.
7. myth: That I had babies for Lee Oswald only. I fulfilled my promise to Lee to have babies. I had five children. But that does not mean I did not want to have these babies with my husband, Robert A. Baker. Robert and I had little in common, but I was very fond of him both before and after I knew Lee Harvey Oswald. However, Lee osewald was the great love of my life, and I had no children for five years after marrying Mr. Baker, unsure that I wished to commit to my marriage with him to that extent, and also because we were students attending classes and working.
8. Myth: That researchers have discredited me for years. Two newsgroup moderators have systematically attacked me for two to three years at this writing. One of them stole films and materials. She later admitted she was working as a co-author on a book that, if my information was released, would make their book obsolete. The other moderator attacked me before he even knew how to properly spell my name. One of his friends urged everyone to write THE HISTORY CHANNEL and complain about THE LOVE AFFAIR and how bad a documentary it was. Only this individual actually posted his message several hours before the documentary was seen for the first time!
9. Myth: That I was just a good science student. I was a post-Sputnik whiz kid who invented a more efficient way to get magnesium out of seawater when only 16. I was doing research in high school that was more advanced or equal to work being conducted at Walter Reed institute and at enormous cancer centers. I have newspaper articles, letters and documents to prove every word I'm saying. THE LOVE AFFAIR would never have been filmed had I not copious proof of who I was and how I had been trained.
10: myth: That I name too many important names, so I must be lying. In fact, the reason so many of these names, such as David Ferrie, Guy Banister, and Jack Ruby are mentioned is because THEY WERE INVOLVED. I also have new evidence and new names, with full documentation -- such as the Treasury agent who expedited Lee Oswald's passport--along with a few others--to be processed in New Orleans in just ONE day (June 24-June 25, 1963). Lee oswald was supposedly a Marine with a bad record who defected to the Soviet Union and then returned to America. he had already been actively handing out pro-Castro materials in Dallas AND in New Orleans by the time he applied for tis passport. At a time when others were losing their jobs for being accused of being a communist, Lee Oswald got his passport in 24 hours. I met the man and hunted down his family. Much new evidence, in fact, has emerged because of leads given to investigators.
11. Myth: That I wasn;t a 'Vanilla girl'after the assassination since I eventually was a small town newspaper reporter, founded a Humane Society, etc. However, originally I had intended to find a cure for cancer, and to do other deeds of merit and worth in the medical sciences. I was forbidden to continue my research acitivities, and i was forbidden to speak about the JFK/Castro matter. I was to keep my maiden name out of the news, and any connection of myself with medicine--and I did, because I did not want to die.
12. Myth: that i spent years researching materials and making all of this up. Fact: i saved paycheck stubs, tax returns, souvenirs, documents, and evoidence as i recognized their importance someday. Accusers have to ask themselves why i saved all this evidence, of a few sort years, and almost nothing else in my life form the past except baby photos and the usual family album stuff? My children know we never had a Kennedy assassinaton book, film or so much as an pold newspaper on the subject. I never did research online because my teenage kids hogged our computer. At the university I worked and taught Engloish literature, and attended classes constantly. Periods I was in a computer lab tutoring students, I was at a check-in desk and went form computer to computer helping sudents write essays. Only a few computers used internet, and I had no access to that function until AFTER the first draft oif my book and many emails had been written.
13. Myth: That Lee wasn't sexually adequate. Lee's love affairs in the past included a Japanese geisha, several Russian girls, and then marriage to a pretty Russian pharmacist's assistant he met at a medical student's dance and married soon afterwards. He was unhappy in his marriage and is on record as insisting his wife return to Russia. He and his wife did not get along and had violent arguments. I told Lee Oswald I would have nothing to do with him if he so much as laid a hand on his wife, when we began our affair in New Orleans. He kept his promise and never touched her again.
14. myth: that I should have met David Ferrie's most famous friends, such as Perry Russo, and Layton Martens, and Alvin Beoubeauf, and that they should have mentioned me. First of all, I was a female, and as such, I avoided Dave's friends who were almost 100% homosexuals. I particularly avoided being there at night, except on a couple of occasions in late July, when the project became an urgent matter and also a training film was being made, the sun effect almost exhausting Lee and me. I was usually at Dave Ferrie's apartment during working hours in the early to mid afternoons on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, for about sixteen weeks. Dave was meetable at Charity Hospital on a couple of occasions, and for a couple of lunches, but otherwise, I saw very little of him after May. He was extremely busy, and on weekends when he wasn;t flying somewhere, he was out with his friends. I was rarely there a few evenings. We processed animals at a peak there in July, and at this time Dave's apartment was both smelly and stifling hot, and was not a popular place for anyone. Dave tended to party elsewhere at night during July in particular. Earlier in the year, in May, I attended a party he held at his cluttered apartment, for which a number of people of all kinds were in attendance. Dave Ferrie's conduct at this party was clearly homosexual, and I was concerned about his legitimacy as a person connected to Dr. Ochsner, who despised homosexuals. Dr. mary Sherman was at this party, and, though I was scheduled to meet her formally in a few days, at this time she refused to speak to me, which also concerned me. Perry Russo might have been at this party, but I have no idea. I was not the only woman there, but i was the youngest. Later, I heard from Lee that when the students got out for the summer, most of them went home, but some of them were partying and sleeping over and trashing a house, which I believe was where Perry Russo was living. I was aware that one of Dave's 'kids' had his mother die of cancer. I now believe this 'kid' to have been Perry Russo, and that it was his house that was trashed because his parents weren't there at the time, but I was never introduced to him. I was introduced once to Layton Martens, another of Dave's friends. There were also two young Cuban males who were Dave's friends, and who lived apparently just down the street, taking care of our research animals. There is more I culd say....For more information, please contact me at --I will do my best to answer you courteously and kindly.
