For Jim Marrs, the death of William Sullivan was "suspicious." Marrs says that: "Sullivan was shot with a high-powered rifle near his New Hampshire home by a man who claimed to have mistaken him for a deer. The man was charged with a misdemeanor -- 'shooting a human being by accident' -- and released into the custody of his father, a state policeman. There was no further investigation of Sullivan's death." (CROSSFIRE, p. 564) Read the following, and decide whether any "further investigation" was needed, and whether this looks sinister in any way.------------------------------------------------------- 9 November, 1977 I received a call from Troop F (New Hampshire State Police) via telephone saying a hunting accident near Brown residence at Sugar Hill. Time approximately 6:35 a.m. I then called Lt. William Hastings on telephone and advised him of situation. Troop F called on radio to say ambulance en route. I arrived on scene (Westfield residence) approximately 6:45 a.m. Was met by chief Gary Young, who informed me that the victim's name was William Cornelius Sullivan, and he had been shot by Robert Daniels, Jr. Tim Ross and assistant were on the scene at this time and it was determined that the victim was dead. Trooper Robert Daniels was at the scene in his cruiser with his son, Robert Daniels, Jr. It was obvious that Robert Daniels, Jr. was extremely upset. I determined at this time the best course of action would be to get him away from the scene. I informed Trooper Daniels of this and advised him I would be in touch with him and his son later and that they should go home, which they did. Attempts were made via radio transmissions through Grafton County Sheriffs Office to get a medical referee (see Grafton County radio log). After considerable time Dr. Imrie arrived on the scene and pronounced William Sullivan dead. Raymond Holland of Grafton County Sheriffs Office located a spent 30-06 cartridge case and a three cell flashlight and a hot seat. It was determined that this was the spot from where the shooter fired. Trooper John Tholl and myself measured the distance from the shooter to the two rifles that laid on the ground 15 feet from the victim to be 241 feet. The victim had been moved by the shooter about 15 feet. State Police investigator David Lennon had arrived on the scene and was assisting at this time, as was Seargent Tuck, New Hampshire State Police. Also Lt. William Hastings, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Officer Lennon gathered, tagged and secured all the physical evidence at the scene. The body was then removed via Ross ambulance to the Littleton Hospital. At the hospital it was determined that a postmortem examination would be conducted at Mary Hitchcock Hospital at Hanover, New Hampshire. The body was then transferred to a Ross ambulance vehicle and trip to Hanover. On the way we stopped at Grafton County Sheriffs Office and investigator Lennon and myself talked with Attorney Wingate regarding the case. We then continued on the Mary Hitchcock Hospital and the postmortem examination was conducted by Dr. Falkner. Present were Harold Reed, William Hastings, David Lennon, Richard Dufour, Thomas Ross and Ray Holland. Fragments of copper and lead metals were found in the bullet wound. It was determined by Dr. Falkner that cause of death was a bullet through the neck. Upon completion of the examination, the body was released to the Ross Funeral Home and transported back to Littleton via Ross ambulance. Respectfully Submitted, Richard F. Dufour Conservation Officer New Hampshire Fish & Game Dept. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Grafton County Attorney John M. A. Rolli Court House Woodsville, New Hampshire, 03785 Telephone (603) 787-6968 March 10, 1978 New Hampshire Fish & Game Department Bridge Street Concord, New Hampshire, 03301 ATTENTION: Mason Butterfield Dear Mr. Butterfield: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of March 9th, enclosed please find the following regarding the fatal shooting in Sugar Hill on November 9th, 1977: 1. Investigation Report of Gary Young, Chief of Police in Sugar Hill; 2. Written Statement of Robert W. Daniels, Jr.; 3. Daily Log of November 9, 1977 of the Dispatch at Troop F in Twin Mountain; and 4. Autopsy report of the deceased, William Sullivan The State Police report is more readily available at State Police Headquarters and we request that you obtain the report directly from them. Very truly yours, John M.A. Rolli bd Enclosures -------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF INVESTIGATION/ARREST REPORT 1. Case No. 2. Investigating Officer: Gary Young 3. ID Chief 4. Town of Crime Sugar Hill 5. Code 6. Date of Report 11-9-77 Investigation of fatal shooting on Pearl Lake Road in Sugar Hill, N.H. on this day involving victim, William Cornelius Sullivan of Sunset Road, Sugar Hill, N.H. Date of Birth, 05-25-12. Retired FBI official. On the morning of the 9th day of November, 1977 on or about 6:30 in the A.M., the writer of this report was abruptly awakened to a disturbance in my bedroom. Upon becoming awake, I realized there was a young boy known to me to be Robert W. Daniels, Jr., standing in my