The Vince Palamara (JFK) Pages
Please wait for the photos to load. These are high quality photos, rarely seen in the JFK literature, mostly in color, and will be the worth the wait. Thank you!
Key Photographs: The Secret Service and JFK's security
Included are some very rare photographs depicting various OTHER of President Kennedy's motorcades --along with captions which describe the scene in some detail. Many of these pictures dealing with Secret Service protection were presented by author Vince Palamara in several national conferences and lectures on JFK's assassination and the lack of security in Dallas, November 22, 1963.

JFK's motorcade in Tampa, FL, November 18, 1963--- Agents Chuck Zboril (left) and Don Lawton (right) rode on/ near the rear of
the limousine on this trip. Here they are depicted walking briskly directly
on each side in suburban area of town. Note the proper motorcycle formation.
Gen. Godfrey McHugh rode in the middle of the front seat, between SA Bill
Greer and ASAIC Floyd Boring. Close press/ photographers.
A rare photograph of SAIC of White House Detail Gerald A. Behn (circa 1939). Behn
was the #1 agent under Kennedy from Sept. 1961 until the assassination. He kept his
purely nominal position until Jan. 1965 when Rufus Youngblood replaced
him---Behn was then demoted to "Special Investigations" with Youngblood's
other former boss, H. Stuart Knight (who also should have been in Dallas:
Knight was the SAIC of the then-V.P. Detail).

President Kennedy's motorcade in Germany: Notice the agents on rear of limousine, motorcycle escort in proper formation alongside the car, press and photographers close to limousine, SAIC Gerald Behn in front seat (Ted Clifton in the middle), the follow-up car in close proximity, fast speed of cars.

The start of JFK's motorcade in Houston, Texas, November 21, 1963---
White House photographer Cecil Stoughton rides in the follow-up car, as he did countless times up to and including.this date... but NOT on the next day in Dallas. Why???
These photographs are displayed here merely for educational purposes in order to forward an understanding of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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