I have many newspaper articles tracing my meeting and being trained by eminent scientists. I have dozens of documents showing my cancer research was far more than mere high scool research. Even in high school, I was meeting Nobel Prize winners and my word was being reviewed by the heads of cancer research institutes. My book will contain documentation that was too complex to be included in the Nigel Turner documentary THE LOVE AFFAIR. I recommend that everyone get a copy of THE FINAL CHAPTER series by Nigel Turner productions for The History Channel. I would like to add that i was not paid any money to give my testimony, except travel expenses to point out sites in New orleans and to kennel my dog while traveling. I would have refused payments anyway. I refused to have my testimony printed by a tabloid newspaper. This story is not for sale. ONLY if it becomes a major movie will I accept any money--in order to have the resources to take the moviemakers to court if they twist the story to make Lee look guilty, or some other such nonsense! Anyone who wishes to see a few additional examples of evidence is welcome to write to me at, or at
Here is a typical example of the way Lee Oswald was framed. Lee had a rather pointed chin, as can be seen from this arrest photo taken in DALLAS. But, as you can see in the 'backyard photos'-- he must have had plastic surgery done, because in April, 1963, these photos show a VERY square chin. Marina Oswald said she took photos of Lee -- from a different direction. Poor Marina was alone, with a six week old little baby and a toddler, and wondered if she would be sent back to Russia. You should read her descriptions of how she took these photos. An intelligent and thoughtful person can tell that she couldn;t possibly have taken all the photos. Recent studies show that a thin scratch line on the film (this happens as the film is advanced, in some cameras)was in the SAME position on all photos -- a statistical impossibility, since the film wobbles slightly as it is advanced. So one contact film was made, from which the others were also produced. You should also read how Marina said she locked Lee in the bathroom so he could not go out and shoot former Vice President Richard Nixon ---until somebody pointed out that bathrooms usually do not have locks on the outside of the door! Then she said she just pushed against the bathroom door. Anybody in Marina Oswald's position would have been very frightened to have to testify again and again to secret service agents, the FBI, and the CIA. It's a miracle she's still sane, poor woman. Do you think I wished to add to her distress by speaking out, while we both had children growing up? I understand why Marina said what she did. Lee himself said the photos were faked. He said he was innocent, that he was a patsy. Then he was silenced forever. Now Lee can no longer speak for himself. Murdered before millions of shocked people who viewed his execution by his friend, Jack Ruby, he was probably the most hated man in the world on November 22, 1963. If I had spoken out at that time, I would have been arrested as Lee's girlfriend, and what good would that have done him? Jack Ruby was forced to murder Lee. By forcing him to commit murder, Ruby himself, who knew a great deal about Lee's innocence, was safely tucked away. Though he was a convicted murderer, the DALLAS POLICE kept Jack Ruby right under their constant surveillance. In this way, they kept him constantly under surveillance. When Jack Ruby finally got a chance at a second trial, out of the area, soon after that he was discovered to have cancer. He died of a galloping form of lung cancer--the same kind of cancer that had been developed to use to kill Castro. Jack Ruby told several persons that he had been injected with cancer cells. He was ignored. Clay Shaw, famed in the film JFK, also suddenly died -- of suspected lung cancer. He was buried less than 24 hours after death without an autopsy--and he died in Dr., Ochsner's clinic. Ochsner was in charge of the get- Castro cancer research development project that Ruby had seen underway at Dave Ferrie's apartment. He knew quite well that cancer cells, along with 'penicillin' with a larger gauge needle (painful) was the method. Ruby was injected with penicillin an unusual number of times just before contracting lung cancer. He was also x-rayed an exorbitant number of times --the exact preferred method to pull down the immune system to allow the injected cancer cells to take hold, just as happens today with AIDS cases, where cancers develop because of the ruined immune system. Dr. Mary Sherman, the cancer research expert and orthopedic surgeon who guided our get-Castro research in tandem with Ferrie, was dedicated to helping little kids never get polio again. She became involved with the SV-40 monkey virus contaminating the polio vaccine cultures. Dr. Ochsner's own grandson, inoculated with the polio vaccine, died from it. Ochsner realized how easily a needle could bring death by virus, with the best of physicians not realizing what was happening, and he became intrigued with the idea of killing Fidel castro, whom he hated, on the sly. Dr. Sherman helped speed up the project with radiaition. I had noting to do with