bedroom. He was in a very excited state of mind, close to a hysterical situation. I asked him what was wrong and through his sobbing and carrying on, I was able to understand him to say "I think I have killed a man." I immediately got out of bed and brought Robert Daniels, Jr., to the kitchen of my home where I questioned him further as to what had happened. At this point I was able to determine what he was trying to tell me. I asked him where he had been and he advised me that he had been over to Westfield's on the Pearl Lake Road. He said he thought it was a deer. When he got over to it, he realized it was a man. He said he attempted to perform CPR and he didn't think it did any good. He said he tried to carry the man out, but couldn't. I asked him if he had any idea who it was. His reply at that time was "That it was Bill Sullivan." At this point, my wife had reached the kitchen and I advised her to get Ross Ambulance on the phone. I advised Ross Ambulance that they were needed near the Foss Residence on Pearl Lake Road, and to travel Code 3. I then placed a second call to the father of Robert W. Daniels, Jr., and advised him what had taken place and the location and that his son needed him immediately and I would meet him at the scene. I then place a third call to State Police in Twin Mt., N.H., advising her that there had been a shooting accident on the Pearl Lake Road in Sugar Hill, near the Foss residence, and to send Conservation Officer Dufour and a Trooper. At this point I escorted Robert Daniels, Jr., to the Cruiser and went immediately to the scene. Upon arriving at the scene I observed the form of a man lying on the ground on the edge of a field near the tree line surrounding the field. I went immediately to the body and checked the wrist for a pulse. I was unable to find a pulse so then checked the neck for a pulse. Within moments Corporal Daniels arrived on the scene at which time we placed his son Robert W. Daniels, Jr., in his father's car. Shortly thereafter Ross Ambulance arrived on the scene. Not having been able to locate a pulse on the subject, I returned to the Cruiser to have my headquarters call Dr.. McGregor as a Medical Referee. Shortly thereafter Conservation Officer Richard Dufour arrived on the scene. At that time I advised Mr. Dufour as to who the parties were that were involved , and that I wanted him to handle the investigation because of my friendship with both parties. That I had recognized Mr. Sullivan, the victim upon my arrival. Other officers arriving on the scene to assist in the investigation were Trooper John Tholl, Deputy Sheriff Raymond Holland, Det. Cpl. David Lennon and Sgt. Richard Tuck, State Police. I made a request of Sgt. Tuck to assist Officer Dufour in this investigation. Photographs of the scene were taken by Deputy Holland and Trooper Tholl. Officer Dufour was able to make contact with Dr. Imrie of Littleton to come to the scene as acting Medical Referee. At approximately 8:30 myself, Sgt. Tuck and Dr. Imrie returned to my residence to locate Tim Casey to advised him of what had happened and to obtain his assistance in breaking the news to Mr. Sullivan's wife. Tim Casey is a retired FBI agent and a friend of the Sullivan family. Upon advising Tim Casey of the situation, we then went to the home of Mrs. Sullivan and advised her of the incident. Upon advising her, Mrs. Sullivan became very emotional and hysterical. It took a considerable amount of time to calm Mrs. Sullivan down. Tim Casey and myself remained at the house with Mrs. Sullivan until a friend arrived to stay with her. Sgt. Tuck returned to the scene of the incident. Tim Casey, upon returning to my residence notified the Concord Office of the FBI and advised them of what had taken place. Two agents from the Concord office arrived at my residence at approximately noon time. They were agents Hannagan and Gobel. -------------------------------------------------------------------- State of New Hampshire Statement Form Date: Nov. 10, 1977 Place: Lisbon I, Robert W. Daniels, Jr. give the following voluntary statement to Richard F. Dufour F & G who has identified himself as a member of the New Hampshire Fish & Game. He has advised me of the following: 1. I have the right to remain silent; 2. Anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law; 3. I have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before any questioning and to have one with me during questioning; 4. If I cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for me; and 5. If I decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, I still have the right to stop answering at any time Witness: Wm. C Hastings I woke up at approximately 4:30. At 5:00 I went to pick up a friend (Randy Heathe). He was not up at the time. I waited about 15 minutes 'til 5:15 or app. I drove to the Westfield home and drove up the Westfield up to the old post road and back down to the Westfield home. I took my flashlight, hot seat and rifle. I walked out to the place where I was going to sit with my flashlight on shined it around the field and sat down backed into the woods. I sat til approximately 6:10 when I stood up to go pick up a friend and I saw a motion on the other side of the field. I picked up my rifle and through my scope I saw brown. I dropped my rifle down and saw a flicker of white. I' not sure what it really was, but I thought it was a flag (of a deer). At this time when I saw the white it appeared to moved a little faster and I thought it had smelled me and was now running. I picked up my rifle and through my scope I saw brown again and I squeezed the trigger. I put my hot seat and flashlight down in a well house. I was walking towards the deer at which time I thought was missed. I was about 50 yards away I saw white and I thought it was a deer. I got about 25 yards away I saw a man lying there. I went to him and dragged him out of the woods and started Cardio Pulmonary Rescucitation when I saw the bullet wound. I tried to carry him to the road but he was so heavy so I put him down and ran to my scout and drove to Gary Young's home. I got him out of bed. He made the necessary phone calls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY DAILY LOG HUNTING ACCIDENT OF NOV. 9, 1977 TELEPHONE CALLS AND RADIO TRANSMISSIONS COVERED BY COMM/SPEC M. MONTEIRO At 635AM on Nov 9, 1977, I received a telephone call from Chief Gary Young (596) of the Sugar Hill Police Dept. advising me of a hunting accident on the Pearl Lake Road in Sugar Hill and he asked me to notify either Sgt Charles Barry or CO Richard Dufor of the Fish and Game Dept. I advised him that the Unit to cover that area was FG216 Richard Dufour and I told him I would notify him immediately. Chief Young then advised me that an ambulance was enroute and that a trooper had been notified. At 641AM Cpl. Robert Daniels checked with me via radio transmission to see if FG238 had been notified, I advised him that FG216 was notified and he was OK on the item and he advised it would probably be his area anyway. At the same time I copied via the Grafton Moniter that G 11 (Ross Ambulance) was advised by G 40 (Chief Young) the area was behind Mrs. Brown's residence an would be on a Code # 2. Since this is urget I advised FG216 of the same and for directions and he and FG210 copied me. At 645AM FG210 asked via Radio if I had an SP Unit Available with camera and I checked with 353 Cpl Daniels, he then advised me via Radio affirmative but that I had better check with the Supervisor as his son was involved in the incident. I then proceeded to make FG210 & 216 aware of this information and I immediately called my Supervisor by telephone. At this time I made Sgt Richard Tuck aware of the situation and what little information I had. I also advised him I knew the incident involved Cpl Daniels son and that Lt Hastings was requesting if a trooper was available with a camera and Sgt Tuck advised for me to Call Out 371 Tpr John Tholl. He also aske me to keep him posted on the item. Around 645AM I also received a telephone call from the Grafton Dispatcher inquiring what was going on and I advised him only that I knew there was a Hunting Accident and that involved Cpl Daniels Son. I advised him that I had no further information at this time. At 649AM I advised FG210 & 216 that 371 would be enroute with a camera. I then copied via the Grafton Moniter at 653AM that the Ross Ambulance was at the scene. At 740AM I copied again via Grafton that FG216 had advised for the Grafton Dispatcher to contact the County Attorney and the County Medical Referee was needed at the scene. At this time for your note I assumed there had been a death. At 709AM Sgt Tuck called by telephone to check what further information I had and I advised him that I knew the County Medical Referee was bing called to the scene and that the County Attorney had been called and I knew a death was involved and nothing further. He remarked the situation did not look good and advised me he would be enroute to the scene shortl and was the same at 715AM. Also for your note all units involved signed on as the 10-1 10-2 Forms show, but the sign off times will vary as units I knew were preceeding to the scene did not have time and it was considered by those who knew to be an urgent item. Also that much of my information was copied via my Grafton Moniter and the assumptions were reached through the information given. Comm/Spec Maryann K. Monteiro NHSP Troop F, Twin Mt., N.H. -------------------------------------------------------------------- (From New York Times, November 10, 1977) WILLIAM C. SULLIVAN, EX-F.B.I. AIDE, 65, IS KILLED IN A HUNTING ACCIDENT William C. Sullivan, former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigations intelligence operations who broke in dramatic fashion with the late J. Edgar Hoover, was killed early yesterday in a shooting accident near his home in Sugar Hill, N.H. He was 65 years old. Maj. Mason J. Butterfield, law enforcement director of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, said that Mr. Sullivan, who had been on the way to meet two hunting companions shortly after daybreak, had been shot and instantly killed by another hunter, Robert Daniels, Jr., 22, who had mistaken Mr. Sullivan for a deer. Major Butterfield said that the shooting was under investigation and that no charges had been filed. Mr. Sullivan's 