that part of the research. Unfrtunately, Dr. Sherman just knew too much, and she was found murdered July 21, 1964, the SAME DAY the Warren Commission came to New Orleans to obtain everyone's testimonies. The gruesome death of this good woman included the right side of body partially burned, numerous knife wounds to hand, arm, legs, genital area, liver and heart. Furthermore, HER RIGHT ARM WAS ENTIRELY MISSING. The murder of Sherman shown on the front page stopped many people from ever saYing another word about anything they might have thought they had seen. fear filled many of us for years to come because we had been threatened. Those who talked often died, or were discredited, and their reputations destroyed. I, myself, have seen my own testimony twisted and changed on John McAdams'website, and on the newsgroups, while I, myself, have been blocked from being able to reply. I STILL BLOCKED as of November 27, 2003,from even responding to defend myself. Anyone who wants an accurate picture of my involvement and testimony should contact me rather than read another set of lies and cover-up propaganda. I would appreciate it! Just write -- I realize this will invite hostile replies from a few people, but it is worth it to get good people to have access to the truth. I promise to respond to your questions as courteously and kindly as possible.
Here is the last photo taken of Jack Ruby, as he was dying of cancer. Al Maddox, his police guard, told me that he died in the hospital bed with a leg iron still on his leg. Maddox owns Jack Ruby's glasses and a lot of his letters. Ruby's treatment in the hospital was barbaric, IMHO, as they allowed several quarts of fluid to build up in his lungs before draining the ascites fluids off --- causing Jack tremendous pain and mental anguish, as you feel as if you are drowning. I have seen cancer patients in agony with only a quart of fluid in their lungs. So yes, I feel sorry for Lee's killer. Explaining the many photos and documents I have, and their significance, would have overwhelmed the 44 filmed minutes in the segment THE LOVE AFFAIR. There are more than 250 documents and files in my possession providing evidence of my intimate association with Lee Oswald. For example, I have an American Express receipt dated May 27, 1963, for $30.00, and a deposit back into my bank account the next day for $30.00. Good researchers will be able to pinpoint this piece of evidence and how it relates to Lee Oswald. Similarly, I can explain through my own evidence why Lee Oswald visited A-1 Employment on May 15, 1963, when he already had a job at Wm. B. Reily (yes, I also have proof of A-1 involvement for that day). Lee Oswald and I began work ON THE SAME DAY at Standard Coffee Co. May 10, 1963. WE BOTH MOVED FROM STANDARD TO REILY ON MAY 17, 1963. On the day Lee Oswald was fired, in July 1963, an ad was ordered to replace me (Lee and I were involved in some of the same anti-castro activities and I would not be needed much longer). On Aug. 9, 1963, the day Lee was arrested for passing out flyers on the streets of New Orleans, I was asked to resign because I had been seen with him. That was my last day of work at Reily's. We both arrived the same week in April in New Orleans. We both left the same month (September). We both rode a Greyhound bus to New Orleans, with our significant others coming later by car. Some of these coincidences are insignificant, but not all of them. We both moved into the "Y"--he into the YMCA, I into the YWCA. For example, we were both told to check into the "Y". We both moved into apartments next to each other in the same week. We both rode the Magazine bus to work daily, on the same route, at the same time, as we lived only blocks from each other. These are only a few of the known dated events we had in common. There are many more. I can account for most of Lee Oswald's activities in New Orleans on any given day. This has led to new evidence concerning Lee Oswald's true activities between April 25, 1963 and the end of his life, when he was shot by jack Ruby, in Dallas, two days after Kennedy was shot. Both Lee and his slain leader were buried the same day within hours of each other. I invite you to read my story with an open mind and remember--the people criticizing me in newsgroups have NOT solved the case. They never will. Those who attack me are only interested in promoting their own special theories--such as, the TWO OSWALD theory. They do not seem to realize that lee himself, to obscure his past, created some of those fake trails and blind alleys. Lee did not want police to know, for instance, that he was a returned 'defector.' Lee was a FAKE defector, and very successful in his assignment. The evidence I have given Nigel Turner and his investigators is making a difference and advancing the case. I have spoken out at great personal cost, and due to harassment, now live in a foreign country. It's not fun to leave everything beind and begin a new life at age sixty. I love my country and my family and always love to hear from Americans. God bless you, and thank you for visiting this site. America will heal if America learns the truth. Don't let the truth be killed! Sincerely, Judyth Vary Baker, the last lover of Lee Harvey Oswald