30-year career with the F.B.I. began in the early days of World War II, when he was dispatched by Mr. Hoover on an undercover intelligence mission to neutral Spain. After several months of tangling with Axis spies in Madrid, Mr. Sullivan returned to bureau headquarters in Washington and took the first in a series of administrative posts that ultimately included a decade as head of the domestic intelligence division and a brief tenure as the bureau's third-ranking official behind Mr. Hoover, the director, and his longtime companion, Clyde A. Tolson. Mr. Sullivan, who acquired a reputation as the only liberal Democrat ever to break into the top ranks of the bureau, retired in 1971 after he arrived at his office one morning to find that Mr. Hoover had ordered the lock on his door changed and his nameplate removed. That incident, widely reported at the time, was the culmination of increasing friction between the two men over Mr. Sullivan's private, and then public, insistence that Mr. Hoover had greatly overemphasized the threat to national security posed by the American Communist Party while devoting less attention than was warranted to violation of Federal civil rights laws in the South. Mr. Sullivan was known both within the bureau, and by a wide and distinguished circle of acquaintances outside it as less a policeman than a scholar, one whose interests ranged from theoretical Marxism, on which he was an acknowledged expert, to modern English poetry. Mr. Sullivan held advanced degrees from American and George Washington Universities and an honorary doctorate from Boston College. In retirement, Mr. Sullivan became even more vocal of Mr. Hoover's nearly five decades of unchallenged leadership of the bureau and of its controversial counterintelligence programs, including some that he himself had conceived and administered. Testifying two years ago before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which termed some of his official actions abusive and even illegal, Mr. Sullivan declared, "Never once did I hear anybody, including myself raise the question, is this course of action which we have agreed upon lawful, is it legal, is it ethical or moral?" The Senate investigation uncovered considerable detail about the counterintelligence programs, collectively labeled Cointelpro by the bureau, that were intended to spread confusion and dissension among extremist political groups in this country, ranging from the Communist Party on the left to the Ku Klux Klan on the right. It also developed in the Senate investigations that Mr. Sullivan had been instrumental in the arranging for the mailing of a tape recording in 1964 to Coretta Scott King, wide of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that contained snippets of Dr. King's conversations with other women that had been overheard by concealed F.B.I. microphones. Mr. Sullivan was in the news most recently a few weeks ago when he acknowledge that he had passed to subordinates instructions from Mr. Hoover to use whatever means were necessary in tracking down fugitive members of the Weather Underground organization in the early 1970's. One former agent, John J. Kearney, is now the subject of a Federal indictment charging the bureau with having employed illegal wiretaps and mail intercepts in those investigations, and Mr. Sullivan was expected to have been a principal witness at Mr. Kearney's trial. Mr. Sullivan, whose hopes for replacing Mr. Hoover as the bureau's director were dashed when the Nixon Administration installed L. Patrick Gary 3d as Mr. Hoover's successor, infuriated many of his longtime colleagues in 1973, a year after Mr. Hoover's death, when Mr. Sullivan publicly questioned Mr. Hoover's mental acuity during his last few years in office. "I'm no doctor," he said at the time in assessing Mr. Hoover. "I can't make a judgement. But he had an unusual personality. In the last three years, you couldn't depend upon him. He became extremely erratic." Surviving are Mr. Sullivan's wife, Marion, two sons, William and Andrew, both law students in Boston, and a daughter Joanne Tuttle. A funeral service will be held on Saturday in Hudson, Mass., Mr. Sullivan's birthplace. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (From New York Times, January 15, 1978) MAN IS FINED IN DEATH OF FORMER F.B.I. OFFICIAL LITTLETON, N.H. --Jan 14 (UPI)--A Libson, N.H. man was fined $500 and lost his hunting license for 10 years yesterday for killing a former assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, William Sullivan, in a hunting accident. Mr. Sullivan, 65 years old, the retired No. 3 man at the bureau, died Nov. 9 after a bullet from Robert Daniels' .30-caliber rifle struck him in the neck as he was hunting near his home in Sugar Hill. District Court Special Justice Timothy Vaughn imposed the sentence on Mr. Daniels, 21, on the recommendation of the Grafton County Attorney, John Rolli. Mr. Daniels, son of a state policeman, pleaded no contest Nov. 18 to a charge of shooting and killing a human being mistaken for game. Mr. Daniels was hunting with a rifle equipped with a telescopic sight when he shot Mr. Sullivan 20 minutes before sunrise.